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Brittle asthma


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I have asthma, thankfully not as bad as your friend, but to be honest I see no positive noticeable effects from smoking weed, vaping causes the least issues but can't say I find medical relief from it at all, I had a very old friend over last night with the same condition, he has been a severe asthmatic since we were kids, although he is a chronic stoner, the only asthma chats we have is the latest medication our asthma nurse has put us on and how that has improved things

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Imho smoking for asthma is a wee bit mythical. I think it's things like ganja tea and stuff like that that is going to help if cannabis will.

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14 hours ago, distracted said:

I have asthma, thankfully not as bad as your friend, but to be honest I see no positive noticeable effects from smoking weed, vaping causes the least issues but can't say I find medical relief from it at all, I had a very old friend over last night with the same condition, he has been a severe asthmatic since we were kids, although he is a chronic stoner, the only asthma chats we have is the latest medication our asthma nurse has put us on and how that has improved things


She can't smoke mate she has to vape and vaping normal weed doesn't help, I've put a couple of the medical seeds in not sure what there called of the top of my head but there more cbd than thc, there for the wife to try really as she spins out a bit smoking weed anxiety/para so it'll be interesting to see if the high cbd content will counteract the effect and see if it helps with my mates asthma, not sure if theres a specific strain that helps with asthma 

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Asthmatic here too, and get no positive effects from cannabis unfortunately.


I don't smoke tobacco either, but when my chest is playing up I try and stick to edibles.

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Former asthmatic.......Havent had asthma since the time I started smoking weed daily 14 years ago


Coincidence.....probably. Who knows.

Hope you find something that helps Op

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Also an (former) asthmatic here!


I was far worse as a kid, but have very few issues now... much like @blackpoolbouncer mine kinda started to drop away around my mid-teens when I started smoking weed - roughly 35years ago! I can't obviously say that smoking had an impact but I remember being around when my dad was advise to let me smoke weed (I was about 10 lol) by a guy whose sister used it to manage attacks; I think, from what I recall all them years ago, he put it down to weed bringing her some calm...


That's my tupence of anecdotal stuff... :v:

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Bronchodilator effect of delta1-tetrahydrocannabinol administered by aerosol of asthmatic patients.  FREE S J Williams, J P Hartley, J D Graham Abstract Ten volunteer inpatient asthmatics in a steady state were given a single inhalation of an aerosol (63 mul) delivered in random order, on each of three consecutive days, in the laboratory of a respiratory unit. Before, and for one hour after treatment the pulse, blood pressure (lying and standing), forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1), forced vital capacity (FVC), peak flow rate (PFR), and self-rating mood scales (SRMS) were recorded. Treatments were placebo-ethanol only; delta1-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) 200 mug in ethanol; or salbutamol 100 mug (Ventolin inhaler), administered double blind. Salbutamol and THC significantly improved ventilatory function. Maximal bronchodilatation was achieved more rapidly with salbutamol, but at 1 hour both drugs were equally effective. No cardiovascular or mood disturbance was detected, and plasma total cannabinoids at 15 minutes were undectable by radioimmunoassay. The mode of action of THC differs from that of sympathomimetic drugs, and it or a derivative may make a suitable adjuvant in the treatment of selected asthmatics.



I've always known cannabis to be a bronchiodialator and personally can feel it open up my airways. 

Particularly now I'm a non smoker of tobacco. If i have a cig my chest goes really tight and wheezy. I have a pure joint after and I breath much easier again. 

How much this helps I dunno but it's perhaps not just anecdotal.

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Had childhood asthma... Came back once or twice... Probably from smoking... Remember on time had a massive tobacco and herb spliff and had a light attack. I asked my brothers for my inhaler as I couldnt breathe. I was about to pass out on the table, was fading away. They got it for me after they stopped laughing etc...


THC would be what helps. Dont inhale it, that would make it worse. Edibles, topicals are what you want.

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Ive done cbd isolate which is pure cbd through a bong... As far as helping asthma goes... It is mildly irritating, can definitely make you cough... After that i really dont know if it would help... I think all the studies have been done for thc... Cbd might help... I dont have asthma really, so idk... Asthma can be serious, so dont like, forgoe medication for weed in an emergency. IMO dont inhale anything. Make edibles. Inhalation is for an immediate effect but that doesnt really apply here...

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Anyone remember Channel 4 did "pot night" around 20 years ago? There was a show called Amsterdam by Night and one of the women from the coffee shop was saying tobacco and weed together was like a yin/yang balance, as 'cannabis opens the lungs, and tobacco closes them'.


Always thought it was just stoner talk but that study might suggest that there's something more to it....

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