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Caterpillars and Rot?


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This morning at sunrise I made up two litre's of spray to stop caterpillar munchers, I am assured by locals that they climb inside buds and make a home for themselves with one guy saying he's watched them entering into buds at sunrise:shock:. Am told that they can really do big damage and hollow out whole buds which look normal on the outside, all their waste products get left inside the bud and make ideal breeding ground for budrot as well as bud collapse, so the local story goes.

 Last year I sprayed the plants thoroughly mid flower with BT-Toxin to target caterpillars and was fairly Rot free though there were some affected buds on a couple of plants, most buds escaped mold, the spraying will have stopped most caterpiller action.

 This year I have started spraying early this morning I'm using a product called "snakepoison" agrobacterias which was recommended with enthusiasm, hoping it does as said on bottle, every ten days, organic safe to use.

 Am just trying things to stop the rot, I may get a packet of BT-Toxin too, and by using a mold spray (propolis) on other days am looking forward to reducing rot and mold.

 What do you think of that?

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