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Switched to Coco Majority of plants are like this,... Any help/ Solutions


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As title says, i've made the switch to coco after being highly reccomended by alot of people i know. I've been told that if you get coco dialed and you get good with the medium it beats soil. So i figured i'll make the jump.


Anyway, alot of my plants minus a few have alot of leaf distortion and some are even worse then these, it was just difficult to get decent pictures.

Plants are in week 5 aren't drinking much, so i'm pressuming they're in shock of somewhat i'm currently letting them dry down before i go and flush them.


I'm using Growers Ark nutes ( not sure if my nute strengh is riight either 50ML A&B @ Week 5 ) & Cal/Mag along with C4.



Strain is gorilla Zkittlez, just had a lovley run in Soil ( terra ) before i switched to coco.


Cheers, any advice will be taken. I have my pen and pad ready!

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Can you take pics under a better light, just before or after lights on? What are t you feeding per litre? You sure you need calmag? 

I'm assuming your temps, light intensity and general environment are good if you've only changed medium. 

Edited by FatBoy77
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2 hours ago, FatBoy77 said:

Can you take pics under a better light, just before or after lights on? What are t you feeding per litre? You sure you need calmag? 

I'm assuming your temps, light intensity and general environment are good if you've only changed medium. 

Temps are fine a little low on an evening at 18. Humidity are sat at around 40% 50. Week 5 flower so i'm content with that too.


27 minutes ago, grooving said:

If you’re in coco do you know what your pH and EC is when you feed and water?


I have not being doing EC or pH if i'm being completely honest. I can check everything tomorrow. I have looked around previously on what ec to feed here and there. And it doesn't sepcifiy with Growers ark. It's 5ml/L A&B i'm using. Using Cal Mag as i have a soft water area and i was advised to use while switching to coco. ( 65ppm water)


I will get some better pictures tomorrow when i get chance. Stupidly i remember after Lights we're on and figured some are better then none.



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Coco can be bitch to get a 'feel' for initially if you're a dirt monkey by nature. PH and ec are important dude, wouldn't want to grow in coco without either. How's your watering schedule, hope you're not still doing a wet/dry cycle? 

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My GA bottles give the EC range on the label...knowing this and pH measurements will definitely help you dial in your coco grow.

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5 minutes ago, FatBoy77 said:

Coco can be bitch to get a 'feel' for initially if you're a dirt monkey by nature. PH and ec are important dude, wouldn't want to grow in coco without either. How's your watering schedule, hope you're not still doing a wet/dry cycle? 


I'm going to be completely honest with you, I am doing. Although i'm not letting it dry completely just moisture. Do you know where i could find a rough guide of EC pH just as a basis for basic knowledge?


10 minutes ago, Owderb said:

First thing to is get down to 2ml/ltr A+B and .25ml/ltr of Calmag




Owd, i'm using Growers Ark, would i still use extra traces by any chance? The extra traces baffles me completely.

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18 minutes ago, grooving said:

My GA bottles give the EC range on the label...knowing this and pH measurements will definitely help you dial in your coco grow.

Really, i'll have to re-read them but i'm sure i did before. *rollseyes*

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For veg you want an ec of about 1.2, less for seedlings. Flowering I rarely go above 1.4 but have been lately due to a new LED.  PH get an aquarium kit for a Jacks, you don't need a pen. Aim for 6 or there abouts for the duration and you'll be right. 

If you feed at 2ml per litre you add 3ml of extra traces. When feeding like you have been (never needed that much myself) at full strength extra traces aren't needed. They're present at full strength in the base feed. 

Eta - if you're still doing a wet/dry cycle you may as well go back to soil, as you won't get the full benefits of coco, and may well burn your roots occasionally. 

Edited by FatBoy77
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7 minutes ago, pandanda said:


Owd, i'm using Growers Ark, would i still use extra traces by any chance? The extra traces baffles me completely.


Its easy. Just make up to 5ml/ltr with extra traces. So if you are using 2ml of A+B/ltr then you would use 3ml/ltr to make it up to 5ml



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1 hour ago, FatBoy77 said:

For veg you want an ec of about 1.2, less for seedlings. Flowering I rarely go above 1.4 but have been lately due to a new LED.  PH get an aquarium kit for a Jacks, you don't need a pen. Aim for 6 or there abouts for the duration and you'll be right. 

If you feed at 2ml per litre you add 3ml of extra traces. When feeding like you have been (never needed that much myself) at full strength extra traces aren't needed. They're present at full strength in the base feed. 

Eta - if you're still doing a wet/dry cycle you may as well go back to soil, as you won't get the full benefits of coco, and may well burn your roots occasionally. 

 I'm going to read now but how can i fully utalise coco then? As has it happens i seem to be blissfully unaware. And i'd like to correct all my mistakes instantly.

1 hour ago, Owderb said:


Its easy. Just make up to 5ml/ltr with extra traces. So if you are using 2ml of A+B/ltr then you would use 3ml/ltr to make it up to 5ml



Thankyou Owd, apprecaite the advice.


Thankyou to both of you i'll flush through tomorrow and revise feeds etc!

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1 hour ago, FatBoy77 said:

For veg you want an ec of about 1.2, less for seedlings. Flowering I rarely go above 1.4 but have been lately due to a new LED.  PH get an aquarium kit for a Jacks, you don't need a pen. Aim for 6 or there abouts for the duration and you'll be right. 

If you feed at 2ml per litre you add 3ml of extra traces. When feeding like you have been (never needed that much myself) at full strength extra traces aren't needed. They're present at full strength in the base feed. 

Eta - if you're still doing a wet/dry cycle you may as well go back to soil, as you won't get the full benefits of coco, and may well burn your roots occasionally. 

And i havn't been letting them dry down. They're still moist throughout just not as much water retained etc.

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Do some reading on watering in coco, check a few coco diaries. There are quite a few ways to use it, you need to find what suits you. Coco used properly should be regularly watered, every other day at least.  Lots of people use dripper for multiple feeds per day. That's where the rapid growth comes from, regular fertigation and increased O2.

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This has got me confused with extra traces now lol


I have just followed the GA feed guide and toned it down a bit to start. So i am using 1ml per l as advised most of the grow traces wise. I use 1ml per l of calmag too as my ec inbound is 0 before it. No issues so far touch wood. 


Ec 1.4 in veg so far max, never adjusted ph once as its always at  6 roughly when mixed up


I have full range and im following it to the letter appart from toning down grow or bloom to suit


I am new to coco but too much run off will flush too much out apparently, too little and you risk salt build up. Its likes the saturation to be topped up often and little. 


Too infrequent and like others have said you risk burn and build up in coco. 


Keep it drenched as much as possible i say as it seems hard to over water once dialled in.


Totally different to soil like i always did before but less hassle really as watering regular in coco is easier than soil with timer. I dont know about you but i hated waiting for water to drain in soil and found it time consuming unless you chucked it in and floated all your perlite lol Bottom feeding helped but i still find this easier as your in the tent less



Edited by sterling-archer
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