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Mangos and cannabis


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Guest Rex Mundi

Wanted.... Durian


I have mentioned this fruit before on here ;) 

and found on a search, must buy lol 

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alfonso mango's from india are my favourite.

they had durian at the market on las ramblas in Barcelona,you had to take it away with you if you wanted to open/eat it....

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On 6/6/2019 at 9:30 PM, Rex Mundi said:

I'm interested.... I mentioned earlier Africa and Asia, but I also now remember them in Brazil too....

and that makes me think that they were imported into Brazil originally, that is not native....

Kushman... sounds Asian... and I do remember that the Asian varieties I ate were smaller than others.

I also remember eating the smaller Asian ones differently than the larger mango's, I would not cut the cheeks off, I would just squash them against the nut/seed in the centre till it all went liguidy, then cut the top and drink the juice out.

And further, in the Philippines, many times in the jungly moutainous volcanic Islands, I would buy green mango's, unripe... sellers of this delicacy would sell little bags of green mango with herbs and spices, very crunchy but bloody delicious.

Damn these memories coming back ....


Kushmans are round almost. They have a delectable taste, but also a unique smooth texture. Thats what really shines. I dont know where theyre from, but a quick search will tell you. 


That green mango dish sounds different, but good. Ill have to try that.



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On 6/6/2019 at 9:30 PM, Rex Mundi said:

I'm interested.... I mentioned earlier Africa and Asia, but I also now remember them in Brazil too....

and that makes me think that they were imported into Brazil originally, that is not native....

Kushman... sounds Asian... and I do remember that the Asian varieties I ate were smaller than others.

I also remember eating the smaller Asian ones differently than the larger mango's, I would not cut the cheeks off, I would just squash them against the nut/seed in the centre till it all went liguidy, then cut the top and drink the juice out.

And further, in the Philippines, many times in the jungly moutainous volcanic Islands, I would buy green mango's, unripe... sellers of this delicacy would sell little bags of green mango with herbs and spices, very crunchy but bloody delicious.

Damn these memories coming back ....




Theres the wikipedia of Cushman mangos. Kindof a unique history, as they never are used for production. Kindof like a conniseur strain. If you really wanted I would send you seeds. The best damn mangos you ever will have.

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On 29/04/2019 at 6:49 PM, trichomehi said:

I've just read an interesting article about myrcene, and its synergy with thc, mangos contain myrcene this supposedly makes the high more intense, has anyone had any experience of this, its the first time I've heard of this....

I've read something similar but from what I could see different mango strains apparently give very different results.

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i dont know about mangos but pair cannabis strains with craft beer, especially hoppy or fruity ones and boom. also since carlsberg has changed its recipe that too. it really enhances the flavour of the beer so much. to me i can taste the ingrediants of the beer :)

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Mongo's from India, especially the East side, are considered to be the best ever. I love them and we can get them from our Asia supermarket in town. Much better than the crap from the supermarkets. 


@Rex Mundi. We went through Durian city on the way to Koh Chang once. It was hilarious. On the outskirts of town there was a massive statue of the spikey fruit. Ripe to say the least !!

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I usually need a sugar fix late afternoon to perk me up and I've been doing the smoothie thing for some years now to great affect. 


I normally blend up Banana, Mango, Pineapple and Apple(Granny Smith).


I can't get away with smoking a fattie round the back of my unit but I have been considering buying a dry herb vaporizer so I'll have to try combining the two, hopefully it doesn't affect my ability to box up and label for shipping at the end of the day! 



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6 hours ago, Larry Badgeley said:

Mango's from India, especially the East side, are considered to be the best ever. I love them and we can get them from our Asia supermarket in town. Much better than the crap from the supermarkets. 


@Rex Mundi. We went through Durian city on the way to Koh Chang once. It was hilarious. On the outskirts of town there was a massive statue of the spikey fruit. Ripe to say the least !!


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Heres the cushman mango. Notice the lack of fibers. It has an incredibly smooth texture. Delicious. First pic is the seed, which is also lacking much fiber.





 eat a good amount of mango and then get stoned. Those other fruits arent going to contribute to the effect

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I've wanted to play with this claimed effect, but it turns out I still hate mango. I have a sweet tooth, but it's the kind of sweetness....bleh.


It's OK, for science, I adapted; I smoked more weed. End result was waking up with a chocolate on my face on the couch at 4.30. I'll claim that as a win! :P

Edited by j.o.i.n.t
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1 hour ago, j.o.i.n.t said:

I've wanted to play with this claimed effect, but it turns out I still hate mango. I have a sweet tooth, but it's the kind of sweetness....bleh.


It's OK, for science, I adapted; I smoked more weed. End result was waking up with a chocolate on my face on the couch at 4.30. I'll claim that as a win! :P

Victory is sweet! But not so sweet when you would wake up with me licking the chocolate from your face! I'm a chocoholic! lol Hooked from childhood. Serves you right wasting all that chocolate lol 


There should be meetings lol i just picked through 2 tubs of ice cream eating only the chocolate bits these past few days.. I'm ravenous lol as far as mangoes, they can put me in a frenzy as well. Fecking delicious. Try mango bread out. Maybe youll like that better. Prove youre human lol 

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