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Muscle Wasting Ulnar Nerve Damage


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I've had nerve issues before in my arm. A combo of pregbalin, paracetamol, codine and ibuprofren were what worked for me. Pregbalin helps the nerve pain inside the arm, the codine helps with general pain. Neither work for me on their own, but the combo of all of em did the trick. Its like having a hot wire inside your arm, fucking nightmare. Hope you find some relief somewhere pal. :bong:

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i was taking two different kinds of morphine with other tablets i was taking 24 tablets a day this may sound funny but you will go through a few different painkillers to you find the right combination that works for you everyone is different i found tramadol and co-codamol did nothing for me oramorph oral solution is strong that it stops you going to the loo so has to be prescribed with something that makes you go i am sorry if this does not sound helpful its about finding the right balance of tablets if you have to slow down on the herb    

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Just taking a minute to thank everyone that has replied to me, each other and to those that sent a pm. Really is nice when people come together and help each other out. I now have more options and ideas to try. I go through bouts of this sometimes it lasts a few hours / sometimes days / months and can really take it's toll. Cheers all.


Edited by tokenroll
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Tramadol addict here. I have peripheral neuropathy in my feet legs and starting in my fingers now as well as compressed lower discs and SI problems.

Anything Gaba works well as do opioid based meds but theres a balance between pain and impaired cognition fpr me as I imagine exists for others. Tramadol I dont notice ( only when I run out and the pain is bad and I need sleep ) . I could happily munch my way through the tramadol plus Pregabalin codeine and stronger and function pretty well with much relieved symptoms but I dont feel completely 'present' in my life if I do that . It is odd as I know plenty of folk who dont get on with tramadol and say they are out of it all the time. Horses for courses I guess. I do know I really hate swallowing pills to function though, I wish there was another path to pain relief that was as effective...hmm

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Very sorry to hear about your condition tokenroll, just asking out of interest (and tell me to shut up if you like), Im just curious.. can they not put you on some type of steroid or SARM to counter the degeneration like? or do they not work for this type of thing? I imagine there is still bloodflow through the muscles though so nutrients etc still going to the muscle? or does the nerve signal control uptake in the cells or something?

Sorry if Im coming across insensitive don't mean to be.

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@iBMe I have another few appointments and they where talking more about controlling pain than anything as they say it has been left to long to repair much of the damage with medications etc but will do what they can as there is other health problems to look at. Typical nhs. Will be seeing the doc next week so be interesting to see what he suggests and get him to explain things in plain English. Your not coming across as insensitive no worries there. Once I have seen him I will no more and probably post a little update on it. 


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My right hand is now withered and wasted due to nerve entrapment in the neck. Not found any pain killing strain for it, but I do find Disco Biscuit a remarkable strain medicine wise.


E2A I was on Pregabalin, Gabapentin, Morphine, and Clonazapam as well as 320mg Oxycontin per day for pain. I am now just on 240mg Oxycontin, and even that is a slow taper right now. I have not found these drugs to be of help. They were when first started, but now, after so many years, I'm better without them. Just weed, hash and FECO and a slowly reducing Oxycontin dose.


Edited by Arnold Layne
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My pain doctor has tried acupuncture on me that did not work then tried a form of meditation. You have to lay down close your eyes and breath deeply while pretending you are on a beach laying in the sand the sun on you and the sound of the beach and each wave is washing the pain away after a month I found it did not work so stopped I was told there is nothing else they can do for me. I am at the stage where I am glad I tried things even if they didn’t work then not try them and regretted it

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