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Thca vs Thc eating oil/raw bud etc (experiences)


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1 hour ago, GB12345 said:

Thanks for clarifying this, been looking to do it for some now... any particular methods you've known of for making the thca? I'm looking to mix it in a oil, most like olive or coconut in a air tight glass jar for a month with the bud to seep in the oil... can't wait to get consuming it! Do you know anyone on here who has also used it? any diaries etc? 

I don't but this popped up recently that piqued my curiosity 


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44 minutes ago, blackpoolbouncer said:

I don't but this popped up recently that piqued my curiosity 


I was considering a press but unless you can press with no heat it doesn't stay raw but I can't deny that there's bound to be thca left in here and thc I reckon but who knows I reckon the thca would cancel out the effects of the thc just like cbd does... who knows I might get a press for thc as well yet lol... any experience pressing bud?

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I went through a phase of infusing milk and micro dosing with teas while my chest was bad. Worked really well for me and was a much better experience than cooking with canna butter for me personally. Was very easy to dose mildly. 

unfortunately Im pretty sure i fucked up by trying to save some time cooling/refrigerating for multiple days use and haven't been able to stomach it since.  


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45 minutes ago, highcontrast said:

I went through a phase of infusing milk and micro dosing with teas while my chest was bad. Worked really well for me and was a much better experience than cooking with canna butter for me personally. Was very easy to dose mildly. 

unfortunately Im pretty sure i fucked up by trying to save some time cooling/refrigerating for multiple days use and haven't been able to stomach it since.  


Could you infuse glycerine or alcohol with it instead?

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i tried making oil but found it to messy and everything gets more difficult as I get older, so I settled with making bubblehash in a washing machine then infusing with coconut oil with heat, I eat a chunk every 3 hours plus the odd vape, even the vape started get to my chest so i'm trying cut it out and just stick to the coconut oil, must say i'm enjoying the high big time and is total medication

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On 29/11/2019 at 9:39 PM, GB12345 said:

thanks for the reply and no wonder she doesn't want to get high in the day! I don't feel safe driving eating oil and when I used to smoke it I was fine just like vapping it but thc oil something else! most of my mates refrain from taking it due to being high 3 to 4 days later! and I can agree with what she says on the night as for sleeping there is nothing better! and I would of done cbd myself but I found thc worked and the cbd i had from over 6 different companies seemed absolutely useless! still planning to do my own cbd plants in the future though... and most of all how has your mother been on it and has she improved? reducing the size of the cancerous area as such? and what dosage is she on with thc oil and thca oil, I'm assuming much more thca than thc but who knows I'd imagine her tolerance must be quite high fighting cancer! and good luck to her getting rid of it naturally! also which method have you produced thca? I'm looking to do the method I said in the above comment or just eat the flowers fresh and raw. Peace.


I think I need to correct and few things I have misled you on or not explained properly (I have really bad chemo brain)


Yes.....My mother shows massive improvement in her general health and she reports that she wont/didnt sleep properly if she doesnt have the cannabutter or oil I make her. (i have had a few grow disasters recently so i am having to buy fucking street weed making it very difficult to control quality)

Its a bit early for any shrinkage but Im very very hopeful :yep: her latest scan is soon

She drinks and eats like nothing is wrong despite being riddled with tumours throughout her body....without the medicine she spends the day being sick and her nights awake sweating.

She is still having chemotherapy as well so its early days yet and dosages is difficult......when I start her on a new batch she starts low and continues increasing until she can just feel it....then she keeps at that dose for a while and then increases etc.

The CBD is only to stop the 'high' of the THC and not as replacement. (I leave her with some so she can use it if she feels wiped out by the THCa - BHO cold extract cold purge)

I cant get her up to enough RSO atm which is the real medicine  (as myself and rick simpson suggests)but its getting there, her tolerence is getting really good now......she doesnt even look wrecked on a dab of good oil under the tounge now :rofl: so im hopeful the dosages can continue to increase but financial restraints and the fact im struggling to get my girls going again is holding me up :wallbash::wallbash:


If you want to see how well oil works on cancer tho..your talking to a man 2 years in remission.......I was given a 10% chance to life a few weeks.

I used to eat RSO by the tablespoon tho when I could get it and HAD to smoke/eat weed 24hrs after chemo or spend two-three days screaming into the toilet. (remember all chemo is different tho and I had most you can have - you get one shot at BEAM)

I however didnt give a fuck about getting stoned being a smoker of the herb anyway and wanting to survive so some days was eating 3 grams of RSO a day if I could get it. :yep:

I set records for recovery :yep:


Anecdotal evidence only tho on myself and mum



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6 hours ago, zen-ken said:


I think I need to correct and few things I have misled you on or not explained properly (I have really bad chemo brain)


Yes.....My mother shows massive improvement in her general health and she reports that she wont/didnt sleep properly if she doesnt have the cannabutter or oil I make her. (i have had a few grow disasters recently so i am having to buy fucking street weed making it very difficult to control quality)

Its a bit early for any shrinkage but Im very very hopeful :yep: her latest scan is soon

She drinks and eats like nothing is wrong despite being riddled with tumours throughout her body....without the medicine she spends the day being sick and her nights awake sweating.

She is still having chemotherapy as well so its early days yet and dosages is difficult......when I start her on a new batch she starts low and continues increasing until she can just feel it....then she keeps at that dose for a while and then increases etc.

The CBD is only to stop the 'high' of the THC and not as replacement. (I leave her with some so she can use it if she feels wiped out by the THCa - BHO cold extract cold purge)

I cant get her up to enough RSO atm which is the real medicine  (as myself and rick simpson suggests)but its getting there, her tolerence is getting really good now......she doesnt even look wrecked on a dab of good oil under the tounge now :rofl: so im hopeful the dosages can continue to increase but financial restraints and the fact im struggling to get my girls going again is holding me up :wallbash::wallbash:


If you want to see how well oil works on cancer tho..your talking to a man 2 years in remission.......I was given a 10% chance to life a few weeks.

I used to eat RSO by the tablespoon tho when I could get it and HAD to smoke/eat weed 24hrs after chemo or spend two-three days screaming into the toilet. (remember all chemo is different tho and I had most you can have - you get one shot at BEAM)

I however didnt give a fuck about getting stoned being a smoker of the herb anyway and wanting to survive so some days was eating 3 grams of RSO a day if I could get it. :yep:

I set records for recovery :yep:


Anecdotal evidence only tho on myself and mum



Interesting stuff! And the joys of chemo I would say forget the chemo and revert to a plant based diet and ideally organic and search for organic comm7nity farms in your area as if your tight on money they generally offer a bursary which I have had in my case but yeah I can't stand more against chemo for killing the good and bad! But itd hard because the more chemo you've both endured the more thc oil you need... if I remember rightly without chemo rick reckons from what I remember going back to when rick was making oil indoors with a window open and fan blowing the isopropyl out the window but yeah he said 30g of oil to cure it in a month but then with chemo it goes up to 60g to 120g and then it gets stupidly expensive and I'm held back by money myself and I highly suggest switching your grow style so you have a bullet proof setup..m also are you doing organic bud and are you using liquid nutrient? I'm completely liquid nutrient free and chemicals for that matter unless in a plant based organic form only but yeah I've burnt my one plant and It doesn't seem to be fussed other than growing wild like a Bush! But yeah I'd consider that to help in the mishap as it's hard to go wrong when with the plant based feeds I feed my soil and not the plant as i let the plant use the myrcorrhyzial fungi to find what it needs and bring it's to the plant in return for the plants exudates (sweat) but yeah you can't burn or kill plants with these plant based feeds although it does depend what your environment is like/setup but I feel for You! And I'm glad your in remission! And it's rare to come by but I've met another guy in person who's also excreted his tumours prostate and bowel turnouts and he is in remission as well so yeah it's a fact high thc oil does kill cancer and leave people in remission I just hope the thca can repair my chronic pain and many other symptoms I have like anxiety and depression and fatigue and to many more to mention including osteoporosis at 27 years old! And fair bloody play I still would of ditched the chemo but you've proven the point by the amount you consumed and Jesus Christ! 3 grams that's insane I mean I remember in the 6 times I've made rso that I've been so blocked I can't function after using it from cleaning the rice cooker and scraping up the left overs which has never been a good idea but still there's no denying how good it is as you've said and I can vouch for it with chronic pain as cbd didn't touch it but I got the rso and my god my pain was gone! Just couldn't tolerate being on a different planet and being useless for a the week after lol but yeah I hope everything goes well for you and your mum as no one deserves this wicked illness taking a life! I tried convincing my mum's ex partner and his son who are now both deceased but they just wouldn't have it but that's my point with stories like yours you really bring hope to the masses of people who suffer with cancer and think all is lost when it really isn't if you keep fighting and searching for your own answers as we clearly have but yeah once again good luck and thanks for the information regarding the whole situation and getting your plants sorted. Ps. How the hell did you feel after 3 grams? Don't suppose you could try to explain the experience as I've done a g before and I've had all sorts of bad experiences mind but it's mainly the over thinking that does it for me I mean I was sat at my mates thinking I'd fall over the balcony when I left his while thinking I was having a heart attack and feeling super anxious but that's my main reason for not going so high with me and the tolerance to smoking or vapping as I do it's nothing when eating the oil! I mean I've been using it for 11 years and nothing comes close to the high from oil lol. Anyway thanks and peace out!

Edited by GB12345
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6 hours ago, GB12345 said:

 Ps. How the hell did you feel after 3 grams?


My friend was talking to his his mrs and I had to keep checking he wasnt talking to me as the voices were 'going over me'....I have never been so blitzed.


I was so ill when I got to his house I was green, very depressed and had stomach issues....a 3 gram porridge an a hour later I had a big smile on my face and no symptoms.

I was tripping balls tbf but I felt great and more importanty hungry and thirsty.


I did sleep for a while as I remember.....about 20hrs I think :yep: If I could have done this every day I swear I would not be as fucked from the chemo as I am. :med:

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1 hour ago, zen-ken said:


My friend was talking to his his mrs and I had to keep checking he wasnt talking to me as the voices were 'going over me'....I have never been so blitzed.


I was so ill when I got to his house I was green, very depressed and had stomach issues....a 3 gram porridge an a hour later I had a big smile on my face and no symptoms.

I was tripping balls tbf but I felt great and more importanty hungry and thirsty.


I did sleep for a while as I remember.....about 20hrs I think :yep: If I could have done this every day I swear I would not be as fucked from the chemo as I am. :med:

Seems likes we've had a similar experience and imagine it was hard to remember as it's so Damn intense but I still find it mad though 3 grams and 20 hours good sleep is always appreciated and yeah that's certainly a good turn around and no wonder I doubt I'll ever take that much lol 1 gram is enough for me to be scared and yeah the dry mouths and munchies are the worse especially vapping as well! Lol. And yeah you'd be right there but it's hard to get access to a lot of oil for me I'd need a full blown farm to make it like forget every illness I can cure it with my oil no matter what! And given a healthy llant based diet and extras.. That's the dream in a sense well not that crazy but enough to suffice and heal would always be a blessing it's just to useful for my pain and from your experience with cancer it's good to hear that it can change life's! Anyhow keep it up Ken And I'm sure your mum and you will turn her around in no time. Peace



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