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Hoover bag prop

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6 hours ago, greenvigilante said:

you shouldnt be loosing any bro if they are rooted properly


take them out once fully rooted and put into wee pots with some root stim and nutes


keep them away from big lights for a day or 2 and gradually lower the light


not sure why that is then, i never take them out till there rooted,  i thought it was called something like damping off, the shock of going from the prop to the open



6 hours ago, ratdog said:

nice idea but a bit of a pain to check on mate, i recently came up with the idea to use party cups and it worls like a dream, takes up very little space and can be checked on easy without fucking up the process




there not hard to check mate easy enough to see through that bag but cause there in the jiffy pellets got to be careful moving them about, liking this idea though , are they not hard to get out them pots when there ready ?

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4 hours ago, greenvigilante said:

@Dodgee see the jiffy’s mate do u use the peat ones or the coco ones?

had some success but I struggle with gauging how wet they should be


coco ones here mate, i  squeeze probably a good 50% if not more out, ive never had a problem with them drying out but i have had problems when there too wet ,either die or take ages too root, less is more seems to work

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@Takamine the worst ive had is the cuttings flop over when put under the big light but i tend just to leave them and after a couple of night(lights off) they are back up and going

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10 hours ago, Takamine said:

  i thought it was called something like damping off, the shock of going from the prop to the open

dampening off is a when seedlings die from too much humidity after germing.

your cuts are struggling going from 100% rh to whatever your groom is; ideally keep them humid(mist leaves) for a few days after taking out of high rh


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