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@vince noir rock n roll star do you think if I really fuck up I could win one of those wooden honey stirry spoon things?!


That would be a real prize and less wood means its better for the environment, my wife says that alot but in bed for some reason.


A word of advice Vince- hold on to your collection of wooden spoons because the value will only go up once China runs out of cheap labour. Then people wont be able to stir their soup anymore for a quid from Pound Stretcher and you can cash in, you'll be a winner then mate.



(I'm allowed to joke about these things as Swine Flu fucked me so deep in the ass I have to take medications for life to stop my body eating itself like a fat Swine weirdly, ah the circle of life)

Edited by 2Fat2EatThat
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37 minutes ago, 2Fat2EatThat said:


A word of advice Vince- hold on to your collection of wooden spoons because the value will only go up once China runs out of cheap labour. Then people wont be able to stir their soup anymore for a quid from Pound Stretcher and you can cash in, you'll be a winner then mate.

well you just fucked my future plans right up .

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Great to see the first prizes of the comp being dished out and top job UK420, top 3 placements. Keep it up dudes, well done the winners :thumsup:

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On 13/02/2020 at 2:28 PM, jadenugs said:

Great to see the first prizes of the comp being dished out and top job UK420, top 3 placements. Keep it up dudes, well done the winners :thumsup:



As said (did I say that?) the new forums participating in the competition with UK420 and shared prizes are not going to "steal" that many prizes from here. We know the stats better than anyone and our previews/expectations are pointing out to between 6 and 8 thousands posts generated at UK420 and between 800 and 1500 posts generated in each of the other 2 forums. This is quantity, because when it comes to quality here we also expect about 4x better, so very probably at least 80% of all the prizes will go to UK420 growers.


As the 6th edition is about 20% better in prizes than the 5th edition, our compromise with our dear friends at UK420 is the same as always: sweet and aromatic strains available for everyone who shares diaries for free and a monthly average of more than one thousand pounds in prizes ;)


The day the other forums grow up in participation, the prizes will also grow in the same extent :oldtoker:



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Oh and by the way...


Congrats to jadenugs, UKsFinest, delagdo, Tokenroll, InTheSystem and everyone who is participating in the competition :yep:


We're happy to see so many great grow diaries and such great participants for photo of the month and grower of the month ;)


Sweet smokes!



Edited by Sweet Seeds-tommy
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Hear that guys? The Scouse are singing "We're gonna win the league!" And @Sweet Seeds-tommy is already telling us at this early stage we're going to win the cup. :yep:


Let's absolutely smash it and make it a super 6th for the win.

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And surprises can occur more often than we usually expect they happen... and i would like to use Winston Churchill  word and say ..."My ass contemplates those who talk behind my back."

Chears Grower , and good Grow to all the contest 

Edited by BjornIronSide13
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Hi BjornIronSide13!


No one is talking behind anyone's back. This is a public forum and we know better than anyone else that growers participating in this competition go visit the other forums participating and eventually end up reading what we post. 


That being said, when I posted, of course I knew this. That is even one of our goals in doing this competition in more than one forum. We like to have growers from different forums visiting our Sweet Seeds® subforum in other forums. So, this is totally expected and even desired.


That being said, I would post again exactly the same post, because that is the truth. It is a 100% factual post and I really don't see why one would be worried enough to come here and post the disrespectful post that you just did.


It's true my friend. 80% of the participation comes from this forum, so it is normally expected that about 80% of the prizes end up here. Our Competition is happening at UK420 since 2010. It's 10 years. It's totally normal that other forums where we are doing this competition for the first year don't have the same quantity of participation as UK420.


Why do you think I can't talk about this? It's just a fact mate. And I never talked about quality, just quantity, so it's as factual as it can be.


That's why I also said that surprises can happen (another fact), as within the 20% prizes expected to go to other forums there could even be a 1st prize for this competition. The winner of the competition can even come from other forum. I wish it would, as we would really like to have quality grow diaries in the forums that are participating for the first time. It would be on our best interest.


Now, coming here with the post you just left, as a first post in this forum, completely distorting the contents of my post, is not pleasant for anyone and does not benefit anyone. If you wanted me to know that you came here and read this, you could have contacted me by PM, I would have explained you all this by PM, and we could avoid this rude post you just left here.


Just to be clear and open for anyone to read (you can copy this to the other forum where you are participating if you want):


-> 80% participation in 1 forum makes us expect around 80% of the prizes for that forum.

-> 20% participation in 1 forum makes us expect around 20% of the prizes for that forum.


What is exactly the problem of saying this in public? I wonder... :rolleyes:


Reacting to this the way you did, in public, is not appreciated and it's not the type of Fairplay we want for this competition :thumbdown:


Thanks and kind regards,



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if one of the other sites gets my wooden spoon ill be spitting feathers ...ive tried me hardest to not do anything this grow ..lol .

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4 hours ago, BjornIronSide13 said:

And surprises can occur more often than we usually expect they happen... and i would like to use Winston Churchill  word and say ..."My ass contemplates those who talk behind my back."

Chears Grower , and good Grow to all the contest 


Just a quote of the post, in case there are further editions to the original post.



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Winston Churchill  word was not refered to your post ! But for those how think to win this contest "smash it" whit out a good fight! It


You mabe miss undustud , the "And surprises can occur more often than we usually expect they happen" Just said the same thing of you in a difrent point of vue , i whas totaly concording whit you whit thist fact ! But you are taking it far to seriusly. For the rest i now well that business  today rool the world , and number make cash come furst ! But did i call it a mather, or said somthing ? CHURCHILL  WAS  REFERED TO . 

Those ho actualy  think  to win easy this contest!  But ist just look like your mess untherstending help me explaine wy all the Winner  are in this forum... any way chears and good green to all !

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5 hours ago, Sweet Seeds-tommy said:


Just a quote of the post, in case there are further editions to the original post.



Questo ti rispondo in italiano  perche non mi spreco neanche il fiato ... Io personalmente  non sono una persona  meschina e codarda  ! Pensi che mi nasconderei dientro a un dito ... se corrego i post e perche  non so scriver bene ... non per nascondermi ....

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Cheers mate!


Ok, all good then, I'm glad it was a misunderstanding and I'm sorry for my part on it :yep:


I know it was a quote from Churchill, but quoting someone to make a point by using a quote with unpleasant words is basically the same as using these words. But it's all good as it is cleared now.


Thanks and all the best to the competition!


...and by the way, welcome to the Sweet Seeds® subforum at UK420! :oldtoker:



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