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Hello, and too late for greenhouse growing?


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Having had a break of 15 years (mostly due to random drug testing) I'm back to having a little smoke here and there, good grief it has become strong these days! 


So, the hot tub split last week and left me a nice chunk of free space in which I have decided to put a greenhouse. I was wondering if it is far too late for any kind of crops if i order a seed now (late august). I'm in the SE corner of the UK and its in a nice warm south facing sheltered spot.


Also is it worth whitewashing the greenhouse so those pesky delivery drivers/visitors can't see the plant, would this impede growth? What sort of seed would work best, autoflowering seems to be the answer but I'm unsure. Also could someone recommend something or give me some pointers to what kind of seed I should buy if I was after something a bit more mellow.

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@kwatz firstly welcome to the mad house my good man , theres much bed time reading to be had upon this awsome site.  I too am in the south but south south east well inbtween uk and France if we are being picky. Ive got two photo period plants on the go. Both from Real gorilla seeds one of which is a Purkle, @panik states in the write up on the web site that if ya live some where warm and hot then these girls expect to finish come early to mid Novmeber. So you maybe able to get away with planting one or two (however i am no expert ).  As for white washing the greenhouse you could do or else ya can chuck some green mesh across the sides or even bubble wrap it. Bubble wrapping would be a good way to go as it would also keep the heat in as well come winter time. Good luck on your journey

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I would think it would be too late to set even autos at this time of year in a g house and expect good results.

I seeded a gsc and amnesia autos 3rd aug last year in 20ltr starter pots they grew to 18" tall and the flowers didnt develop properly.

You can get some proper white wash for green houses. I just use watered down emulsion to keep prying eyes out.

I also have a bamboo fence panel (movable) to shield the most exposed side of the green house.

White washing is fine but if the sun shines through the house from the wrong side you will still see the outlined cannabis leaf shade shapes on the surface.

Greenhouse is great but beware you may suffer more mould than outside. Make sure theres good airflow.

Greenouse means you control the watering no issues with it raining or wind.

Also they can become a breeding grounds for pests.

Its a compromise. Good luck.

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I think the only way to get a greenhouse crop is to acquire some rooted cuts. I have a few spare cuts which have grown to about 6-7 inches. I'm going to pot up half a dozen and stick them in the G/H. I'd expect to get maybe a quarter oz of each. Better than letting them go to waste.

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2 hours ago, Kipper420 said:

I would think it would be too late to set even autos at this time of year in a g house and expect good results.

I seeded a gsc and amnesia autos 3rd aug last year in 20ltr starter pots they grew to 18" tall and the flowers didnt develop properly.

You can get some proper white wash for green houses. I just use watered down emulsion to keep prying eyes out.

I also have a bamboo fence panel (movable) to shield the most exposed side of the green house.

White washing is fine but if the sun shines through the house from the wrong side you will still see the outlined cannabis leaf shade shapes on the surface.

Greenhouse is great but beware you may suffer more mould than outside. Make sure theres good airflow.

Greenouse means you control the watering no issues with it raining or wind.

Also they can become a breeding grounds for pests.

Its a compromise. Good luck.


@kwatz I wouldn't start autos any later than July 1st myself. The whole purpose of autos is to get a summer harvest, nice and early, as in July/August. For that reason, I start all my autos in May & June. You need to take advantage of the long days and the crucial mid summer period for bud development and harvest.


Starting any plant in July is very late, but if you're going to do that you might as well just use FV/early strains, or full photoperiods (given that he has a greenhouse). You'll get bigger yields that way and you're going to be missing the crucial summer window for harvesting autos anyway. So no point in using autos beyond say early-mid July.


But since we're talking about a late August start, autos are absolutely out of the question. The daylight hours are too low now (14 hours and declining, as opposed to 18 hours in June) plus the sun intensity isn't as strong now going into September. An auto started in late August will probably only grow half the size of an auto started in mid June.


It will also take a few extra weeks to finish as the buds won't be maturing as quickly as they would under the mid-summer sun. So an auto that would usually take 9 weeks to finish during the summer, may take 11-12 weeks to finish during autumn. So even with autos you'd be looking at a November harvest now. And then you'll probably end up disappointed with the final yield and bud quality from an auto that finishes up that late at this latitude. So long story short, it's just not really worth it now.


Sorry, but I would wait until next May now, even with FV/early's. You may have got away with it a few weeks back, but we're going into September now mate. As others have said, you can try to get your hands on some cuts which would be your best option. Although I think it may still be too late for that as well now...

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Re. whitewashing etc - another idea is polycarbonate.  More expensive ones have clear windows but most are dual layer and opaque, which is less attractive to most kosher veg and flower growers as you can't see what is growing inside but which may suit our purposes to a T.  Look at the polycarbonate thread in "growing under glass" for some pictures.  Apparently more liable to blow out in high winds if you use the usual glazing clips to hold the panes in but there is an option of glazing bar capping which reduces that risk. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

You could pick up a small tent and some lights,fan, carbon filter for the same price. Plus you can play with it through winter :) it's a bit too late to plant ladies outdoors now.

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