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connector trip issues hager esc 225


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So I went back up into my loft space today just to see if it was feesable to do something with it over the next few months while i await the summer months to return.  I turned on my only working plug socket 1 out of 3 aint bad (as in the words of meat loaf ). But when its un acessable at night time it kinda is.  Any way as i turned the socket i noticed a click comeing from my conect (hager esc 225 ) see link for model spec 


Now im wondering if this would have cuase my fusion 600 switcahble ballast to play up was running a 400 wt mh and hps off it last year as well as 5 inch rvk plus heater.  Its got me wondering if it was to much load through the said connector.  Any way my sparks comeing round in a few weeks to re wire 2 out of the 3 double sockets and disconect the none working one.  Im going to ditch the hps becuase with it above our bedrooms its like a swet pit in the there in the summer months.  Any input please guys as to whats a safe load to run through the said conetor or any upgrades to take higher out put would be apricated many thanks 

Forgot to mention the spur for the said area is taken of a main fuse board up in the loft  ive inserted a pic so you lot get a idea of how the wireing has been done thanks gaian for any input large.IMG_20180801_185650_edit.jpg

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I would speak to your sparky, and ask him what safe load your circuit can take.

He will have a much better idea than anyone on here, as he will have the consumer unit, cable etc in front of him.

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@badbillybob nice one due apricated the feed back i want to be safe and stable im going to look for a variac fan controller as well which will also be wired up into te main conect id imagen as i want total silent climate im just stuck now as to what light to get re a decent 300 led and do two or a cmh 315 a friends got a cmh 630 and he has had fucking execellent results out of his if it goes to plan with my spark.  I can get a friends tent whcih should fit in there no issues.  Then just do 2 or 3 but try and aim for more per plant per wt so to speak any way the said space of the tent is 1,5 x 1.60 high x 1.50 any further advice on lighting sides re led vs cmh be cool also do them cmhs get hot ??

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5 minutes ago, bubbleguppie said:

any further advice on lighting sides re led vs cmh


A few of us have moved over to led with cracking results, check @tokenroll's diary for one...


lights courtesy of @diyleduk site sponsor, he'll have exactly what you need made to measure and not expensive...:yep:




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