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Is It Possible


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Ok this is pretty much a shot in the dark but would it be possible to grow a plant in my university accomodation.

Here are my ideas and problems.

Plant in a pot on my windowsill. Its just not gonna work is it. To be honest I just like the idea of having a plant so if I could get 1 growing on there withot any chance of it flowering I might give it a go.

Use my wardrobe as a grow room and my loan to equip it. The main problems here are ventilation (It would be particularly expensive to cut a hole in it) and my letting periond: its only 10 weeks. So I'd need a strain that grows REALLY fast.

So is it even worth me considering or should I just dream about my super grow room when I've graduated?


Oh yeah I'd rather not get pinched by the porter so smell is a factor although I leave my window wide open all the time anyway.

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If I were you I'd stick to dreaming for now. It has been done but it's not the easiest of situations is it. If you're really keen you could grow a plant or 2 on the window sill...ther eproblem there being someone will see it...have aptience mate, hold out till you've got a cushy job and a nice pad of yr own sorted :D
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Hey there.  I too am a student - and boy do student loans come in handy, hehe.

I can see your other solution being get away from uni accommodation.

Get your own flat and grow.  Plus by the time you graduate you will be experienced enough to get a nice little set up going.

Good luck.


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Getting away from uni accomodation isn't really an option as I'm going to be moving back onto campus for my third year. Living on campus is far better in my opinion, much better atmosphere. Anyway I wouldn't really be worried about any1 seeing my plant as I will be living on the 4th (top)floor of a block and only some1 using high powered binoculars would be able to discern the species from outside my room. Any1 I let in my room will likely smoke anyway or at least not care whether I do or not. So if I can grow on my windowsill I will. Does any1 know if I'm likely to get any smokeable weed or just a cool plant?

Thx for the advice


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You got it....very cool houseplant, but unliukely to get much "good" smoke.....

I guess though you're talking about next academic year....Sept? Oct?...

If you got a south facing room, unshadowed by other blocks, you might do okay, and even get a few wispy buds.....will be a smoke, but you'll do better when you've found yourself the freedom to grow outdoors or indoors properly un restricted....


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Thats pretty much what I thought. But what about the wardrobe grow room? I'm starting to think that could work if I left the doors open most of the time with a fan and my windows open. I'd have to grow something pretty fast growing and not to smelly though.


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Maybe you should be thinking of a mother/clone Scrog system. When the clones are taken they can be vegged for about 14 days, then flowered. So you could be harvesting every 10 weeks if your lucky. This should fit in nicely with the 3 terms at uni :angry:

It will take a while to get a mother plant up though, maybe you can get a clone from somewhere to get her started? The whole lot (mother/clone veg & flower) could theoretically be done inside a box about 2.5'h x 3'l x 1.5d

You can buy cheap pine chests from Argos and www.diy.com and make as may holes as you need in it for vents/lights etc

The problem might lie in curing the bud, as it will taste best if given an extra 4 weeks to sort itself out.

hehe, or you could use the year as time to grow 3 or 4 quality mother plants ready for when you get out and have a victorian terrace with a walk in cupboard ::P:

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Hum if preasuming I could get hold of a clone I could fix up a grow room chest of draws stylee and get the plant grown then when it came to packing up and going home I could let a good friend of mine with a longer lease take over the curing for me. Am I right in thinking that it would take about 60 or so days to go from a clone to harvest?

Well I've got 3 months to think about it anyway.


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Maybe a bit more that 60....give yourself 70 to be safe.

If your're okay to travel with a couple of plants then you can do away with the whole mother plant thing and take cuttings of any plant a week or so before you flower it.

You can harvest a plant before the end of each term and only have to carry a couple of semi vegged plants that either a m8 or you cna look after during each break. Or hang them out of the window for 4 wks :mellow: till you get back.

tricky situation!

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Hum 70 would really be pushing it as thats bassically all I've got so I'd need to get them flowering instantly. Its gonna take me at least a week to get up and running then even if I can hit 12/12 pretty much straight away I probably wond get to flowering for another 7 days ish so 60 is about the best I can manage (bearing in mind the first term I'll have 11 weeks). I've certainly read on other posts about strains that only take 50 or so days although if my memory serves me correctly they were skunks which I deffinately don't want to grow. Ideally I think I'd like to grow a haze but I guess it all depends on what sort of clone I can get my hands on.

I've been looking at 1 of the hobby starter kits from grow well and possibly a grow tent but they're hardly the leasr conspicuous of things short of not letting any1 in my room or telling them that my pc is actually and old cray super computer I think they may get a little suspicious. This is the kit I'm thinking about http://www.growell.co.uk/itemclass.php3?id=8 or maybe the 400w 1 depending on how rich I'm feeling. Could a 400w speed up my harvest?

Still very early days anyway.


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Ok I've realised the blatantly obvious option thats been staring in my face. That is, go into partnership with my m8 with the 50 week let on his house. I've got to talk to him about it but I dare say he'll jump at my offer. (that is I pay for everything we use his house and split the crop 50/50) I'm still planning on using a growell setup but I'm thinking more about a 400 watt light. My plan for the actual grow room is a big jock off chest of draws type jobbie with the draws removed and a door stuck on the front with a vent leading out of his window using 1 of those pipes for removing the hot air from a dryer and some kind og extraction fan. Would a PC fan work ok as I've got a bit of an abundance of them.

This would also mean I could grow from seed and save the bother of getting a clone although that would still probably be prefferable.


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Now you are talkin sense Xantrix.

Don't consider growing in halls for one second.


Some prick will blow you up and ruining your future in a very heavy price to pay for an attractive houseplant.

Try with your M8 but drop the idea of doing in on uni premises.

(The paraniod feelings that surface now and again are bad enough when growing in your own house, you will go mad) :blink:

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I'm game on!!!!! I've just spoken to my m8 about using his house and he's up for it. In fact I'VE GOT A WHOLE FUCKING LOFT TO PLAY WITH!!!! Sorry got a bit excited. I'm actually a bit wary about using the loft incase his land lord decides he needs to go up there for some reason. The loft hatch is in his room though so no need to bother any of his house m8's with it if we do go for that option. Other wise its his room or his basement so lots of possibilities. The cogs will probably start turning properly at the start of october when we both move back up to lancaster unless he goes back earlier in which case it could come about earlier. Till then I'm gonna be saving up my wages so we can get a nice set up going and I think I'd better read a book or 2 on the subject. Ingoor marajuana cultivation (or is it horticulture) is supposed to be quite good isn't it? I think I'll start there.


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