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Organic pest control


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Hey guys, my girls appear to be getting savaged by some pest or another, thrips, aphids who knows.. well I need to get myself some spray to tackle this it is now getting worse.. wanting to hear some opinions on what works best for you..gotta be organic... if you have some info on what you have used pls share adjust cant make.my mind up.. trying to avoid neem oil... already applied a mild soap spray but attacks are still present.. all help would be appreciated ..

Peace out people :skin_up:

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As you can see it's quite severe... seems to be the fresh young leaves that are getting the worse of it.. need to get on this asap..large.20200607_210711_compress31.jpglarge.20200607_210544_compress66.jpglarge.20200607_210510_compress69.jpg

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Go to a website called dragonfli. Identify your pest and order accordingly 


Edit. Just seen the photos. I'd agree with ot.  Dragonfli will be no good for those sort of beasties. 

If it's any consolation. You probably only have one or two looking at the damage. I'd get looking for them. Adults are very easy to spot

Edited by blackpoolbouncer
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Capsid bugs feed on a wide range of plants including cannabis/hemp. They suck sap from the succulent tips of new shoots and flower buds and secrete toxic saliva that destroys plant cells. As leaves from the damaged shoots develop, the dead areas tear into small, brown-edged holes.

So the damage you are seeing was originally caused by the mouthparts penetrating into the buds days or weeks ago, all that damage was from probably just one or two bugs. 

You give no indication, making answers difficult.

In an enclosed growroom capsid may breed, the best way of eradicating all stages is two sprays of everything 7 days apart using Pyrethrum 5EC.

Outdoors forget trying to control them they move about sipping sap here at a dahlia today maybe a hydrangea 20 meters away next time they are hungry.

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large.20200607_210410_compress77.jpglarge.20200602_194706_compress81.jpglarge.20200607_210349_compress28.jpglarge.20200607_210357_compress12.jpg@oldtimer1 thanks for that info dude. So as I'm outside it seems my options are limited. It seems like just 1 or 2 that have been that badly affected, although there are signs of the usual aphids or thrips damage on others, parfor the course out in the wild I guess.. so I am thinking a repellant may help... been reading up on a homemade spray of garlic mint and cayenne pepper that supposed to make them taste less desirable. I'd really appreciate your opinion on this as I no you have a vast array of knowledge in this game. Thanks man :yep:

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@blackpoolbouncer thanks for the info dude.. prob is there isn't much sign of anything on my girls, seen a few ants mind but I no they dont feed on plant matter so the perpetrator is still a mystery.. it's doing some serious damage though so I need a remedy.. thinking maybe a home made repellant. Have you ever tried the homemade garlic cayenne pepper and mint sprays?

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30 minutes ago, Revive said:

thanks for that info dude

Unless you are in an area swarming with capsid, not much you can really do about it, usually your plants will grow out of the damage and perform as well as normal. I doubt if blackpoolbouncer has any problems with capsid, as he has the ideal control roaming free round his canna plants in the form of mini modern day dinosaurs, ie his chickens, they love capsid turning them into fertiliser  for his plants. 


I suggest you stop worrying about it and accept a little damage as it tends to be a passing problem.


I hope you get a stunning crop.

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43 minutes ago, oldtimer1 said:

Unless you are in an area swarming with capsid, not much you can really do about it, usually your plants will grow out of the damage and perform as well as normal.

Thanks man I hope they deliver as expected... have you ever used these homemade sprays @oldtimer1 as I say I have a few other pests so thinking of just trying to help the girls the best I can... bit worried about spraying those flavours on my girls incase it has some ill effects.. could it do more harm than good ? in your opinion do you think it is deffo capsid?

Edited by Revive
Shocking spelling
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I have macula disease and can't read much any more so unless something catches my eye or linked to I don't brows topics any more as actual vision time per day is very limited.


I have used home made and commercial garlic sprays to deter deer and wood pigeons, home made chilli to dust and deter our massive fox population excavating newly planted trees and digging sets, I make bocking#14/nettle liquid drench to add flavour for peppers/tomatoes/chillies etc.


I don't grow much canna outdoors some in the GH it mainly stays pest free I do not feed it as such but rely on a good garden compost mulch for feeding everything I grow.


I don't hold much faith in remedial sprays, getting the cultivation right makes for good plants if there is a serious attack by a pest then I try and eradicate it, I find neem with potassium based soft soap deals with most things, the reason people seem to fail is they don't understand the pest they are dealing with, for a fast knock down of the likes of mites, I would use Pyrethrum 5EC, then follow with neem/soft soap after a few days as a spray and drench repeating several times to build up its systemic  effect, its no good as a knockdown.


Its only my opinion but to work naturally requires an understanding of what you are growing, all about any pest/disease you may have to deal with, other than good cultivation, [for me that is mulching with no dig and watering if needed] do nothing else.


Like garlic sprays weekly keep pigeons and deer away this time of the year, but once autumn/winter hunger starts to grip they will strip your crop in no time, so I net all vulnerable crops from the start, the myth that garlic sprayed crops are studier and all round healthier is just rubbish IMHO I've done side by side block grows and they were identical, no difference in pest or fungal resistance. So I no longer use garlic sprays, its a lot of work for no return.


Another myth is that crops will take on the flavour of bad smelling things like fish mix or comfrey liquid and that's total rubbish when used as a drench, in fact in side by side grows of potatoes and tomatoes we found that the flavour of both tatties and toms supplemented with comfrey were far better flavoured.


That becomes a far different thing  if you spray with anything that leaves any residual matter coating a plant you are treating ie the flower parts of canna, I would not even think about it, while you can use fish mix and seaweed extract as folia sprays they both leave residues probably not harmful if eaten I just would not want to.


Please take or leave any of my anecdotal notes as you please, but I hope it give some room for thought.

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@oldtimer1 firstly sorry to hear about your condition.. I feel your pain as my eyes are terrible too, been getting worse and worse since about 42ish, now 50 im blind as a bat without glasses.. had no diagnosis just putting it down to getting older but maybe i should get them looked at.. most people talk to have 2 mouths, well that's what I see :( very blurred double vision at times especially after a few bangers..

I appreciate the time you took to reply so in depth, given your curcumstances.

Yes you have definitely given me something to think about that's for sure.. guessing theselil bastards love canna as I'm surrounded by undergrowth that seems damage free.. most of it is JKW so I'm guessing that does not tickle there tastebuds.. thanks again dude good to have that knowledge of yours at my disposal.

Have a great day :yinyang:


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@oldtimer1 quick question, is it wise to remove the leaves that have been effected? I'm thinking about the toxins these bugs release into the plant tissue that cause the cells to breakdown

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21 hours ago, Revive said:

is it wise to remove the leaves

No the damage was done ages ago, the toxin did its damage at the time the proboscis penetrated at the bud stage. I know the leaves look lacy but all the green parts will be photosynthesising  as  normal all be a slightly smaller area than an undamaged leaf.


As to your eyes get an eye test done as soon as it is safe to do so at least phone an optician now.


I had distorted vision for several years, by the time I went to an optician they found I had wide angle glaucoma, stopped the test half way through and sent me to the eye hospital  for immediate treatment, within half an hour I was on a bed with drips in each arm. I had extremely high IOP the hospital saved what vision I had left at the time, but the high internal pressure had irreversible damaged my optic nerve and macula. The hospital told me another few days to a week without treatment and I would have been irreversibly totally blind. 


Prompt action by specsavers saved what I have left, an eye test costs little or nothing and you don't have to fulfil any prescription.


PS no idea what JKW is?

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@oldtimer1 sorry dude.. Japanese knotweed.. everyonehatesitbutitismy best friend provides me withthecover that allows me to do what I do where I do it.. suburban wasteland.. I have cut out a nice plot right in the centre of it,  with a tunnel for entrance. Very well hidden but that stuff grows like crazy at 12/14 feet. Thanks for the kick in the butt about my eyesight i no I really should get it looked at.. may just be old age but best to be safe.. thanks man :yep:

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Well I'm not holding out much hope for this season now.. my girls are basically being eaten by sap sucking insects of some sort.. all new growth is getting destroyed as it comes through. These girls are not getting a chance to recover. Never had this prob last year at the same plot so not sure why its happening now.

I'm absolutely gutted as I put a shit load of graft in this year in the hope to keep the rewards. So it would seem slugs are not my enemy anymore, rather have those slimey fuks than this as control is far more simple.. short of netting them all somehow I'm at my wits end.

Shame as it was all going so well.

I only have 2 at the other plot and that isn't gonna keep me in weed for the year. Not checked those for around 2 weeks so they may not have made it either. Gonna try get there later. Its bollox boys but that's mother nature.

Here is how they looked last night, no close ups, trust me you dont wanner see it.

If they suvive I very much doubt that will produce what was expected. :(:(


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