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Building a DIY autopot style system... any tips?


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I'm currently in the process of brainstorming ideas for a simple system for keeping my coco-potted mums watered.


I want something tailored to my space that it capable of feeding multiple mothers (that can potentially be in different size pots) and be low maintenance so it can be left to do its thing if I need to disappear for a week. The two ideas I have in mind are:


1. DIY autopot system using a plastic tray and an autovalve. I've never used an autopot before, is it correct that the plants are constantly sat in an inch or so of water? I can see this causing issues esp with plants in smaller pots. Any advice?


2. Autopot style wick system. Again a tray that is gravity fed water, but this time a generic float valve being used and the plants sat above water level and sat on capillary matting that draws water up to the plants




Has anyone tried building anything like this before? Anything I should consider?  Or any completely different ideas for taking care of my mums?





B-Dr :hippy:


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I bought an easy2go kit , its extremely effective, I didn't have any problems with floods in the time that I used it. Also I made sure that the tent liner could hold more water than my reservoir so that if it did flood the chap downstairs wouldn't be getting his feet wet. Have a look at Paniks setup on this thread .


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Not so worried about floods, my whole grow area is lined like yours. Great link though, never realised you could get timers for gravity fed systems!

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On 23/01/2020 at 7:49 PM, BushDoctoR said:

never realised you could get timers for gravity fed systems!


neither had I until I saw GS mention that using a water timer would improve the autopots so I got one of these, still to try it tho as the pots are still in their box.











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