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14 hours ago, HSO-Mark said:

what do you think mate? Another 10 day's taking you to 60 day's bloom for the FFOGKZ?

Yeah mate, something like that,  number 1 seams to be a bit quicker than number 2, but not a lot in it really.


I forgot to take photos of the Green Crack which is filling out nicely I’ll get a couple through the week.


Also In a slightly outdoorsy note I have been out and dug some holes, I have two FF Ogkz cuts that are now out under the big free bulb in the sky, I am not too sure about the plot, it is a nightmare to get to and is very much overgrown, I cleared a small patch and dug down, the ground had a fair amount of clay and stones, filled with around 15 litres of mud coco mix (brand new coco)then stuck them in, i plan to keep a bit of an eye on them say once a week, shouldn’t be too difficult to water.

Then there’s the other plot, again a bit unsure about the location but it appears overgrown and abandoned, so I have another FF Ogkz to go in there along with a Green crack cut, this plot has really good fine soft mud, both plots are south facing.

I’ll get some photos of both plots next time  I am there.


Take it easy. Jj :yinyang:

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Alright there Uk420.


So the three Ogkz that I put outside are still there and still alive, so far so good.




This one above only went out the other day, I have no real reference to which day that was, as all my days are Sunday’s at moment, on that basis it must have been on Sunday, more than likely.

Anyway decent soil by the looks of things, light and fluffy, obviously under all that shit on the surface in the photo, I filled the hole with 10-15 litres of mud coco mix, stuck a little cage around it and simply walked away.




This girl has been in the dirt for a good week or so, probably since a Sunday, same as the other one mud coco mix.




Finally a slightly suspect plot, one of them if you go there you’ll see it, I am hedging my bets on know one will go there, she’s been in the ground a week or so, the cages are all a bit short but I thought better a short cage than no cage at all.


My plan really is to keep a distant eye on all three of them, water and feed when they require it.


Stay safe out there folks and......


Take it easy Jj :haveadab:


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Afternoon Uk420.


Just to add some more photos of some of my flowering ladies, some real turn around beauties in here, all photos are from day fifty six.large.173BB17B-F4B7-4BD2-9A1B-941C172BE24E.jpeg


Ogkz Ff.1, ^^^^^^^ it looks like an Ogkz, smells like a Ogkz, little while longer and I’ll let you know if it tastes like an Ogkz.





Ogkz Ff,2^^^^^^  Much more different structure to this lady,



A few photos of The New, not long to go now. 





I reckon the Ogkz Ff will be down before the next update, but I’ll be sure to get a few snaps pre chop, until then..


Take it easy. Jj :yep:

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1 hour ago, Jibba jabba said:

I reckon the Ogkz Ff will be down before the next update, but I’ll be sure to get a few snaps pre chop, until then.


I agree mate  ;) 7 day's and FFOGKZ will be ripe for the chop :yep:


That New looks stunning dude :headbang:


I've got 3 of those in atm. Hope mine do as well :)


Don't forget that pre harvest update  :cheers:


Kind regards :bong:



Edited by HSO-Mark
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21 minutes ago, HSO-Mark said:

Be cool to see OGKZ outdoor 

It will be an interesting to see how they do outside for sure, I just hope no one rips them, I haven’t seen a single person anywhere near the plots, there pretty overgrown, let’s just hope it stays that way.


Take it easy. Jj :yinyang:

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Hey jibba mate;

Real cool indoor outdoor update, with all looking fat as, an coming very close to the chop indoor’s, glad to see u got ur The New flowering strong, (mine still in veg:sleep1:

‘Tis nice to see ur outdoor’s an giving them strain’s some natural light, things always look different outside. 
I’ll be enjoying watching this one play out. 
Good luck Jj dude. 

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Alright there Uk420 


I Hope tour all warm and well,


On 12/05/2020 at 10:47 PM, Amo said:

Real cool indoor outdoor update

Cheers Amo :skin_up:I actually went out and checked them all the other day, I took a few bottles of water with me for good measure, Lucky I did as they were dry as fook. 

On 19/05/2020 at 4:21 PM, InTheSystem said:

looks amazing

Cheers Bro, it really is a turn around plant, from the veg stage when I did contemplate binning it off, very glad I kept her going and took cuts so I can have another go, tho so far they are showing the exact same traits as the mother, so far..


Day 65 Flower.


Both of Ff Ogkz came down on day sixty, I forgot to take any pictures :bag: you know what it’s like, I was in a bit of a rush. 

They had both a fair few amber trics more on number 1 than two, I am kicking myself for not getting the photos now.


The New has turned into a beautiful plant with some solid smelly buds just reeking with quality, 



Only wanky phone pics but I had to be in and out sharpish.


The Green crack still has a bit to go, well probably a good couple of weeks easy, it is just starting to need a bit of support as the buds swell, but still going well.



Ill definitely be getting some dslr photos before next week, dunno if The new will make it another week, we will see.


Take it easy. Jj :yinyang:

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Sorry I have been a bit of a stranger. Been on a few tangent missions but back to the plants now. These all look really impressive. Which one was your pick of the bunch? I popped some OGKZ and The New the other day but left them on the windowsill after smoking bongs. Think I cooked them but one of The New has popped. Stubborn seed didnt want to die. Got to be a belter of a plant. 


Some of your photos are really nice and clear. Is that a phone camera or something else? All the best JJ. 

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8 minutes ago, ROCKSTEADY6 said:


Sorry I have been a bit of a stranger.



No worries mate, your alright :hippy:


9 minutes ago, ROCKSTEADY6 said:

Which one was your pick of the bunch?


As of today it is totally The New. All the way, I can’t wait to ripen her off get her down and dried and ground up then stuffed into the end of me Dynavap, not to discard the Ff Ogkz which is already down and drying, so it will no doubt be the first one in the spin.


If you have the space mate I would recommend having a pop at The New, It has really came into its own through the flowering stage.



18 minutes ago, ROCKSTEADY6 said:

Some of your photos are really nice and clear.

Some of my photos are with my dslr, which is a bit of a learning curve, I simply refuse to use it in the auto mode as I am not that much of a wanker, nah jokes aside I have a general interest in photography and wanted to learn how a camera worked, I think I am getting there but I still have a lot to learn, so in answer to your question I use my I phone or my dslr.


Take it easy. Jj :yinyang:

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@Jibba jabba everything looks well in order in your grow. Whats your thoughts on the fast versions, fast and worth it or stick with straight photoperiods? 


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13 minutes ago, tokenroll said:

fast and worth it or stick with straight photoperiods? 

Well I suppose it depends, as it stands I chopped my Ff Ogkz at sixty days, so certainly not supersonic, I have grown faster photoperiod plants previously, but I haven’t grown a Ogkz faster than sixty five ish days, (iirc the photo version of the Ogkz is a sixty five dayer so a week or so is still a bit of time saved), in a few weeks I’ll be able to sample the goods to see if it is as punchy as the Ogzk, that’s where the real test will be, so far the number 1 is looking a dead ringer for the photoperiod Ogkz I grew last year.


So in short yes. 

Take it easy. Jj :yinyang:

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6 hours ago, Jibba jabba said:

The New, It has really came into its own through the flowering stage.

I liked reading this bit, mine was very slow in veg, it now a week into 12/12 and I’m just waiting for the explosion in growth an performance off this girl, maybe I have gotten the same pheno as urself, hope so looking at how ur’s is finishing off. 
Good luck Jj mate. 

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10 hours ago, Amo said:

liked reading this bit, mine was very slow in veg, it now a week into 12/12 and I’m just waiting for the explosion in growth an performance off this girl

Yeah man I can relate to that, tho I have got a really bad habit of drowning my ladies a bit, once I got the hang of what the plant wanted it got a bit easier.


Take it easy. Jj :yinyang:

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