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Help with making tincture


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Hi all, I'm looking to for an alternative to vaping and settled on tinctures as they seem to be the quickest way to absorb cannaboids after combustion/vaping. After doing some reading it looks like the 2 main liquids used are high proof alcohol or glycerine, out of the 2 it seems that alcohol is more efficient at extraction but may also leave you with a burning sensation under the tongue if there is too much alcohol left in the tincture. 


I've seen lots of recipes for green dragon, gold dragon, cold extraction, hot extraction and alot of conflicting information about whether or not you should decarb your flower. So my initial plan is too decarb my flower in a mason jar in a gas oven to keep the smell to a minimum and capture any evaporated terpenes, then submerge the flower in espirytus after the jar has cooled down and then shake jar periodically over 3-4 weeks before straining and decanting into eye droppers. 


What does everyone think? Am I missing any steps? Have I overcomplicated the process? Do I need to decarb? Is there a better/quicker/easier method that extracts the maximum goodness from the flower? Is there anything I can do to lessen any potential tincture tongue burning sensation? 

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2 hours ago, Nervous said:

@bartman Nevermind, got it!


Thanks for that, it was an interesting watch particularly how he decarbed after extraction and not before like most other methods. 


I don't have any of the fancy equipment in the video and have a gas cooker at home with no extraction fan. Has anyone in a similar position tried to adapt the method above and got the same result? I'm thinking that decarbing the material before extraction and then letting the alcohol evaporate naturally in a open container will mitigate the risk associated with alcohol fumes and open flames but will make the process longer. 

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1 hour ago, f0rkhandl3s said:

I don't have any of the fancy equipment in the video and have a gas cooker at home with no extraction fan.

Alternatively, decarbing bud in oven on a tray prior to solvent soak.  30mins @ 110-120C


OUTSIDE from this point on.
 Using a rice cooker OUTSIDE  (cheap as chips from argos) to boil off solvent. A few drops of water (literally) into rice cooker whilst boiling off process is underway. Try to avoid reducing too much too quickly which could easily result in burning/ruining the oil. Keep a watchful eye at all times on solvent/oil consistency. Any sign of quick thickening remove from heat source immediately.

Finish off solvent evaporation purging on a coffee percolator heat plate ( argos cheap again).







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18 minutes ago, bartman said:

You any good at pulling a pint ??

Er, yeah I can why? Or has a joke just gone over my head lol 

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@Nervous Always looking for new staff @TheRosinCrown dude. (see sig)


What about boobies? Do you have them at all? No worries if not mate, we have false ones that can be worn by non-booby type people.


The pay is excellent and the perks are countless but some of the punters can be a little bit too stoned at times. Which is good, when can you start?

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Pretty much there. No need to soak for days. A 5 minute shake , pour off and then shake again with a bit more spirtuys. 
if you soak too long will extract all the plant lipids and end up with a very green product. 

keep everything as cold as possible. Freeze vodka, jars etc. 
yes it burns, but less so the more you reduce it. Or mix / rinse in with some drink when having it. 

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If your using 95-96% alcohol there's no need to leave it for that long at all. 10 mins is usually fine. If product does end up too green leave it out in the sun for an hour or two and it will turn golden brown again.


If you want to reduce down you can put in the electric oven on lowest setting with door open a bit INA ventilated room or just leave out for a few days and will reduce down.


To reduce the burn I tend to pool a little saliva under my tongue and drop into that, makes it more manageable, I quite like the taste, a bit jeigermeistery lol

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46 minutes ago, OLaC said:

If you want to reduce down you can put in the electric oven on lowest setting with door open a bit INA ventilated room

No. That would be very silly imo.

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21 hours ago, f0rkhandl3s said:

Is there anything I can do to lessen any potential tincture tongue burning sensation? 

:idea: Shove it up your arse, literally.


Don’t knock it till you try it.

If there is alcohol still left in your oil then purging process may not have been done for long enough.

Edited by bartman
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1 hour ago, bartman said:

No. That would be very silly imo.

Fair enough, but only  if you're being very silly about it imo.  the temperature reaches nowhere near the flahshpoint of alcohol so as long as you're careful, trust your electric oven, use plenty of ventilation and keep any naked flames away front the area you're not gonna have a problem.


I've reduced tincture this way, on hob, hot plate..all are dangerous if you're not careful 


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1 minute ago, OLaC said:

I've reduced tincture this way,

Safety first.

The OP asked for help with tincture not help with how to take risks like you have mentioned.

If you are daft enough to do it fair play but not good advice to pass on to others on a public forum imo.


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I use a magical butter machine now, got it for £75 off eBay, think they're £150 ish new, but super convenient, chuck flower and alcohol in, set temp, set time and away you go. Strain, of want to reduce further put back in machine and run for another hour..check again..etc. (you still have to decarb first tho, unless the plan is to make RSO).

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