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Happy new season everyone


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Morning brexiteers.


Back for a new season. Looking forward to it.

In preperation I got me 6x 75ltrs of Clover MPC. £30 Bargain


Just reupped on the subs.


Hope you all have a good one.

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Good luck mate. Have you used clover before? 


E2a. Just did some potting up with some boys and girls in clover last night. Might as well add some pics for context of what being used here. 



Edited by blackpoolbouncer
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@blackpoolbouncer looks a nice light potting mix, its definitely allowed good root formation!


I've been using a 60/40 peat/coco mix since last year as I can't get any of that clover or Jack's magic near me only poorly stored J. Arthur Bowers that's half bark chippings and half detritus and riddled with fungus gnats.


Here's one of my youngsters potted on recently, 3" starter rammed.


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@blackpoolbouncer  Cracking job those roots are so white and the leaves have a healthy colour.

It's doing well considering the pot size.


No I'm a clover virgin.

Any advice on ammendments?

The guy that sold it to me says it retains water well. Ie "says most composts the water drips right out of the bottom, unlike Clover and it was Whichs best compost last year.  Best watch my watering..................


He added that people are moaning that gardeners are ruining Irish peat bogs according to campaigners, whereas the real issue is that irish power stations are depleting the bogs more by burning it.


My take.

At least im returning it to the soil



Really looking forward to it.

Gonna give greengold and red purps another go for semi's this season and of course Serious 6.

Gonna do my first auto in an air pot too. Side by side with same genes in a solid pot and compare.



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27 minutes ago, Kipper420 said:

Best watch my watering..................

As long as they get a good wet/dry they love it. It is actually relatively forgiving but yes. It will hold some water. A 10l pot will hold about 3 litres. 

As with any compost, if your following a wet dry cycle it's not ready to water till the water is gone and that's done by feel. The beauty of clover is that when it is dry it weighs next to nothing so it's easy to gauge how dry they are. 


Can't really recommend any amendments specifically other than the usual. One thing I will say is that when the nutes start to run out they go from fine to fuck all fast. For example, the plant above. 2 more days in those little 0.5l pots and id start to see deficiencies. 


I'm presuming this is for in pots outside? 


Not surprised which found it to be the best compost. I've been saying it's the best and most reliable on the market for years and years now.

I recently has to buy a bag of j Arthur's seedling compost just to try and I needed some sterile stuff. I opened the bag and felt it. No fucking way would I plant seeds in it! I didn't even want to add it to my compost heaps it was that shite. Got tipped down by the side of my river that runs by my house. Fucking awful. 

Ended up using some homemade compo 50 50 with 4 year old leaf mold. Texture like silk 


Good luck mate. 

Edited by blackpoolbouncer
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Thanks @blackpoolbouncer


yer for outside pots.


You use bottled nutes mate?


I got some fishmix and seaweed and other goodies for when the compost is depleted.


Just used up my leaf mould from last year on the flower beds.

Didnt mange to collect any this year, rendered incapable by a workplace accident. I'll try and get more manure instead for next season.



After recently digging a new bulb and flower bed I shared a bag of the clover with it, to give it a headstart.

Fingers crossed.


Good luck to you all too.


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HHHHaaaapppy New season,


Though autumn gales are back with a vengeance, the weather is FUBAR and the ground and garden is a 'sodding' or sodden mess. I feel so sorry for those people who are battling with flooding and having their houses fked up every couple of years. The government should build a national grid of underground pipe lines to link down to the south east and store the water down there where they need it for the summer)


I have not come across the Clover MPC, but last year went to a different garden center and they had "Bord na Mona" which worked really well for re-potting tubs and pots on the decking. I mixed it about 50 / 50 with with top soil and a shovel full of horticultural grit to mix it up. The plants (normal types) did really well. I used the same mix for the couple of I had W Widows (11ltr pots) and they did well in it. Though I don't have a lot of experience I was going to do a test on 3 plants one with the Mona one with a bag of the specialist stuff like Canna soil and one with a mix of the 2 and see how they get on.


I have been reading the posts over the past couple of days since joining the site and jeez wow there is a lot to take in. I particularly like the 'organic no-till' posts, but I'm also interested in a hydro system and building my own led grow light the list goes on. But for this Spring until Beltane I'm gonna concentrate of playing in the dirt :). Anyway weather is garbage for the next couple of days and I have found a cola in odour bag at the back of some books, very nice. Gonna vape a bowl or 3 and do some more research. Best wishes folks 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks guys.

I also invested 25squid in a crappy 300 led grow light. (unbranded) to bring on the seedlings before plant out.

Freaking weather is a bit mental atm here. Hope my compost doesnt get too wet under partial shade.

Looking forward to trying my subbie seeds (pineapple skunk f2's).

Happy growing guys

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