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Metastatic Breast Cancer


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I've had so much admiration for everyone who has been growing to care for their loved ones and friends...


I didn't think I'd be looking for advice, but today, a couple of weeks after feeling a slight ache in her right side, my lovely mother in law has been diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer. She has tumours in her right breast, liver, spinal column and lymph nodes. We are waiting for a prognosis, which we do not hold out much hope for, and plan of treatment.


My wife and I are in a state - worse because we can't be with her or my father in law at present because they are in Germany and we are in the UK - even if we were there, she has chosen to isolate herself and refuse visitors. Can't blame her, god knows what is going through her mind and she has to come to terms in her own way. Also, I am not in a position to help by growing, so I am really looking for any helpful information from anyone who has any knowledge or experience of German medical marijuana, which I know has been leagalised, though I do not know how best to advise on accessing treatments. Any other useful links to information would be greatly appreciated.

I have read a diary on here on stage 4 breast cancer, which ended on what seemed to be a positive note, in 2015 - are there any other resources you know of on the boards, please?


Thanks for any advice/suggestions or pointers.


Good health to you all.

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Can't offer any real advice sorry just wanted to say i'm going through the ringer myself so feel your pain.


I can only offer posi vibes and wish for a positive outcome for you and your family.


I'm sure you will find much support and advice on the boards. :yep: 

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Aww man, that's really rough news. Can't help at all but sending out all the best wishes, thoughts and positive vibes to you and your family, and to @Cursed

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sorry to here this @slugums mate


she can get herbal cannabis prescription in germany through her dr if she wanted to, not sure about oil's though


for medical readings for yourself and your mother in law i'd advise on downloading 'storm crows' invaluable medical cannabis list/directory (you can down load here)


think i'd be looking at sources/countries to buy oil if i couldn't make any and get it delivered dude


sorry i cant help more, positive vibes coming your way dude.. :yinyang:







Edited by twigs
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Thanks @PedwarUrgain appreciated mate! Aye, it burns... she is the sweetest woman you'd meet!


Thanks @twigs that's really helpful, mate! I'll dl that and get reading... Great idea to look at neighboring places for oil - I'm not sure were Germany stands on that either, despite the legal status of medicinal weed - I'll look into how easily that can be imported.


Many thanks and goo health to you all...

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Oh man! That's tough! i hate to hear of other people being affected by this horrible disease especially as it still affects me. I can only hope the prognosis is better than you thought. My thoughts are with you and your family. Stay strong, mate.

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Just now, bearukc said:

Oh man! That's tough! i hate to hear of other people being affected by this horrible disease especially as it still affects me. I can only hope the prognosis is better than you thought. My thoughts are with you and your family. Stay strong, mate.


Thanks @bearukc wishing you health, strength, and positive thoughts, mate!


Yes, its all fingers crossed for a bit of hope - I'm doing my best to be, uncharacteristically, positive!



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Aww.. that stinks mate, ffs what is it with this year already everyone seems to have someone not well...?


Shame old Vapefire isn't around atm, I think he's from Germany...on second thoughts...:no:


Hope your mum-in-law manages to find something that helps...



stu  :oldtoker:

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2 hours ago, stu914 said:

Aww.. that stinks mate, ffs what is it with this year already everyone seems to have someone not well...?


Shame old Vapefire isn't around atm, I think he's from Germany...on second thoughts...:no:


Hope your mum-in-law manages to find something that helps...



stu  :oldtoker:


Cheers bud!


We'll see what news comes back and what we can do from there... If I'm honest, its going to be an uphill struggle to get the in-laws to consider any medicinal canna! Maybe you're right about vapefire... erm! :unsure:

Hope things are going well with the missus! All best of health to you both mate!

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1 hour ago, Slugums said:

If I'm honest, its going to be an uphill struggle to get the in-laws to consider any medicinal canna!




The high quality hemp extractions, nutritionally speaking, are packed full of good stuff - and cbd etc. To be honest, it's the complex of nutrients that's was more interesting at the time...I'm forgetting the details, tho. The one we used when a high wasn't wanted, but a loving positive choice was, was by an Austrian company that do a wide ranged C02 extraction, so it's not full of solvent or anything. It's also not cheap at all. 127,50 € for an 18% solution, 10ml bottle. The 10% was around 95 list price, i think. It'd add up if using for a long time.


Want the name? there's probably others by other manufacturers, it's just want we ended up with. The people using it felt nice about it, but it wasn't about cure. More side effect stuff, and a general 'health tonic' vibe.



now I think of it, what followed you may find interesting too.  Pure anecdote, this - but that stuff did change a high. I had a bottle left, and tried it myself - slight calming effect by it's self, but taking it after smoking weed that was a bit racy calmed things down. Friend said same.


If you've got deep pockets, having it as an adjunct to a full specturm 'active' oil might help the non smoker deal with it better. Oil at large doses for people not using to getting all fucked up can be hard going. Just a thought.


Good luck, and sorry to read the bad news :/

Edited by j.o.i.n.t
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Many thanks @j.o.i.n.t


I'll look into that and pass the info along... I'm not sure how they plan to approach medication, but knowing of a good way to mitigate against symptoms and/or adverse effects of treatments is very much appreciated! My mother in law is a total light weight - one glass of wine and she's all good, bless her!


Medihemp is the only thing I find with an Austrian source - is that the folks?


Thanks again, very best to you and yours.

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23 minutes ago, j.o.i.n.t said:

127,50 € for an 18% solution, 10ml bottle.


 I think the decimal point's in the wrong place bud...and then some...:rofl:


I have a very nice selection of balanced cbd/thc seeds ready to go and all the gear to extract with...(one just in dwc today)

At the moment I really believe this budding industry is loaded with shyster snake oil bods...No danger of that with DIY...

There is also the Brucie Bonus of having plenty of " me " time, doing this work to keep her in meds...hours and fecking hours..:rofl:


Thanks for the info just the same, someone might just need it...all good buddydefault_thumbsup.gif



stu  :oldtoker:


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That's them, yes.  I got it from a supplier here, and didn't pay that damn price. In situations you are in sometimes just telling the truth, not bullshitting at all, can prompt kindness in people.




Was a delicate patient, stuff seemed very pure/clean - it was those situations vibes were important, the patient was already on a MOUNTAIN of meds....  Tis a mad price.

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hi there mate , i know how you feel brother ,,,   my mam in law was diagnosed with the same thing allmost 2 years ago... ive tried guerilla growing to get enough bud to knock her some oil up, but unfortunatly both grows were disasterous ....  so im out there AGAIN this spring hoping i get a good one this year ,,,

wishing her and all the family  the very best wishes ,,,  stay strong and tell her to never give up hope mate .....

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