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Too Much N in my biobizz compost

Mr Fantastic

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HI Everyone, hope you're all ok.


I was wondering if someone could give me some advice on organic soil?

For years i used chemical fertilisers on non organic soil, which worked ok but i decided for various reasons to go organic. 


I have been using Biobizz light mix as i like to add liquid organic feeds and be able to control the nutrient strength myself, rather than use all mix which i found too strong and burnt the plants. This has been working great for ages and i reduce feed and N at the end of flowering to promote denser flowers and make the plant ' paler' because that's how i like to do it.


Recently i have noticed that although my plants look lovely green and lush and grow  like crazy they start looking 'too green', and continue like this right through flower with not one pale leaf on them, even if i don't feed them anything but water.

It seems to me there is too much nitrogen in the  soil. I think this is discouraging them from flowering as densely as normal and makes them produce more leaves and leafy flowers, i've tried flushing the pots but it makes little to no difference to them being 'Too Green' , instead the plants don't pale but soon start showing P and K deficiency symptoms while still being dark green due i think to the high nitrogen.


Its very hot here at the moment, does a high soil temp make this biobozz soil produce more N than i need?  i am new to organics but  i suspect the warmer the soil the more nitrogen is released?


I am watering with de-chlorinated tap water, which is quite hard.


How can i reduce the nitrogen the compost is providing? and why is this happening?  i  don't seem to be able to reduce the amount of N During flowering. Green healthy plants are great but its not great if too Much N interferes with flowering.




Edited by Mr Fantastic
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Am curious about this subject , especially after using all-mix on seedlings in last grow. OG Kush turned out to be a lanky Monster and one of them was quite fantastic,Sir. Still have some in the jar from last October and am wakin baking with it just now, :oldtoker:yum yum deelish...All-mix all the way last year.

 Light mix for seedlings this year, much better, All-mix is being used after potting up though and the plants have taken on real grand dimensions, works well outdoors in the yard where there is extra space, loads of buds, no probs, no quality issues but smooth bud, all with individual tones and colours, more golden-tan-red than green, buds can go 16 weeks.

 Like you, I am just learning and observing...what's best?

Hopefully the experts will be around soon, eh?

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8 hours ago, Mr Fantastic said:

am watering with de-chlorinated tap water, which is quite hard.

Hard water contains higher amounts of calcium and magnesium, these micros move N around (amongst other things). In hard water you should consider lowering feeds as uptake is increased. 


In organics, less is more 


Hope this helps 



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Id like a pic. As mikey said. Ligbtmix has hardly any nitrogen and certainly none that would be present by the end of a grow. 

If you've overfed it will take a while to clear out with organics. 

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What nutes are you using?   If its bio bizz   grow + bloom               GROW = NPK 4-3-6    BLOOM  = NPK 2-7-4       I would cut down the Grow for a couple of feeds 



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1 hour ago, Jimboo said:

What nutes are you using?   If its bio bizz   grow + bloom               GROW = NPK 4-3-6    BLOOM  = NPK 2-7-4       I would cut down the Grow for a couple of feeds 



This! Has been a pivotal post, today i just checked my N-P-K's and found them quite different to biobizz's, Mine seem to have big N values for bloom at 4! so be it, so i thought to try looking at P+K boost but even that has N values of 2.2

Is it may be practical to find a feed with no N value to use in between every second watering?

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Feeding 1ml of grow and the rest bloom shouldn't really be giving you excess N issues unless your overfeeding generally I'd have said 


E2a. Just seen your not using biobizz nutrients. 

If your using a feed that is too high in nitrogen for bloom phase then the simple answer is to use a suitable bloom feed. Job done. 

What feed are you using? 

Edited by blackpoolbouncer
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  • 3 months later...

Actually just experienced a similar thing, however I potted an auto strawberry pie in all mix, it's getting mainlined, was fine up until we did first top few days later, we noticed N absorption was high, really green leaves and curling on the ends, however, we also noticed some over watering too as the plants needs decreased after the first chop, so I think it's a combination of the both for me, I'm in a similar position, first time using allmix too, it's great, had some burn but noting serious, but we are running autos on this last run, as it's my 3rd harvest, going photoperiod next run all the way, after reading some comments, I'll definitely repot starting in light mix, then swap to all mix repotting a few times, I do wonder if towards the end some nutrients to push in flower, by then alot of N would have been used I would imagine so shouldn't cause a issue adding more in, I'm currently using ghe flora and Coco on last run, but keen to try more organic feeds

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On 8/14/2020 at 8:17 AM, schmoak said:

Light mix for seedlings this year, much better


 Yes indeed, This year's OGKush is a definite improvement on last years (same pack) 'All-mixed, lanky's'.

Last year t'was not dense like this years solid nugg's of excellence :skin_up:while mostly using less liquid fertilizer than scheduled for.

The overly hot environment demanded double water (every day) consumption so it was always going to be half the feed to be added. what was not planned for was the liberation of too much N daily from the rich All-Mix, however, the situation mellowed a couple of weeks later and the plants ended up growing well.


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