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Hi, new here looking for CBD help

zombie bait

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Just now, stu914 said:


Weren't gone for long then bud?



You know what its like mate I had a "senior moment" and wandered back in again lollol

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Thank you so much huys for the speedy replies, I have looked into organic hemp seed and even fishing bait is boiled or heat treated to make it not grow, I know I can handle 0.02% thc may 0.0.3 even but idk about higher, A friend sent me some from down south and claimed to be very low thc and I had horrible paranoia for hours on it and locked myself in my room feeling terrified for what seemed like forever, my mental health state after 18yrs in the military and losing my husband to it and daughter 3 yrs after just cannot handle thc, my doctor who off record is very open to me trying CBD for pain and hates that I have to use tramadol but also thinks I am not of the state of mind that can handle more than the minute amounts (although I suspect not as much as I do) I am also prescribed antipsychotics for my ptsd and is bad enough that I have been agoraphobic and in the same room now for pretty much 6 yrs...I was hoping CBD could help me stop using those too. 

I really appreciate the feedback thank you and will try anything atm even birdseed but I know for a fact I can't handle THC and although ik I can handle 0.0.3 with no ill effects I'm scared to try anything higher, 0.0.5 doesn't sound too much higher though, but the mind is a funny thing... it is a case of more searching and trial and error I guess.


Thanks again :rolleyes:



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On 26/01/2019 at 9:48 AM, hash72 said:

was 3 mates of mine did 4 years in jail for growing hemp, they bought bird seed never needed to plant them they just scattered it round a field alongside the m62, they harvested quite a few kilo and were selling it as cannabis


Jailed for attempting to pass off a substsnce as an illegal drug most likely. It's illegal to sell anything regardless of its legality if it's advertised as illegal

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I do not want to sell it I wanna use it for sciatica, PTSD and agonizing pancreatitis caused by a burst gall bladder that i did not realise until 2 days later and collapsed with septicemia, the sepsis damaged my pancreas pretty bad, i dont drink or smoke now even though i was never a big drinker but I def would not be selling hemp or the cbd i just wanna be off these vile tramadol and in less pain and maybe combat my ptsd etc without antipsychotics 

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On 1/25/2019 at 11:58 PM, Saddam said:

Welcome to UK420 :) 


Fyi, the cultivation of hemp is still illegal in the UK without a license from the Home Office, and carries the same punishment as  cultivating high THC varieties. :( 


Risking your liberty for growing hemp is pretty daft when fully legal CBD products  are available to the general public. 

It is the only option left to me this or a flight to dignitas which I have the records to get me through that process no problem...daft to me would be not trying this way with hemp first, the levels of pain relief I need are in excess of £100 a week! I cannot afford that on a military widows pension, alternately I take the offer of the flight and costs for dignitas

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You have my sympathy. :hug:    If things are really that bad, why can't you discuss prescription CBD options with your GP? Perhaps you could get Epidolex on prescription?  :unsure:    I'm sure a GP would be very sympathetic to your case and more willing to help because you're not asking for THC oil/Sativex. :) 

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On 1/29/2019 at 6:04 PM, Saddam said:

You have my sympathy. :hug:    If things are really that bad, why can't you discuss prescription CBD options with your GP? Perhaps you could get Epidolex on prescription?  :unsure:    I'm sure a GP would be very sympathetic to your case and more willing to help because you're not asking for THC oil/Sativex. :) 

I have tried but the only CBD available is very limited at the moment and to cancer and very rare epilepsies as far as I have found.

The ones prescribed by doctors contain too much THC  that really disagrees with exasperates my mental health my PTSD, anxiety etc badly. The very low THC isolate and low THC full spectrum ones that work very well for me,  they fast made it a ''food product'' so that the medical community could not access it on the NHS and so put it in the same category and on the same shelves as quack homeopathic flower remedies >.< 

Then places like Holland and barrett and tons many more places on the high street and online can now sell a sub standard ''food'' product of low grade and strength for massively inflated prices even my local post office sells it...making it (for those who know it is a good and fully functional substitute for the horrid tranadol etc they have me on instead) only available to people who can afford to be pain free.

Making it a food product made it impossible for doctors to prescribe it even though they know it helps enormously in a lot of mental and physical illnesses but the big pharma put it on the ''food grade'' list for fear it will effect their pain relief and mental health drug income of billions and putting it in health food shops and head shops they can poo poo the idea of its benefits as bunkum and quack medicine like those infamous homeopathic tablets and drops type remedies, that were mathematically described as if u added 1 drop of the herb or flower drug to lake Loch Ness and then whisked in that droplet to to whole lake, then took a tiny vial of water from the lake.... that is how much of the drug is in homeopathic medicines, you will do as much good drinking tap water they imo are placebos that are known to give some effects in people if they believe enough but thsat is the mind not the remedy working.

Anyway this is the category they are trying to put full spectrum and cbd isolate that is of legal low THC content. I an many others know that the other cannabinoids are hugely beneficial and help my pain and mental health no end but until I can find a way to grow this low THC hemp I am stuck on addictive opioids and numerous mental health antipsychotics getting worse.

The FDA and UK's NHS will never make this available to the public as there is far too many millions in keeping people sick. 


Thank you for the sympathy:hug: and sorry for the rant :unsure:

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On 26/01/2019 at 10:01 AM, Jimboo said:

One OAP nut in this thread was enough without your input as well  @stu914  ..........I'm out

I did wonder that Saddam was an OAP cheers for the confirmation.He certainly behaves like an old fanny.lol

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Don't grow hemp, mate, unless you want fibres or seeds.  If you want medicine then get some cannabis seeds that have low THC parents and are selected for flower/cannabinoid and terpene production.  You can find recommendations on this site.


If you want to purchase low THC cannabis products then be very, very careful in this unregulated market.  I cannot say Holland and Barrett CBD oil is shit, but I can say that its not very effective for most conditions because of the extremely low dosage.  I hear its being pulled soon?  My heart bleeds.


Always best to grow your own for quality and therapy.  Putting any cannabis seed in the ground is illegal, low THC or not.


Best of luck, mate.

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4 hours ago, zombie bait said:

until I can find a way to grow this low THC hemp cannabis


You can, there are plenty of high CBH low THC strains out there...google and see what you get...BTW Hemp is used for ropes, sails and the hangman's noose...


...the stuff you need is called 'cannabis'...CBD Crew and Dinafem do seeds which have the balance you're looking for and are a couple of good places to start.


I'm growing high cbd to make oil for my mrs' MS and my first time extracting in over 35 years growing, she is also intolerant of high thc much the same as you...


Bear in mind it's not necessarily the strength of THC but the balance between CBD and THC which give the entourage effect, they both enhance each other...default_thumbsup.gif


Good Luck with the search I hope you find what you need..



stu :oldtoker:

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Welcom aboard, 


Im not sure if its any help, my mum gets a few fine flowering hemp plants popping up around her bird feeders every yr, she buys seperate seeds from the farm shop and makes her own mix for the birds, my point anyways, you can buy a bag of 1000s for £1.59, the hemp you get in a tackle shop is mostly soaked/boiled, its probably not worth bothering with, farm or feed shops are the way to go i think,



eta... or.... ghs.. (joke)



Edited by *DJ*
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Hi there , welcome to the site. Like Stu and others have mentioned here, I wouldn't bother growing out Hemp seeds. Although they may contain little to no THC , I would be very surprised if you found the relief you were looking for. Most varieties of hemp(cannabis, it's all cannabis) is grown for the fibre or for  seed oil. When they produce CBD isolate from Hemp, they have to use a huge amount of plant material to make a small amount of isolate, I would think this is due to the varietys of Hemp(cannabis , it's all cannabis) they grow having little resin production and thus not containing much CBD or other cannabanoids and Terpenes, etc


So as Stu suggested you could start with a good recognised seed company like CBD crew. But growing from seed your going to have to look for a high CBD chemotype which will take time and well may have you disappointed in what you find, as although CBD crew and other seed companies have found very high ratio 20:1 CBD:THC plants from their seeds I'd imagine that's rare and your probably more likely sprout a 1:1 or a 2:1 . I think in your case you would want to find as a high a ratio of CBD to THC as you can . But indoing so you are going to no doubt stumble across some higher ratio THC to CBD chemotypes . If in the case you do find a high ratio CBD to THC plant it would be a good idea before hand  if you learnt and read up on how to take clones/cutting and how to keep a mother plant for the long term. Because if you do find what u want and need your going to have to have a back up of the plant either that or you will have to start over again . 


If you are going to try from seed , I would suggest CBD crews "Therapy ". They are a great company , I would contact them directly and let them know what's going on with you and ask them for there advice. The Ladies there have good knowledge and most of all big hearts. They are there to help you . 


Another variety I would try is from House of the great gardener called "HILo". Like CBD crews Therapy there are some very high CBD to THC ratio plants  to be found . Both CBD Crew and  House of the great Gardener work together alongside Resin seeds. Resin Seeds are sort of pioneers in high CBD varieties with there " Cannatonic" being a parent to many high CBD varieties that are available. 


Maybe I was lucky , I don't know but I Have a Mother plant called Z7 or Remedy that came back at 5:1 CBD to THC. Of note this was only tested on a home testing Kit called Alpha-Cat , which only gives a percentage range of cannabanoids. Saying that the same a sample from the same plant was tested 5 years apart and both showed the same results . This particular Z7 plant produces very nice calming but not sleepy Ganja, people who like high THC cannabis generally aren't into it and those friends call it the "anti-weed" , but in a good way. It will bring one down if they feel they are 2 high. Z7 was created by Shantibaba of MR Nice Seeds and Owner of CBD-crew. 


On another but the same note , something that I don't really understand is where all this legal under 0.2%THC high CBD flowers have come from ? A lot of it is coming from Switzerland I know that , but what is the parental lineage of these plants?  they seem to have copied alot of names from well known high THC varieties. Which I'm sure is a scam as how would they breed all the THC out of those varieties in a such a short space of time ? Something doesn't smell right about it all , lab tests or not . Perhaps a conversation for its own topic I should post . 


Just my thoughts on this cold ,snowy but sunny Sunday morning.


Take care and good luck,





Edited by Al Swearengen
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There's always something I forget, something else to look into is juicing the plants leaves. Although it may not contain much cannabanoids, I still think they may give a good anti inflammatory effect. I add them to my Hulk shakes on the daily , well as long as I have enough. People juice the buds too but unfortunately due to current legality my growspace isn't big enough to be doing this. 

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