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Outside set up?


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I wondered if someone could advise me with a grow project I would like to start up, I am a med user myself and I have grown before but only inside and had most success with growing hydro (which was fantastic!) This was quite some time back and even though I did well with my grow then, I can not remember much about what I should be doing anyway! (MS for you!) I am no longer able to grow inside, I can not get up into the loft space any more, and we just don’t have the room anywhere else! Anyway I have been talking with my hubby and a friend who is like me now and X PHP member and we would like to grow our own, I could then donate for other med users too if I could sort this out, and would then not put too much stress on BB!!!, but this time it would have to be outside. My Hubby says that although we don’t have room for a green house, he can make me a glass framed lean to sort of thing, which I am sure would work just like a green house.

I have some questions though if someone could help?

Is it too late now to start a plant from seed and make use of this hot summer we are meant to be getting this year?

I know many years ago there was talk of one day people being able to buy clones, did anything ever happen with this, or is it still grow from seed?

What is the best procedure for growing outside? Placement of grow area, and things you need to do, I was told if you grow in a green house you have to paint the glass white or something?

What are the best strains for growing outside? Where is the best place to get them from?

I am not too far away from Norwich, but more inland than near the coast! So it does get quite warm here!

Thanks for any help you could give me

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Hi myeika :soap: .....

Sounds like your about to have some fun. Firstly no it is'nt too late to start, infact it's about spot on.

I'de check out the 420 shop for some seeds, Sensi do a good range for indoors, indoors/greenhouse and outdoors....... Seeds

As for painting the glass white this is upto you, it's called cool glass BTW, and it does what it say's on the tin ;) ......

Plus it may help with nosey neighbours.......

Good luck with what ever you decide.....


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morning myeika,

as you probably have figured out you will only usually get one crop a year in the uk so whatever you plan to do it will have to be on a larger scale than an indoor room (which could give you 5 or so crops)

greenhouses are good,and anything that uses the same principal will give you a big advantage over simply planting your plants outside,the idea with shading in a glass house is to control light levels and heat but most people now use a sort of netting hung up inside the glass ,much easier to apply and remove ;) and sort of south facing would be the best position.

i reckon you could get a crop this year if you ordered some seeds NOW clones are a no no i'm afraid,it is a bit late but under glass youwill have faster growth and an extended growing season so if you order some today you should be in time ...check out the shop at the top of the page .jools stocks some good outdoor varieties ,pick one that you like the sound of or if your a bit confused and in a hurry you could do a lot worse than sensi seeds oudoor mix ,you get a few more seeds and they wont break the bank.

hope this helps


Edited by cheese farmer
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hi there myeika..........some top advice already given, my own greenhouse had a few coats of cool glass last year(sides).........fortunatly ive purchased enough grow gear to gather enough bubble wrap packin to line the g/h with for free......

but as a well spent alternative B&Q Do a kit about 13 quid.........

best of with the grow...........CooKiE

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Thanks folks, will take this all in, and get back to you soon.

I am lucky as we have a small area that is south facing, and no problems with neighbours, we are all fenced in - I like my privacy!!!!

What has been found to be the best medium to grow in? As I said years ago I did my first grown in soil (inside) and then changed to hydro, so I have lost touch on things like this.

I was thinking of starting them in my conservatory first, but then on reading the threads, wouldn't that make them stretch more?

I think I used to germ my seeds by placing them in water, or was it just on wet kitchen roll :woot: (me thinks it is runner beans you do in water!!)

I have also got some small rockwool plugs left from before so once I have germ'd the seeds I could put them stright into that.

As with the seeds, I will get that sorted today.

The area for growing can be how I want it, hubby was just asking me what dimentions I would need....ugh????!!!!!!! He said would I need to be able to get into the area (as in stood up) or would I just need to be able to vent it.....

I would think that 4 or 6 plants would be ideal, do you think that is aiming for too much? Any idea's on how much space I would need for this ammount of plants?

Sorry for all the questions!

Thanks again


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OK. 100% good advice so far, so I will concentrate on your further questions.

I was thinking of starting them in my conservatory first, but then on reading the threads, wouldn't that make them stretch more?

The conservatory will be fine if it gets plenty of sun (ie.south facing), they will only stretch if they are looking for/trying to reach some light.

What has been found to be the best medium to grow in? As I said years ago I did my first grown in soil (inside) and then changed to hydro, so I have lost touch on things like this.

I grow mine in 10" and 12" pots usually filled with an equal mixture of multi purpose compost, well rotted manure and course grit. I have known people that grow them in growbags with a bottomless pot around the plants to give them more root space.

I think I used to germ my seeds by placing them in water, or was it just on wet kitchen roll  (me thinks it is runner beans you do in water!!)

Some people like to get the seeds started on some damp paper or cloth and then put them into a seed compost in small pots to get them to about 1 foot tall before transplanting. I prefer to place mine directly onto the top of seed compost, in small pots, and then cover with vermiculite about 3/4 cm deep.

He said would I need to be able to get into the area (as in stood up) or would I just need to be able to vent it.....

I would think that 4 or 6 plants would be ideal, do you think that is aiming for too much? Any idea's on how much space I would need for this ammount of plants?

I would say that you will need 4 to 6 plants to get anywhere near enough bud to last until next year. Depending on the strain you choose and the amount of space you give the roots, the plants will grow anything from 1 metre to 2 metres high (some even taller but you could tie them down) and if you only pinch out the main growing tip then they will get to be about 1/2 metre across but they do need space around the plants to allow air flow or the bud will start to rot.

Hope this helps, feel free to ask more if required.

Good luck,

Magpie :wassnnme:

edited to add; Vents would be a very good idea as well.

Edited by Magpie Island
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Thanks for the answers.

Hubby has been out and bought me one of those ready made plastice green hose things, and we have nearly got everthing ready now. I have been told that I will be getting some cuttings so I know that I will get female plants, thats great.

I am really excited about doing this again, I'll keep you updated on how I go, no doubt I'll have lots more questions as I progress!

Another buddy is growing not too far from me too, so I might need to ask for help for her too!!

Thanks again


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I can see you've got some great advice already Myeika, just wanted to say good luck with your grow :yep: Bet you have fun with it, I'm six weeks into my first medi-grow and loving every minute :guitar:

Make sure you keep us posted of your progress, and keep asking questions whenever you have them - people on here are incredibly helpful as you've probably already noticed and will steer you right every time.

Are you growing organically? Don't forget to check out the organic forum if you are, there's all sorts of good info in there :)


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Just a quick update…..

My hubby got me a wicked green house (plastic one) which is quite big and instead of clear plastic, it has got like a green grid all over it!!!

So I am wondering if because of this grid, I won’t have to put netting up?

I have already took my tomato plants to their new home, and they seem quite happy :taz:

Just waiting for my special stock to arrive now!!!! I will let you know how I progress, I want to keep like a diary on here with pics if I can work out how to use this camera thing :blub:

I was talking to my mum the other day, and she said that I need to keep opening the door in summer to let fresh air in – she is talking toms here though! – As I have never done this sort of grow before, I don’t know if this is right for the kind of stock I will be growing or not?

So any advice on how I should do things with this green house thing will be appreciated.

Take care


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My hubby got me a wicked green house (plastic one) which is quite big and instead of clear plastic, it has got like a green grid all over it!!!

So I am wondering if because of this grid, I won’t have to put netting up?

Not sure on this one, the grid patterning will help with shading a bit but you may well need the netting stuff as well, although I've never grown in a greenhouse so I'm not 100% on that one :blub:

I was talking to my mum the other day, and she said that I need to keep opening the door in summer to let fresh air in – she is talking toms here though! – As I have never done this sort of grow before, I don’t know if this is right for the kind of stock I will be growing or not?

Yes ventilation is important, otherwise it will get too hot and humid in there which can cause all sorts of problems with rot and so on once your plants start producing flowers. A good breeze also makes for strong stems, essential for holding up all the lovely medi-buds they will be producing for you! :wub:

Hope that helps,


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Thanks MS?MJ! I understand about the venting now!

Regarding the plastic, it is as if it has got the netting inside it the little squares are only 1cmx1cm, so it is like it is already up, if you get my drift?




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Hmmm, how thick are the printed lines? Cos I think shade netting needs to cover about 30-40% of the surface area, it's this kind of thing:


Should be easily avaliable from garden centres, or if you google "greenhouse shade netting" there are loads of on-line suppliers as well :guitar:


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Coo your good with your pics!!!!!


The lines are quite thick, it does really look like they have got one piece of plastic, laid it flat, laid a piece of netting on it and then another piece of plastic :bush:

I will see if I can do one tomorrow, but looking at the pic you put up, the roof that has the net cover on, well that is how mine looks all over lol

Hey ho we shall see!!!!!!

Just got to wait now.....







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As the grid thing on my green house is up for debate - not sure if I will need netting as well! - I got my hubby to do me some pics, I will do my best to upload them for you to see.

1st one is the grid - post-7751-1116846459.jpg

2nd is the green house itself! - post-7751-1116846487.jpg


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