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Thca vs Thc eating oil/raw bud etc (experiences)


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So I'm intrigued with the effects you guys have had via thc and thca and the many forms you can get it all from eating raw buds to get thca to cooking with the buds to get thc but for medical I always feel thca in raw bud form would be better as you can consume far more from what I've seen due to there being no high associated with it as my past experiences from using thc oil have been a messy blur and I'm yet to try thca but I hear really good things about it due to it not getting you high which for me and my many issues and chronic pain would hopefully end it all as I need to live in the day without being high and then on the night I'd be likely to get high instead and relax... but anyone's experience would be appreciated to hear and if there's a way to really modulate the dose and a guide to doing it as I really haven't coped with thc oil with coconut oil as the carrier or olive or in a capsule with hemp seed oil I find everyway I've had thc oil I end up like I'm a zombie for 3 to 4 days after and sometimes more it's so hazy it's annoying in many ways when you need to focus but thanks anyhow peace!

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In my one expereince with debilitating pain I didn't find cannbis helped with the pain directly. It helped me cope with it, mentally -  a distraction - but no analgesic effect that I could tell. Then again the 4 types of painkiller only helped, too.


Beyond cheating by ruining bits a microwave/oven over the years, I dont have experience of uncured bud. Interested in reading replies, though.



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For medical (pain) would always use RSO


Have a smaller dose in the morning/day so that you're not a total zombie, then a bigger dose in the evening to relax and sleep well. Can definitely go about your normal day with a small dose.


Much easier to get the correct dosage with RSO compared to coconut oil.


It is very potent stuff if made properly, only need a tiny amount at first.

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8 hours ago, j.o.i.n.t said:

In my one expereince with debilitating pain I didn't find cannbis helped with the pain directly. It helped me cope with it, mentally -  a distraction - but no analgesic effect that I could tell. Then again the 4 types of painkiller only helped, too.


Beyond cheating by ruining bits a microwave/oven over the years, I dont have experience of uncured bud. Interested in reading replies, though.



How did you use cannabis to help you?^

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Just smoked it mate. My usage pattern is a bit simple and predicatable - shove a bit in my rollies. I've always viewed myself as a recreational user, but as I get older... its changing. Got a few conflicting needs so I've been looking into alternative methods myself.



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If you don’t want to get high but want the medicinal effects why not suppositories?

Easily made with coconut oil and rso, It’s a tried and tested method lots of medi users have employed for a while now.





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5 hours ago, Nature said:



For medical (pain) would always use RSO


Have a smaller dose in the morning/day so that you're not a total zombie, then a bigger dose in the evening to relax and sleep well. Can definitely go about your normal day with a small dose.


Much easier to get the correct dosage with RSO compared to coconut oil.


It is very potent stuff if made properly, only need a tiny amount at first.

I always have but I have to drive here and there and yeah rso is what I've had over the years but I always have a wicked stoneover effect as do my friends lol and I've done it with olive oil, hemp seed oil and coconut oil and I made it exactly to Rick Simpson's guide a fair few years back with iso but as you said a little bit goes a long way! But I've never dosed it correctly but I find it hard to judge it for my pain which doesn't help and I already suffer with severe fatigue as well which doesn't help but that's why I think rso is ideal for the night time but not the day for me especially since the driving laws have changed I'm a lot more paranoid of using any thc in the day and I've been stopped swabbed and blood tested with it as well lol but I was under the limit luckily!

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28 minutes ago, j.o.i.n.t said:



Just smoked it mate. My usage pattern is a bit simple and predicatable - shove a bit in my rollies. I've always viewed myself as a recreational user, but as I get older... its changing. Got a few conflicting needs so I've been looking into alternative methods myself.



Your never getting relief smoking it full stop as much as I've tried I never found relief through smoking it, I find eating oil is the mostneffective pain relief and it has to be high thc or thca otherwise it won't touch the pain as I've found out... along with Cbd which is useless against chronic pain unless your consuming 500mg a day or more but I can't afford that hence the reason I'm going to make thca and thc oil for my protocol as soon as my plants have grown! Can't wait

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26 minutes ago, lildaveham said:



If you don’t want to get high but want the medicinal effects why not suppositories?

Easily made with coconut oil and rso, It’s a tried and tested method lots of medi users have employed for a while now.





Indeed I'm not really a fan of them as we speak but it is a valid point and this is why I speak of thca lild as it's all well and good suppositories but without cancer I'm not doing it lol! I've done enemas for pain which I can tolerate but that's as far as I'll take it but yeah certainly would make the difference if I could never gain access to thca 

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I hear ya. :)


Good luck mate, I hope it gives what you're chasing. I only had two months of extreme pain, and it was much more complex and psycologically impacting that I would have guessed before living it.

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No experience personally but from my research, thca during the day is a good solution to your problem as you alluded too and many think it has greater anti inflammatory properties. 

If I was wanting to blast a load of canabinoids into my body during the daytime and still function then I think high thca full spectrum oil would be the way I'd go and then a spoonful of good old thc rich oil for the evening 

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Just now, blackpoolbouncer said:

No experience personally but from my research, thca during the day is a good solution to your problem as you alluded too and many think it has greater anti inflammatory properties. 

If I was wanting to blast a load of canabinoids into my body during the daytime and still function then I think high thca full spectrum oil would be the way I'd go and then a spoonful of good old thc rich oil for the evening 


This is how I dose my mother for Cancer as she dont like to get stoned daytimes.......But loves the sleep and medicinal effect of the RSO at night. :flex: (shes 80)

Or use CBD rich full spectrum for days and indica THC goodies for night :yep:

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On 28/11/2019 at 3:59 PM, blackpoolbouncer said:

No experience personally but from my research, thca during the day is a good solution to your problem as you alluded too and many think it has greater anti inflammatory properties. 

If I was wanting to blast a load of canabinoids into my body during the daytime and still function then I think high thca full spectrum oil would be the way I'd go and then a spoonful of good old thc rich oil for the evening 

Thanks for clarifying this, been looking to do it for some now... any particular methods you've known of for making the thca? I'm looking to mix it in a oil, most like olive or coconut in a air tight glass jar for a month with the bud to seep in the oil... can't wait to get consuming it! Do you know anyone on here who has also used it? any diaries etc? 

Edited by GB12345
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On 28/11/2019 at 4:08 PM, zen-ken said:


This is how I dose my mother for Cancer as she dont like to get stoned daytimes.......But loves the sleep and medicinal effect of the RSO at night. :flex: (shes 80)

Or use CBD rich full spectrum for days and indica THC goodies for night :yep:

thanks for the reply and no wonder she doesn't want to get high in the day! I don't feel safe driving eating oil and when I used to smoke it I was fine just like vapping it but thc oil something else! most of my mates refrain from taking it due to being high 3 to 4 days later! and I can agree with what she says on the night as for sleeping there is nothing better! and I would of done cbd myself but I found thc worked and the cbd i had from over 6 different companies seemed absolutely useless! still planning to do my own cbd plants in the future though... and most of all how has your mother been on it and has she improved? reducing the size of the cancerous area as such? and what dosage is she on with thc oil and thca oil, I'm assuming much more thca than thc but who knows I'd imagine her tolerance must be quite high fighting cancer! and good luck to her getting rid of it naturally! also which method have you produced thca? I'm looking to do the method I said in the above comment or just eat the flowers fresh and raw. Peace.

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