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Dutch Pro less concentrated than Canna? (Coco)


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Canna Coco A & B are my normal nutrients. 

I'm trying Dutch Pro Cocos A & B on one plant to see the difference. So far so good.

To get the same EC as Canna I'm having to add much more of the Dutch Pro. 

It's also bringing my PH down enough that I don't need to adjust it. With Canna I normally do.


Is this normal? Am I doing something wrong?


(I'm keen to learn about nutrients in general, comments welcome!)




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They vary considerably .. Lots of 1 parters like ionic and vita link are very dilute, some 2 parts like b'cuzz are very concentrated, and there is everything in between. Regarding the ph down, I'm guessing you have the hardwater dutch pro? Canna is pretty average strength wise and is a generic formula designed to work with ec.3ish water (so slightly hard), but also should work for softwater, so it makes sense you would have to add more ph -. 


I'm using growth technologies alpha coco at the moment and I prefer it to previous nute lines I've used (pretty concentrated and contains lots of extras). Not tried GA as mentioned above though, lots on here rate it highly..

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i use dutch pro for years and yea less  concentrated i use it at 3.5 ml and aslo run it over on some strains a 4ml per liters my plants alway look lighter green that other nutes never had and problem with them ever ec was a bit higher than they said , i just go by colour of my plants 


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1-parters are probably more dilute to keep the components from reacting. I'm using Ionic Coco and using it at about 5ml.

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Thanks everyone. 


The Dutch Pro Cocos A & B (two part) was only £25 for ten litres! (5L of each.) However, if it's less concentrated it's not as good value as I thought.


It doesn't say either hard or soft water..?


The Canna Coco hasn't got grow and bloom products, is the same formula right through, which I like. Why doesn't every manufacturer do that? (There must be a reason?)


I've not purchased Dutch Pro Bloom yet, I might just buy another 10L of the Canna Coco instead.


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