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Muscle Wasting Ulnar Nerve Damage


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Just a quick one to anyone that suffers from Muscle Wasting / Nerve Damage. I have really bad pains in both my arms and neck constantly due to muscle wasting and seems to be getting worse quickly. It's getting to the stage just sitting etc my arms are throbbing and burning, the idea of lifting even a bag of shopping is no longer something im able to do. I have had the tests done to confirm the nerve and muscle wasting and now they are going to put me in for another operation on my left arm and then a few months later the right arm moving the ulnar nerve to another position as their first attempt failed. But in the mean time can anyone that suffers it give some advise on what pain medications from the doctors work for them. Smoking/Vapeing and eating the herb certainly helps but not enough I cant be baked 24/7. Im already on tramadol and amitriptyline at max strength and its not helping any more.  Waiting on an appointment with my doctor but its three weeks away.


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Sympathise with you bud, mrs is on Gabapentin and Naproxene, not sure if it's worth mentioning either of those, sorry can't be more help.

Hope you find something that does the trick mate, pain ain't fun....

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Think a trip to the pain clinic is needed, mate :)



I have no experience of your condition, and in very much a non-doctor way, I'm pretty sure you can take paracetamol with those meds. It may sound silly, but I found when I was in debilitating pain with my back (leg actually - sciatica, but y'know), the gabapentin, naproxen and tramadol really were, subjectively, made more effective by the 2 paracetamol every four hours.


Chonging weed, for me, was just for the spirit - I don't find it great for pain myself.


Good luck. I feel for you. Debilitating pain is...  much harder then I imagined before I experienced it, so you have my empathy. :)






Edited by j.o.i.n.t
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Hello @tokenroll i have crps which is nerve damage i was on tramadol all the way up to longtec ( oxycodone ) i am now on lidocaine plasters they do help better than tablets and with the herb i find the two mix well  

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2 hours ago, Jimboo said:

Lyrica for me amitriptyline and tramadol do zip for my pain, amitriptyline is a horrible drug

Horses for courses, amitriptyline done me wonders and tramadol never did more than make me feel queasy/sick constantly..


amitriptyline is definitely worth a shot for nerve pain 100%, I believe it's one of the earliest antidepressants as well, though only used off label in that regard these days.. 





For real pain you need real painkillers imho and that mean opioids unfortunately.... but when you way up the pros/cons of morphine use vs constant pain I know which I'm choosing.

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3 hours ago, Dodgee said:
4 minutes ago, Dodgee said:

Horses for courses, amitriptyline done me wonders and tramadol never did more than make me feel queasy/sick constantly..


amitriptyline is definitely worth a shot for nerve pain 100%, I believe it's one of the earliest antidepressants as well, though only used off label in that regard these days..



For real pain you need real painkillers imho and that mean opioids unfortunately.... but when you way up the pros/cons of morphine use vs constant pain I know which I'm choosing.

I have to disagree with you mate I was waking up in the middle of the night screaming with pain and banging my head off doors to distract me, until I tried Lyrica 

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I'm pretty sure my pain is real (feels it anyway)  , but I don't take opioids. I just stick to my protocol to try manage it . 


Nerve pain and living in constant  pain is horrible and can be very miserable, I hope you find some relief.


take care, 



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No , that's me being a bit over sensitive Dodg, I apologise mate. Pain can also make me a bit looney, irrational to say the least.  There's many times I've wanted to neck the strongest opioids  pain killers I could get . But for me I always seethat as putting a band aid on a broken leg, I can't take opioids forever even if it seems the pain will be here long term . 


Do what you got to do to manage it , we're all different. 



Edited by Al Swearengen
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You do a fine job with diaries and pics @tokenroll  I hope you find it a good distraction, and continue to post such fine work.  I thought I had a hobby until a fine old gentleman pointed out, it's a good distraction, not a hobby.  

I'll not eulogise about my own pain encounters but merely say, with confidence that a good distraction is, in some ways the best pain relief.  I know that pain can become debilitating , but if the chems are not hitting the spot then a distraction can help.  

I'm sure you know this.

Sending vibes and kudos regardless.



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2 hours ago, Jimboo said:

I have to disagree with you mate I was waking up in the middle of the night screaming with pain and banging my head off doors to distract me, until I tried Lyrica 


yeah, it's a really effective drug. I learned that when I stopped taking it a week too soon. Do you live with that shit all the time, jim?


My mother in law has a fucked back, and is on that, and pregabelin, I think, and she decided she didn't want it anymore. Within hours she could barely walk. She's back on it again now, and is back to being a busy body. She said she didn't think it was doing anything.


Oh, and now I've tried it not in pain is absolutely does have a buzz. Think I said to you it didn't have one! I swear, when I actually needed it, nothing.

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Do you live with that shit all the time, jim?

The Lyrica really really helps mate,I can feel it wearing of mate and the pain is still there I don't know what it does mate whether It masks pain or blocks the signals I'm just glad the Dr prescribed it 

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@tokenrollfeel for ya m8 , i got nerve damage from ops on my spine, right leg feels like a stump, but amitryptalin 75mg a nite does a little bit, but if anything helps with a little sleep. one thing that also helps a bit is oxygen, i use it for a condition called cluster headaches, worst pain i ever likely to experience, but when im on oxygen the burning nerve pain slightly eases for about half hour, not much help m8 i know, an once a week also helps lol, chin up m8 .



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Guest theokoles
18 hours ago, Jimboo said:

Lyrica for me amitriptyline and tramadol do zip for my pain, amitriptyline is a horrible drug


Agree 100% although im sure they work for some..I've tried both and didn't get along with either..Tramadol did nothing, didn't touch me and Amitriptyline I've tried a few times but just don't get along with it..


@tokenrolli have nerve damage to my optic nerve and like others, have been times ive cried my eyes out praying to god screaming "why me" "why me" as jimboo said pulling hair out and hitting myself.. A change of lifestyle has helped big time. i got a report from the neurologist that advised against using painkillers like co codamol for nerve damage, he claimed they are not effective, I'll dig out his report and summerise the pertinent parts.. So after 20 something years using high strength opioid pain killers, a couple of years ago i started to ween myself off them, im on low dose now, and even take half the recommended dose of those, they don't work though, its just an awful addiction im still struggling to kick..not to mention the problems that shit causes your insides..


I was told to try i think pregablin or gabapentin..i'd had enough to be honest..Watched my mum get prescribed pill after pill until it destroyed her..including tramadol and Amitriptyline. Sorry for going on a bit mate your condition is a lot worse than mine and i hope you get some relief soon and the op is a success..


Got that report i'll pick out a few bits that may be helpful.


The consultant says not to use nocipceptive painkillers like co-codamol, paracetamol etc, for neoropathic pain..He says they can sometimes perpetuate pain, he suggested trying carbamezepine which is more appropriate for nuropathic pain.


He continues..


neuropathic pain is the distortion of normal sensations caused by damage to nerve fibres. By contrast, nocioceptive pain is damage to tissues which activate nerve receptors. The different drugs act at different levels. To stop neuropathic pain you need a drug that stops the constant bombardment of messages from the damaged nerve fibre to the brain. Excess messaging of this nature is facilitated by using drugs for epilepsy and depression either in isolation or in combination. Nocioceptive painkillers are of very little value for this type of pain because they largely act upon different pain pathways.


The pain can be controlled with a combination of drugs such as carbamazepine, pregablin, gabapentin at an escalating dose until the threshold for pain is achieved with or without add on drugs such as amitriptyline, nortriptyline, clomipramine or duloxetine. If this fails to control the pain, in contrast to what i have already said regarding nocioceptive painkillers, an addition of an opiate with caution can augment the aforementioned neuropathic painkillers.


Pain management and psychological support were offered, at the time i took support as there was no pain management clinic in operation near me.



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