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hemp cbd vs cannabis cbd


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10 minutes ago, hash72 said:

hemp is not cannabis more like its cousin, was a time when it was illegal not to grow hemp in the uk.


Respectfully I disagree.  @Pots I think is a lot more correct.  Using your analogy hemp is the ladyboy offspring that got left in the basement without much love.


Edit:  In 1533, King Henry VIII made hemp cultivation compulsory by law. For every 60 acres, farmers had to grow about 1/4 acre of flax or hemp, or else they would face a fine for breaking the law.

I didn't know this, cheers for the info.


Low THC monoecious cannabis seeds (aka hemp) would be cheaper to produce than well bred stablised seeds.

Edited by elmer budd
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is like saying an oak tree is maple they are similar but not the same, an old mate of mine once tried sell me some hemp, I smoked the tester and found it disgusting it was not cannabis for sure, 

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5 minutes ago, hash72 said:

is like saying an oak tree is maple they are similar but not the same, an old mate of mine once tried sell me some hemp, I smoked the tester and found it disgusting it was not cannabis for sure, 


An oak and an ash are very different, apart from both being called trees.  Are you saying a poodle is a dog, but a great dane isnt?


Edited by elmer budd
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2 minutes ago, elmer budd said:


An oak and an ash are very different, apart from both being called trees.  Are you saying a poodle is a dog, but a great dane isnt?


no i'm saying a tree is a tree but all trees are different.

back to hemp.

in the beginning there was just the hemp plant, gardeners started to cross hemp with other plants, over the years the new plant we now call cannabis was seen to have medicinal use, cannabis has been nurtured and improved still to this day, hemp has never been changed from the beginning till now, it has never been seen to have medicinal value, hemp has many other qualities we could save the planet with hemp, paper, clothing and food in particular. I just think if you are selling medical cannabis it should only come from the cannabis plant, that just my opinion and I respect yours just accept we disagree.

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The way I see it with my current level of understanding is that a cannabis plant is an expression of its genes within the environment it grows in.  So for example, if you take Columbian gold IBL (native strain) and grow it in northern Europe for a few generations then it will revert to what you are calling hemp.  This would be only partly due to mixing with the local population, and more probably due to survival adaptation and selective pressure.  This can also be seen if you get a good seed, but grow it in poor conditions - you will get what is more akin to what you call hemp because there will not be much cannabinoid content (I guess this is what you mate gave you).


Humans have know for a long time the differences between unseeded females having a medical use and tall fast growing plants being fibre crops, and also have classified different subspecies at different times too, probably because there is such diversity within one plant.


If I am correct and the only difference is cannabinoid content, then for the sake of clarity and accuracy I just want to use stick to one name.  I prefer cannabis.  Rick Simpson uses hemp.  I like Rick Simpson.  Please don't choose marihuana.

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they're both the same plant but one was breed for fibre and seed production and the other was grown for religious/spiritual/healing/fun


its only fairly recently we understand how the plant interlocks with our own ECS 

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28 minutes ago, hash72 said:

no i'm saying a tree is a tree but all trees are different.



The difference between two trees and two dogs is vast, mate.  The easiest way I can put this is that all dogs can interbreed, but not all trees can interbreed. 

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