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Black Jack Auto in Coco and RO.


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Good morning fellow growers.

Found today the girl stretching ,after i took the panel to 70cm and i lower it a bit,4-5cm.I  push down the upper leaves that hide the light ,so the small branches start to stretch.

It s looking happier today,so i was right yesterday that ,it was starting to heat stress.

The pot is still heavy,so i will feed later again with .55CE and have a run off.Leaves are still dark green.

In a couple of days i will buy-again-more seeds, to add to the tent,so it doesn t feel lonely:).

The heater is needed in the tent,only when the lights are off(fall to 21 c),otherwise the panel keeps the temp at steady at 25-27.



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Your plant is looking very healthy there but definitely a bit lonely, another one wont hurt.:bong:

It's nice to see someone else rocking sock/sandal combo :yep:


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15 minutes ago, BeardedBeardiae said:

Your plant is looking very healthy there but definitely a bit lonely, another one wont hurt.:bong:

It's nice to see someone else rocking sock/sandal combo :yep:


the tent is 1,2x1,2,so i will go for 3-4 more.


Ha,ha.It s a nice compo,only in  the house.Only the Germans wear sandals with socks outside.And i hate sandals by the way,mine are a kind of slippers.




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a song dedicated......to me.

Q:Why are the leaves so green? A:cause you're feeding in PPM.:wallbash:

i was feeding 1 CE.

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Well,at least she s just over fed.I've started a diet for her,so i gave her at 20:00, 1,2l of.55 EC(real)and had about 1/2l of run off.

Tomorrow i will feed in the morning(?), just what i call"candies".Humic,fulvic,amino acids, leonardite humus and Cannazym,all with low or none NPK(I add most times Cannazym,but i forget to write it down).

For sure she won t starve.

Min/Max:20,1c-28,7 c / 52h-85h. Roots 24 c .

I push down the upper leaves as much as i could ,so the side branches start to stretch.


I m thinking which seeds to buy ,but probably i will go for Black Jack again :).My stash is over and i want to make a good one before i move to other strains.And now,i can afford to buy only 1 pack.

Thanks for your comments/opinions  so far guys.



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Day 17

I fed at 20:30 ,after  yesterday.600ml(CalMag,A+B,Leonartite,Cannazym)/5,72pH-.558 CE-22,2 c.Now 27,2 c-55h.

Min/Max:22,2 c-30,4 /54-89 h .IR 25-26. Roots 27.

Looking great,very bushy.I keep taking  under the upper leaves,so the side branches grow faster.Very simple,easy and working ,very low stress.

When i see bushy plants,the outdoor grower is coming out of me and want to train the hell of them.But, i now that will be 1+ month more waiting.

This a thought i have ,when i finish this grow(and have enough BJ for 4-5 months).To do 4 xxl autos , train the hell of'em and fill the 1,2x1,2 tent.Maybe i will finish after 4+months but i'll get a respected quantity.I hope next summer,to find a good spot out and in the winter i ll grow just for the hobby:).

This summer was a disaster.Zip.


I also added one small fan, to circulate the air on the bottom of the tent.

The big one is working with a 5 step controller from  a roof fan,with no strange sounds.It hits the panel,not the plant.The fans from the leds are the most noisy(....to be replaced).






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1 hour ago, countrock said:

Day 17

I fed at 20:30 ,after  yesterday.600ml(CalMag,A+B,Leonartite,Cannazym)/5,72pH-.558 CE-22,2 c.Now 27,2 c-55h.

Min/Max:22,2 c-30,4 /54-89 h .IR 25-26. Roots 27.

Looking great,very bushy.I keep taking  under the upper leaves,so the side branches grow faster.Very simple,easy and working ,very low stress.

When i see bushy plants,the outdoor grower is coming out of me and want to train the hell of them.But, i now that will be 1+ month more waiting.

This a thought i have ,when i finish this grow(and have enough BJ for 4-5 months).To do 4 xxl autos , train the hell of'em and fill the 1,2x1,2 tent.Maybe i will finish after 4+months but i'll get a respected quantity.I hope next summer,to find a good spot out and in the winter i ll grow just for the hobby:).

This summer was a disaster.Zip.


I also added one small fan, to circulate the air on the bottom of the tent.

The big one is working with a 5 step controller from  a ceiling fan,with no strange sounds.It hits the panel,not the plant.The fans from the leds are the most noisy(....to be replaced).







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Day 19

And we have  the winners!        i've changed my mind last minute and instead of Black Jack,i bought......


3 of them are in a cup of water,into the tent.

BJ1 is doing great.Very close internodes, but very green leaves and sharp edges.I will lower the CE again(tomorrow),

stop A+B for a few days and watch the plant.It s better than keep overfeeding.Took the panel a few cm higher too.

Fed 700ml with a little run off. 

5,77pH-.736 CE-22,9 c.IR 24-25

Min/Max:24 c-30 c/48h-77h.


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I woke up early and i thought ,it s 2 weeks after transplant so it s a good time for another TNC Mycor Hydro feed.

This will reduce the EC in the pot also.5,74pH-23,4 C.-600ml.

That s why i won t buy this substrate next time,cause is "useless" with RO water.I want to know exactly what i m feeding.This is the point for RO water.

Panel at 71cm and the plant is now stretching.I found the sweet spot just the right time.I keep pushing the big leaves down.If i manage the small side branches to stretch and grow over the big leaves,between their steam,now that are young,i will have a super fast side growth(from what i've noticed so far with other strains).


They need some stretch now i think.It s a very dense plant,with short inter nodes and going to 3rd week.

She s fat.Now she has to be tall too....


But coco m8.Is like growing outdoors,under the sun.

If the plant gets well established,is growing like crazy(if you manage to keep the environment steady).

In autumn,i didn t had a tent ,nor an extraction and when the temps in June hit 35 c+,at the end i got 200gr of fluffy weed(and i didn t(DIY) or have expensive panels.

The only reason for me to use soil, is if you want to feed every 2-3 days.   

I want to see how the +speed will go.How ++ it is.I will grow them in smaller pots.

Opinions/comments always welcome.I m not an expert grower.

Successful grows to everyone



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Quick update.

Plant is still growing  vigorous but, signs of burning start to appear.Fed 250ml with pH 5,8 /.42 CE tap water.

Min/Max:23,7c-31/49h-85h. IR23-24.


The +speed seeds started to sprout in the cup.I moved them into towel,into propagator and into the tent.

Normally,2 days max and they ll be ready to rock n roll.

I will pot them in 2 fabric pots(7l tall) and 2 8l air pot.I believe cause they will be in smaller pots from BJ,they will grow faster and catch up with it,so i ll have an even canopy.

Otherwise,i ll train BJ :) .

A nice weekend to all...


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3 weeks

I added the second panel in the tent.It helps keep the temperature around 25-27 c without heating,even if today went up to 32 c,but with the heater in.I m still "tuning" the tent,but i believe i m in the right way.

In the week,i ll buy 1 more timer for the bottom circulating fans,until the STC-1000 arrives from CH.

Fed at 14:00,1st time.Amino(Npk3-0-0)and Leonardite humus at .355CE.100 ml foliar spray and  the remaining 200ml,around at the edge of the pot.


Again,500ml at 00:30:Amino(no NPK),fish mix,Cannazym and 1-2 drops(pH up)of the Silica like fert i have,mostly at the edge.

5,78pH/22,3 C/.610 CE .Min/Max :22.6 c-32.2 c /42 h-80 h.Roots 25 c.

Tomorrow,i will check the 4 +speed seeds in the towel to see how are they doing.

I've prepared the substrate also.I have mixed a 11l brick from UGRO,with about 15l from my last grow,that i well wash before and now buffered at 5,8.

I m happy that thing went as i expected with panels and temp.I will need only low heating,in particular times of the day.

Bj is at the edge of overfeed,so i have to be careful ,even if it seams to take it.Feed only a little of NPK and waiting for the leaves to be more light green,to continue with my normal feeding from then.

Some  pictures from the afternoon:


...and some from now 1:00.The large.IMG_20181125_010337_HDR.jpglarge.IMG_20181125_010345_HDR.jpglarge.IMG_20181125_010355_HDR.jpg


The propagator with the 4 +speed seeds in a towel and into the tent.I hope tomorrow they ll be ready for the cubes.:chef:.


Edited by countrock
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