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Small Greenhouse for 1 plant


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Hey everyone,


Complete newbie from England here into the world of growing cannabis.


I've got a Week 7 plant still in the vegetative stage. This is my very first plant that I'm learning as I go along, I've been doing lots of research.

Would appreciate answers to the following questions.


1) I've read online that the temperature should be around 21 to 28 degrees Celsius and the humidity around 46-60%. Does this also apply to my little baby too in this small greenhouse?


2) Should I be concerned about bugs, insects etc..?


3) How about air circulation?


I am planning to start small and as I learn through experience, get a bigger greenhouse later.




P.S. Here is an image of it:


Edited by Owderb
Pic removed. Please upload to here. Thanks
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You have no chance of flowering that plant now mate. Its far too late but if its been outside for all that time then it should be flowering now anyway



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