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Coco & Nutrients advice (purchased)

John Maxson

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Hi all,


John here again. I trust you are all doing well.


I have purchased the following and wondered if anyone can advise if I need anything else:


Canna Coco Pro Plus

8ltr Root Nurse Fabric pot

Canna A&B 1ltr

Canna Cannazym 250ml

Canna Boost 250ml

Canna Rhyzotonic 250ml

Canna PK 13/14

Canna CALMAG 1ltr

Canna PH down

Individual EC & PH testers


I wondered if i need any of the Canna range pest control and if i need the canna flush or just use water at the end. If there is anything else I am missing would really appreciate some help


from your kind friend, John


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Just here to say good luck.

I have only just started growing in a tent in coco, currently starting third week of flower.

A good piece of advice I got was; use half of the nutes that it says on the bottle, then work up from there. I did NOT listen to this at first and I got so many burnt leafs.


I've only been using coco a&b, calmag, and using a little pk heavy now, under a sf-4000 and this is it, my first attempt.

I have had no pest problems but I live on my own with no pets, clean tent = happy tent.

I don't know if you have grown before but if not, don't worry, and there are some good people who will help on here.
There's loads of time to sort things out if anythings going wrong.

If you're all set up I'd say get germinating and go from there, keep it simple.

Keep safe, good luck man.



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How many plants? If it's more than 1-2 it might be worth buying 5litres of A+B, you get through it fairly quick.


You don't need the pest control stuff unless you do get pests. So I probably wouldn't buy now unless you think there might be a delay between spotting them and being able to buy.

I've got an unused bottle of cannacure that's been sat around 18months now...


Don't bother with the flush either, water is fine. Some will say you don't need to flush at all but I like to give them 4-5 days of plain water.


Calmag might not be required, have you got a water report for your area? Your suppliers website may give you some info.

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Hi gents,


many thanks for the responses. I have a 1.5 x 1.5 x 2.0 with 2 TSL 2000 and an RVK 150 6inch L1


i have attached a screenshot of water sample and I am looking to grow around 14-18 in coco using A&B, will the 1 litre pack suffice and also will i need some pk and calmag


basiclly it seems like i just need coco AB? so how much would the rhizo etc help


cheer guys i think i will have 6.5 plastic pots for the coco


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19 hours ago, John Maxson said:

6.5 plastic pots for the coco

That should be good for 2oz per plant,but it will work out cheaper to buy the 5litre bottles of nutrients if you're doing 14 - 18 plants.

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Did you forget to post the screenshot or can I just not see it?


For that amount, for one grow I think you will need 5l of A+B and 1l of the rest of the line up.


Rhizo is a root stimulant, not required but recommended.

You don't have to use PK or boost at all (I do though).

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