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hemp cbd vs cannabis cbd


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hi people hope you are all well. :thumsup:


What are the differences between hemp cbd and cannabis cbd , There has to be some major defining factor that i cannot put my finger on


I've read and read topics on this can some kind person simplify it for me please

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32 minutes ago, itsmeithink said:

I've read and read topics on this can some kind person simplify it for me please


what have you read? and what do you understand.?

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Aint no difference.


You are welcome to join the discussion:hippy:

Edited by elmer budd
added simple answer to simple question
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3 hours ago, elmer budd said:

Aint no difference.


whilst you are correct that cbd is cbd,  the difference depends on whether or not the OP knows the difference between "CBD oil" and "cannabis oil" and what he wants to do with it as to what the differences are.


one is legal, derived from industrial hemp, is described as a dietary supplement, contains a minute trace of THC and is sold in Holland and Barrett and by other assorted snake oil merchants who heavily dilute it with a "carrier" to increase profitability , usually olive oil but sometimes hemp seed oil and they make bold claims about it's ability to cure most known ailments, the other is illegal to produce, possess and sell, has high THC content and CBD and has been used to successfully shrink cancer tumours, treat MS and whole host of other illnesses by many people


so merely saying "Aint no difference" isn't really helpful because the difference is chalk and cheese, medicine and quackery and we wouldn't want to send somebody needing cannabis oil down the wrong path

there is a lot of confusion out there and a lot of desperate people being scammed

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I answered the question to the best of my knowledge.


Is a difference between hemp CBD and cannabis CBD.  The answer is no.


The also OP stated he had read a lot around the subject and I linked my thread which I think is a useful discussion that helps dissolve some of the myths around cannabis.


I do get your point if the difference between hemp CBD oil and cannabis CBD oil if the difference is not understood though, in future I should clarify.

Edited by elmer budd
spelling, extra info
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5 minutes ago, elmer budd said:

I do get your point if the difference between hemp CBD oil and cannabis CBD oil if the difference is not understood though, in future I should clarify.

trust me, there are a lot of people out there who don't know the difference between the stuff that Holland and Barrett sell and the genuine article as made and distributed to sick people for free by some proper heroes out there

You'd be surprised by the amount of messages and emails we get asking questions like " how much Holland and Barrett cbd oil do I need to cure my husbands/wifes/childs cancer ? "




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I dont know alot about this subject but listened to the dragonfly earth medicine potcast again this week & beginning of the interview they were talking about cbd derived from what would be considered a higher thc plant & then selectively bred towards cbd, being more beneficitial for you as it has all of the other cannabinoids interacting together.

& makes me think this is the point alot of people or government whatever, are missing when think cbd is the only medical aspect of the plant. 


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Hemp CBD is likely from China, grown in polluted areas with little to no quality control. The extracts are made from woody plants with low amounts of flowering heads per plant. The end product could be diluted and commercial, with little benefits to be had in the form it’s sold, or it could be very pure (isolate) and be healing for those that need it, but still from questionable sources. 

The term cannabis CBD could be used to describe high quality oil made from CBD rich plants grown organically, from tested genetics bred to have lots of resinous flowering tops, in a clean grow room. Obviously the oil or extracts made from these plants will be much better quality and have many benefits, despite having low THC. 


In my opinion a 50:50 strain has the most benefits to be had medically, and I personally don’t find just pure CBD plants to be very interesting. Give me mostly THC any day over that, but each to their own. 

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Hello there,


CBD oil alone isn't as beneficial as whole cannabis oil. 


It's all about the entourage effect. One compound alone does't work as well as a full spectrum of cannabinoids working together. :hippy:



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Hemp is a common name for cannabis. The genus is Cannabis. Species is sativa, indica or ruderalis. 

But it is all cannabis. Botanically I mean.


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2 minutes ago, Pots said:

Hemp is a common name for cannabis. The genus is Cannabis. Species is sativa, indica or ruderalis. 

But it is all cannabis. Botanically I mean.


what about americana and chinesis?  Cannabis subspecies do not seem to stand up to much scrutiny.



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hemp is not cannabis more like its cousin, was a time when it was illegal not to grow hemp in the uk.

a quick glance you can buy 500g of hemp seeds for £3

Edited by hash72
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