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Not sure if this has been put on here before but here goes...

What is the name of the plant you grow to treat acute pain, in my case for fibromyalgia.

NEEDED- high CBD with a low high for daily use?

 Many thanks :)

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There are a few of us around here with it.


I suffer with Fibro+ME+Chronic Pain..

The CBD strains never really worked for me. It's like I need a high behind the muscle relaxing part to put my pain thoughts to one side. It's almost like you have to get the brain relaxed and in the right frame of mind for the muscles to get relaxed. In my opinion, or in my case, they need to go hand in hand.

Some strains can make my heart race like a good'n, not great when the condition can do the same by itself. I try to let my plants go for as long as possible to take any early racing high out of them.




Girl Scout Cookies


3 strains that always seem to work with the condition, well they do for me, you might be different but it's a good place to start. GSC is a touchy fucker, the 1st two would be easier to grow!

The Cookies, gives you carefree buzz, its the perfect strain for the condition in my opinion. You could be having a bad pain day, toke on the Cookies, you don't care and smile through it!


Some people don't like being stoned ontop of the brain fog from ME, for me it's the oppposite, it's like I need to block something out in order to get shit done.

Stoned/smoking/medicating, I can get nearly anything done in my own time.

Without weed, I can put the boiling hot kettle in the fridge and try to boil the milk. My missus knows when i'm having a bad one, she'll find shit in all sorts of places.

Having a joint and going with the flow, not worrying about things, it really does help.

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hi @GreenPirate

Thank you for your help, your discription of brain fog etc is well thought out "must be a good day for you, hope it lasts"

I'll check out the seeds you mentioned :yep:

When you say ...

 I try to let my plants go for as long as possible to take any early racing high out of them.


Does this mean having nearly all the trichomes turn amber OR am I  getting mixed up and if I don't want a high- harvest when the trichomes are clear?

Edited by caringmum
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"My missus knows when i'm having a bad one, she'll find shit in all sorts of places. " that's me on a daily basis can't even read a full paragraph and remember what I just read, and leaving stuff down and can't remember where, ie full cups of coffee in the cupboards etc. Drives the wife nuts and acuses me of just not listening or paying attention. Frustrating im sure. I agree with what you say about needing the thc and cdb together to work. I don't think cbd on it's own is enough. GSC strains work well for me also for back pain and ptsd. Anything that is racey I cant handle at all.


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Yeah, if anything I let them go slightly too long (amber) but it's always better for me than too early.

If I bring them down early (clear) I always end up with the racey high, which results in raised heartbeat and just makes the symptoms worse for me.


I've suffered with this long before the docs knew what it was, those early years it was me telling them about the illness. Still kinda feels that way now, it feels like I know more about it than they do!


And the fucker that invented CBT therapy, i'd like to kill them, for the good of us all I would do the time on that one!  << a few bad thoughts, it's easy for the rage to take back control of the pain. Weed really does help! :yes: I'm a much nicer person on it, it's like the old me is still in there but the pain wants to come through and take control.

Weed takes the snappy pain answers away as well which makes for an easier homelife, it can turn "yes I want fucking dinner!" into "do you want help with that!".



Someone once asked about the snappy replies.. here is how I try to explain it.


i'll keep asking you questions while hitting you, at some point you are going to go from "please stop" to "get the fuck off me now or i'll take your fucking eyes!". It may take 5 mins, it may take 100+hours but i'm gonna continue to hit you and until you snap with a full on OTT rage outburst.

If you are in pain, for soo long, you just can't help it, it is fucking horrible and you strike out in some way! Weed really does help!




I've had a big spliff today and the stoned feeling is way better than the brain fog. The smoke, I can gather and use my thoughts, the fog, I do all sorts of stupid shit when suffering those symptoms.





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15 minutes ago, tokenroll said:

"My missus knows when i'm having a bad one, she'll find shit in all sorts of places. " that's me on a daily basis can't even read a full paragraph and remember what I just read, and leaving stuff down and can't remember where, ie full cups of coffee in the cupboards etc. Drives the wife nuts and acuses me of just not listening or paying attention. Frustrating im sure. I agree with what you say about needing the thc and cdb together to work. I don't think cbd on it's own is enough. GSC strains work well for me also for back pain and ptsd. Anything that is racey I cant handle at all.



:yes:  you just have to laugh at it yourself, I wound myself right up thinking I was losing the plot over a few things. The more I can stand back and laugh at myself for doing stupid shit, the easier it is, as weird as that sounds. It's like you can overthink the fuckup you just made and sometimes its just better to stand back laugh, shake your head at what you just did and walk away... or the overthinking starts, then the rage, then the why me, then the "who the fuck knocked the fucking door that hard". Before you know it you are saying sorry to the postman for threatening him.


I think it's fucking hard on our partners, it's bad for us dealing with it but to see it from the outside must be confusing to them if they don't (can't) understand just what we're going through!

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17 minutes ago, GreenPirate said:



Yeah, if anything I let them go slightly too long (amber) but it's always better for me than too early.

If I bring them down early (clear) I always end up with the racey high, which results in raised heartbeat and just makes the symptoms worse for me.


I've suffered with this long before the docs knew what it was, those early years it was me telling them about the illness. Still kinda feels that way now, it feels like I know more about it than they do!


And the fucker that invented CBT therapy, i'd like to kill them, for the good of us all I would do the time on that one!  << a few bad thoughts, it's easy for the rage to take back control of the pain. Weed really does help! :yes: I'm a much nicer person on it, it's like the old me is still in there but the pain wants to come through and take control.

Weed takes the snappy pain answers away as well which makes for an easier homelife, it can turn "yes I want fucking dinner!" into "do you want help with that!".



Someone once asked about the snappy replies.. here is how I try to explain it.


i'll keep asking you questions while hitting you, at some point you are going to go from "please stop" to "get the fuck off me now or i'll take your fucking eyes!". It may take 5 mins, it may take 100+hours but i'm gonna continue to hit you and until you snap with a full on OTT rage outburst.

If you are in pain, for soo long, you just can't help it, it is fucking horrible and you strike out in some way! Weed really does help!




I've had a big spliff today and the stoned feeling is way better than the brain fog. The smoke, I can gather and use my thoughts, the fog, I do all sorts of stupid shit when suffering those symptoms.







Love the way youve put your pain and and life into words, couldn’t of wrote it better myself for myself !!!

exactly how I am and that’s a amazing way of explaining the snappy answers that slip!! 


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1 hour ago, caringmum said:

I'll check out the seeds you mentioned


Hi missis,


I'm currently growing OG Kush CBD and Early Amnesia CBD from Dinafem for MS and pain....(also got some Dinamed CBD Plus once these ones finish)

...give those a look, Mark at Dinafem is very helpful if you're not sure which ones would be best for you...


Nice to see you're hanging in there gal...default_thumbsup.gif



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Of all the weirdest things that help, music is up there with cannabis.


Bad day, feeling like shit, put on some music.. within 5 minutes you will be feeling better, not cured, just better in yourself.

Even if you're into banging hardcore techno, put that shit to one side and put on some funky old classics. You will find yourself singing along, whistling, little dance down the frontroom. Once your mood is raised, it is much easier to deal with pain.


28 minutes ago, Jammo85 said:



Love the way youve put your pain and and life into words, couldn’t of wrote it better myself for myself !!!

exactly how I am and that’s a amazing way of explaining the snappy answers that slip!! 



Sorry you have to deal with this mate, try the music thing, along with a nice smoke.

It will give you a much happier response to people on the days you are feeling like crap.

Just don't put on something that makes you sad, angry or anything else that gets you triggered.


Try waking up to this and see how you get on, or some old funky motown classics on the bad days..


I'm not a fan of all the tunes on that vid but try it.. raise your mood a little.



Edibles work very well but you have to get your dosing right, I like mine around 100-200mg THC per cake/brownie but that is way too strong for most people! Friends give my brownies the swerve, with an evil look in there eye of "fuck off, not again, you done me before on those!"

Try some edibles, the effect and relief from the fibro pain will last twice as long but you have to get the dose right,  please start really low and work your way up!


I think the edible route would be better for you @caringmum but start by micro dosing at first and find your happy point. You'll have to go past it one night and strap yourself in just so you know what to expect if you do eat too much. You don't want to find that out while out shopping, i'd laugh, others would sit in the corner and freak out. You need to know how you are going to react as not all edibles are equal. You can make it one week and it be mild, next week, decarbed for an extra minute, you could be on the floor!

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Sorry about the jibe Caringmum, couldn't resist.


People might like to check out the quick sativa thread in Strain Talk : Serious 6 seems to be a strain with good mood-enhancing, anti depressant qualities. It's a sativa so it wants to get big but it's not strong and if it's anything like the Indian Haze I used to grow  I expect it will get me through the day like no other weed can.

I've ordered a bean , flowering time is as little as 7 weeks.

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lol @GreenPirate CBT therapy what a load of rubbish ... talking about what you want out of life and to look on ther bright side! - except your illness and try to ease the pain by meditation.  :dev:


Me thinks I should have waiting a little longer to harvest to get a stronger CBD so leaving the trichomes to show more amber makes sense :yep:

I still have a jar of Sensi star grown last year with the help of a number of people on this forum :notworthy:and when I opened it last week the smell given off was very pleasant. If someone had walk in the room, then there would have been no hiding what I had been up too! 


Made a canna butter followed by ginger biscuits, but while they were baking a tried a bit of butter - about 1/8 of a tsp on a corner of a piece of toast :eek: yep your right ... I  was in bed 3 hrs later feeling very heady.  Definitely the THC was there but no sign of the CBD / CBN to help reduce pain. but never mind in a way I quite enjoyed it as I couldn't have care less about the house work or making dinner lol 


Edited by caringmum
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CBD Crew are a good source of medical strains, Real Gorilla have some sort of collaboration with them. It's an offshoot of Mr Nice, their breeeding is good.

Worth checking out.

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2 hours ago, caringmum said:

lol @GreenPirate CBT therapy what a load of rubbish ... talking about what you want out of life and to look on ther bright side! - except your illness and try to ease the pain by meditation.  :dev:


Me thinks I should have waiting a little longer to harvest to get a stronger CBD so leaving the trichomes to show more amber makes sense :yep:

I still have a jar of Sensi star grown last year with the help of a number of people on this forum :notworthy:and when I opened it last week the smell given off was very pleasant. If someone had walk in the room, then there would have been no hiding what I had been up too! 


Made a canna butter followed by ginger biscuits, but while they were baking a tried a bit of butter - about 1/8 of a tsp on a corner of a piece of toast :eek: yep your right ... I  was in bed 3 hrs later feeling very heady.  Definitely the THC was there but no sign of the CBD / CBN to help reduce pain. but never mind in a way I quite enjoyed it as I couldn't have care less about the house work or making dinner lol 



Sorry @caringmum, i've triggered you.. CBT therapy time, deep inhale, slow exhale.. lol sounds like you've done the CBT dance. It has actually been proven to make our illness worse and i've questioned them on it!

I told the physio his days were numbered pushing people and telling them to be strong the last time I spoke him, he did not look amused! ;)


It's like they had a few pages stuck together on the booklet they all read from, page 2 and 3 were stuck together by physio jizz at the idea of pushing people to do more star jumps!

I can see how the meditation and calming thoughts can work BUT not to cure the illness. It works just to stop you going friggin mental and full hannibal lectar on some poor fecker in Tesco.

They took it as "this is a cure" pages 2-3 were stuck together..skip to page 4 on the back.

Build your strength and push yourself, harder, HARDER..FASTER..STRONGER..HE MAN / SHEEE RAH!!


Next patient/group.




Regarding the CBD, Some strains will have different balance naturally, you can just pull them early to get that THC high or let them go a week or two longer for more of a body stone, usually. Some won't matter how long you let them go, they are just racey as fuck naturally, you just sit there racey high not being able to get up. Some people like that so whatever floats your boat but it can be controlled but you have to know a bit about the strain first as to what you really want it to do. You don't have to be that specific though,  as I said some strains will swing a certain way naturally.


The butter, sounds like you went a little too hard, try again but really go small. Eating the raw material/leaf in a juicer is supposed to work well, never really tried though, thinking about it..why have I not tried that!!??

Did you make the butter with fresh or dried material?


1 hour ago, Sasquatch said:

CBD Crew are a good source of medical strains, Real Gorilla have some sort of collaboration with them. It's an offshoot of Mr Nice, their breeeding is good.

Worth checking out.


@caringmum CBD crew, well worth a look as well if that is what you're after.

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