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Non germination


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Hey there :)


I bought a White Widow seed, five Lemon seeds and one Amnesia seed from Seedsman seeds. The WW and two Lemons germinated with no problems but the Amnesia failed. I used the same method on each seed - glass of water until the seed sinks then transferred to a paper towel somewhere dark and warm before being transferred to soil.


The Lemons were probably the best takers and have sprouted the quickest.


My question is should I try and get through to Seedsman to let them know that the Amnesia was a dud or should I just count my loses and move on? I am really happy with the other seeds but I was looking forward to growing the Amnesia :( 


Any thoughts are welcome :cowboy:

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Count loss/move on.


That's the risk of buying single seeds tbh.


If you buy a pack of 5/10 and 1 fails it's no drama.  But if you buy a single and it fails you can't really blame the company I don't think.. nature is not an exact science. Sometimes shit happens.


If you bought a 10 pack and all failed then of course you should challenge them on it...


But 1 seed?  Nah forget it and move on would be my advice.

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leave the seed in water,some seeds take longer than others,usualy pop in a day or 2 but as long as a week even.

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I plant my seeds straight into compost about an inch down , give them a drink and it can take 2 weeks before they pop up . Gonna try the 24 hours in a glass until they pop next time though as it sounds like they sprout at least a week earlier . I got five out of five though from bag seeds and they all turned out female . Lucky I suppose . Germinated them mid February got tent 11 march . Started off with CFL s then moved on to LED . Spent about 50 to 60 quid on lights and fittings which I consider to be pretty good . I've got about 4 weeks left I think so plenty of grow left in them yet . I hope . Anyway for my next grow I'm going to do the pop them in a glass of water for 24 hours then plant them straight into compost . This could knock a week off germination time .

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1 hour ago, pothead11 said:

straight into compost about an inch down , give them a drink and it can take 2 weeks before they pop up .

An inch is way too deep. As a rule of thumb a seed should be planted in a hole 4x the seeds depth. 

3 mil seed goes 12 millimetres down.


2-4 days under ideal conditions is what should be occuring to see the surface break. 9/10 Are generally up in 72 hours. Some do take longer but if I still had a seed in that hasn't showed after two weeks id have given up on it long ago. 

Edited by blackpoolbouncer
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Yes I planted them too deep and I didn't soak them first . Hence it took 14 days for them to appear . But I planted 5 and got 5 so was quite pleased with the result . Also all 5 were female . Beginners  luck I suppose . But next time I'm gonna soak them for a day until they've popped then plant them just below the surface . 

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  • 4 weeks later...

I used this method of soaking in water but only until they sunk which took about 3 hours then straight into compost . 3 days later and all had broken the surface . This is way quicker than what I did before. Pretty fool proof too . Got them under a 40 watt CFL before I repot and get them into the tent  in a couple of days . Not looking forward to repotting as they are pretty delicate at this stage . Knock on wood all goes well . I would do it now but the tent is in use for drying now until Tuesday . Really like doing this as my new hobby and compared to other hobbies doesn't cost that much . I'm thinking fishing shooting photography . Those sort of things .Including electricity compost and seeds a grow will cost me about 60 quid and that's for 4 plants  once you have all the equipment . I am strictly small time . Happy growing .   

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