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Northen garden autos


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Hey folks just a few autos im keeping in the garden this summer got 3 in the one big pot and another that needs repotting soon. Got them in a small polytunnel with my cucumbers for company. Will have to move them at some point but trying to think of a solution for my Neighbour as hes always out in his garden peeking over...... Might build a small box / tunnel just for these but will have to see. 


Cheers folks




This ones a bit of a dodgy one. First few sets of leaves didnt develop right. 


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Do you think your nosy neighbour has a nose for weed?  If you think he is just nosy but doesn't recognise the smell then another polytunnel seems the answer. If you think he does then you have a problem as if his garden is close enough for him to be able to nosily nose about then he'll be able to sniff them out when they get bigger.  You will know better than us what his nose knows and then you'll know the way forward. 

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3 hours ago, Socksnsandals said:

Do you think your nosy neighbour has a nose for weed?  If you think he is just nosy but doesn't recognise the smell then another polytunnel seems the answer. If you think he does then you have a problem as if his garden is close enough for him to be able to nosily nose about then he'll be able to sniff them out when they get bigger.  You will know better than us what his nose knows and then you'll know the way forward. 


I have a polytunnel it's fucking massive and mate it stiiiiiinks it's all trapped and as soon as the air exchanges when you open it up it's like cracking open the door of a grow room lol


Definitely not the answer imo


I'd probably recommend doing some frasian duck.. probably butchered the name haha it's by Dutch passion and the leave structure is like a duck foot... Doesn't look like weed at all... Most people recognise weed by the leaf and smell so it might help for next time.


All the best folks 

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Keep it as is... 


Tunnels and boxes do give off smell in my experience... Also the humidity is hard to control and they get very very hot!


Best to keep calm!


As long as he doesn't see it most people think weed comes from Jamaica lol and can't grow in England ;)


As for the smell you'll just have to see... Depends on the strain and genetics, they smell when you touch them so avoid contact when in flower and fingers crossed you'll be alright.


If your going to use anything to cover it use shade cloth or some kind of mosquito net type thing to avoid high temperatures! Also this will provide some form of visible cover and there will also be airflow.


Loads of stuff online bud! 


White shade cloth, or cheese cloth something like that id use personally buddy 


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