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my sweet amnesia diary


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6 hours ago, assault and battery said:

Good start to your diary. Good to see 100% germination. 


i used tiny pots this time too and agree, they dry out way too fast. Next time I’m starting larger. 


Best of luck with grow :) 


Yes but my reason for starting in the small pots is so I can give the beans a nice full soaking in the soil at first to help them get above ground.


With a bigger pot it can be difficult to keep them wet enough without the soil getting water logged, perlite going green and unhealthy.


And you know a big pot will even out the moisture within itself, well mine does anyway and sucks the sides in if i try to keep only the top few inches wet.


Bit of a juggling act really but so long as you have an idea of wet/light weight of your pot you will pull it of :smokin:

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Great start with the seeds, I hope they continue to be so decent for you!


I really liked what you said about embracing change. Cannabis growing is an industry rife with innovation - equipment, techniques and genetics - and this site is a great place to learn about what's going on. Thanks for sharing!

Edited by delagdo
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update time :)


plants are growing like wildfire, all looking very indica for a haze variety.

I tried to get a sneaky stem rub in but they are not giving much away, I guess I will have to wait.

almost all potted up into 6.5L finals the rest will be done today/tomorrow.

added a propagator tray filled with water to increase the humidity in the room.

I will be topping them pretty soon only because I think it prevents mold.. having two colas half the size= half the risk of mold :)



anyway here is some pictures taken two days ago




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Great start mate with the 100% germination.

They look well happy under the parabolic, I miss using mine.


Very best of luck with the rest of the grow and the comp :yep:

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plants have been potted up a few days now, everything is looking nice and healthy and I am happy with everything so far.

I havnt been fully watering the pots, IME 6.5l will take around 1.75L of water fully saturated. sometimes I am just watering the top to keep it moist and encourage the roots up there.


here is some pictures of them :skin_up:






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excellent stuff my man, rare to see so many plants without an issue with any of them...kudos...keep it going mate, this is going to be a good one....atb....:yinyang:

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the plants are now on a wet dry cycle after 10 days stepping up from 1L to 6.5L finals.

I have been feeding 1ml/L alg a mic

had to put my mothers in this tent for the time being not much more to say so ill keep it short and sweet ;)














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@decentcriminalLooking good in here dude, your plants are loving that parabolic shade and you have filled the space perfectly.


They should put on quite a show when you put them in flower.


Keep up the good work dude.

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on christmas day I switched the plants to 12/12 and started flower.

I have labelled all plants and took one cutting from each and a little tidy up on the lower branches.

hopefully I will find the coffeeshop amnesia mother in this grow :wub:

these plants are growing like they are in a constant stretch, I nearly had to check the timer I couldn't believe my eyes.

I had to flip earlier than normal so I dont run out of height.

usually veg for 3 weeks after stepping from 1L to 6.5L, these plants got potted up 16 days ago.

here is some pics taken two days ago.



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:wallbash:managed to set my timer backwards and have the lights on during the day with the oil rad running at the same time.

I came home to some really dried out and stressed plants.

I corrected the timer and the temps are back where I like them so its full steam ahead.

Ive been rubbing stems and if I am completely honest I am not finding any smells similar to the amnesia haze I have smoked before.

hopefully the amnesia haze smell will come through as we get into flower.



I took a couple pictures when watering.







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