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Cancer - Round 2


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16 hours ago, icki said:

Would this CBD oil the guy makes himself be from hemp hence why its legal...Im presuming this is the shit stuff we want cbd from cannabis is this a correct statement.?


Maybe suppositries excuse any spelling ..


I'm not sure but he mentioned to a mate that he was 'dumping THC' as he couldn't sell it. I haven't spoken too him yet but I'll get the low down.


I got a letter this morning which mentioned 'cells highly suspicious of adeno carcinoma' - so no diagnosis as yet.

I have an assessment for minor surgery tomorrow morning - That's another biopsy under general anesthetic and another CT scan. Then admitted Weds eve for the procedure on Thursday.

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Could you mix the oil with a small amount of high-strength vodka and some water to dilute the alcohol to allow it to be easily syringed?  That is if you are OK with alcohol though!

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30 minutes ago, grooving said:

Could you mix the oil with a small amount of high-strength vodka and some water to dilute the alcohol to allow it to be easily syringed?  That is if you are OK with alcohol though!


I have thought about this but I'm a recovering alcoholic and I've been 'dry' for 25 years. I suppose a small amount won't matter under the circumstances but I'm not keen. Thanks for the suggestion :)

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i am having my 6 month CT scan this week ,been feeling uneasy for last couple of weeks myself

regarding the oil you don't need to eat it,make a tincure-carrier oil being MCT or olive oil,acts faster compare to edibles and also when eaten you loose around 20% in digestive track so drop under your tounge


all the best

Edited by joba
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@joba All the best for your scans, I hope turns out ok.


The reason I thought of eating it was the lesion is in my stomach, so there will be direct contact between lesion and oil mix. Even if I lose 20% I feel it may be more effective.

Under the tongue is tricky as about a third of my tongue was removed and half whats left is numb. The best option, if not swallowing it, would be suppository. We still have capsules left from treating my brother in law. My sister got quite expert at filling them. I don't think I could swallow them but one up the jacksie would work.

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On 9/15/2019 at 2:01 PM, bearukc said:

I've been recovering from mouth cancer and the subsequent treatment for the last 6 1/2 years. The treatment left me unable to swallow so I'm fed through a PEG tube, which is a tube directly into my stomach. I have to have the tube changed every few years and I went in for the procedure two weeks ago. All seemed to go OK (apart from a row with the nurse over meds and me discharging myself!!).

 I had a letter a few days later asking me to go for a ct scan and then see the Max Fax consultant. I went for the scan last Friday but the nurse was unable to inject the agent which makes things show up in the scan. They did the scan without it. So Monday I go to see the consultant who says they've found a 'lesion' in my stomach. The 'half' scan and the biopsies they took when they changed the tube were inconclusive but they clearly thought it was cancer.

 As the lesion is in my stomach it's no longer Max Fax territory so I've been referred to Upper GI Cancer Dept. I saw them on Thursday and they want to redo all the tests including biopsies and a proper scan. They haven't said it's cancer yet but they have told me it's situated where my old PEG tube was. The tube has a ball on the end to stop it being pulled out. It seems this ball has been irritating the stomach wall and caused this dodgy patch. I'm waiting now for more tests and a date to go in for the day.


 I'm all over the place at the moment. It's the not knowing that's the killer. Monday I was positive I had cancer again and by Friday I'm not sure where I stand!

I fee for you man, I really do.  I hope news as good as it can be.  

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I have an assessment for minor surgical procedure this morning. That procedure is an endoscopy and another biopsy.


Then they're going to admit me tomorrow evening for the actual surgery Thursday morning. They wanted me to attend at 7.30 Thursday morning but I said there's no way I'd make it. I'm not good before midday :)

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Hey bear.


Mix the oil with some milk or coconut oil or olive oil.

The cannabis oil binds with the fat in milk and mixes with it.


If you get a 1ml syringe, tell the chemist it is going to be use for feeding a pidgeon with a broken wing or something. you can measure you dose with the bars on the little syringe.


Good luck bear.

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8 hours ago, Hugh Jass said:

Hey bear.


Mix the oil with some milk or coconut oil or olive oil.

The cannabis oil binds with the fat in milk and mixes with it.


If you get a 1ml syringe, tell the chemist it is going to be use for feeding a pidgeon with a broken wing or something. you can measure you dose with the bars on the little syringe.


Good luck bear.

Thanks Hugh.

I'd thought about using full fat milk. I wonder how much milk is needed to dilute a gram of oil? We used coconut oil when we made caps for my brother in law. I like the idea of a milk based drink.

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