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Ants and aphids.


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As the title suggests, I've noticed quite a few ants knocking about my plants. After abit of research I've found ants eat aphids which is more than likely why my plants are getting chewed up. Any easy methods to get rid of these little fuckers. Many thanks 

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On 12/06/2020 at 7:26 PM, Arshlay said:

As the title suggests, I've noticed quite a few ants knocking about my plants. After abit of research I've found ants eat aphids which is more than likely why my plants are getting chewed up. Any easy methods to get rid of these little fuckers. Many thanks 

Ants dont actually eat aphids dude they eat the honey dew that the aphids secreet.. so ants and aphids tend to go hand in hand as it provides the ants with its main food source.

They will protect the aphids from predators for there own interests.. ants infact often farm the aphids moving them to where they want them to contain the honey dew.. amazing really but a nightmare for us dude.. insecticide soap and neem oil spray does the trick.. make sure all foliage is covered paying particular intention to the underside of the leafs.. treat weekly 10ml neem per ltr if you can't get insecticide soap a pure liquid soap will do in the same quantity as the neem, mix with tepid water shake and shoot :yep:

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I had the same issue with aphids, I used just normal dish washing soap. I went a little OTT with the soap, like 4 squirts in a small 500ml bottle on 4 autos. It was fair to say 2 days later I thought they were dead. 2 didn't make it. The other 2 needed 90% foliage stripped and I left the bud sites. They have bounced back amazingly and I can't complain. Massive learning curve for me. Follow Revive's advise and make sure it's 10ml. I have heard Neem oil is incredible for it too. 


When I saw the tiny white aphids bouncing out of the soil once they were fed with biobizz. Id spray the soil and they quickly stop. Another one to try which I found quite good was place banana peels in the top layer of soil cut up. May not help with ants though.

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