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Tri-leaf Seedlings


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I found a few bag seeds in an otherwise particularly delicious bag of wedding cake, I germinated and planted the ones which sprouted out in to a planter that I was going to just leave out in the garden and hope the neighbours don't mind the smell too much later in the year (I live in a pretty rural area and my nearest neighbour is 50m away. Anyway, now they've sprouted, I've ended up with two tri-leaf Seedlings and wonder if I should give these a little more care and attention? I've no idea if they'll end up male, female or Hermie as that's likely why there were seeds in the bag in the first place. 


Is it worth bringing them in to my grow space and giving them special treatment or just leave them to mother nature to sort out?



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I recently had a seed that started out very weirdly.  First of all, it germinated upside -down - with a huge taproot venturing skywards!  I did some careful surgery to turn it around so that it was up the right way!  Then, it did just about stay alive, but threw some very odd leaf arrangements, and then seemed to be frozen - where it was neither growing nor dying.  I didn't throw it out, and kept watering it.  Eventually, and all of a sudden, many weeks later, it started growing normally, and threw out normal leaves etc.  It is now a strong and healthy plant that is displaying some really interesting characteristics. It was really worth persevering with it.  However, I have had other situations where the plant eventually died.  It can go either way! 

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I never cull any mutant :)    I always find them to be firstly very interesting and most of all ..... i find them to be special,  normally the most potent from the group. 


I currently have 3 mutants on the grow,  cream mandarin autos,  all have weird leaf sets, strange formation & structure, seem to take forever to grow and whilst yielding next to nothing i know from previous grows that the tiny offering will be something well worth looking forward too :)   


Good luck with yours and hope it rewards you wonderfully.    

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Thanks guys! I read up that it's a good, but pretty rare trait. Hence my surprise at two from a particularly good batch of weed... Maybe the grower had similar luck! So how about nurturing them, will they do better indoors, in my conservatory or outdoors in this British summer?

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