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Sweet Seeds Sweet Tai, Psicodelicia & Jack47, Sweetly Sativa (leaning) Grow Diary Competition Entry 2018

assault and battery

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Signs of life, 4 days after going into moist soil. 

Temperature ranged: 24.2C - 26.1C 

Humidity: 46.5 -70.5

I believe raising the temperature by almost 2 degrees finally kick started the process.



The Sweet Tai’s are most keen to get growing. number 2 is straight and true. All the others are showing signs of being up properly by tomorrow.


I found my EC pen in a box so I’ve tested my tap water, at three different time points across 2 days and I know now my tap water has an EC of 0.6, consistent with hard water. 

I will keep a record of the ec of my feeding schedule this grow instead of just ml/l 

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Slow but steady progress.


Humidity 45-65%


Everyones up now. The Psicodelicia never made it so two more seeds were put into jacks magic (prewetted and warmed under lights) and they germinated with in 24 hrs while at a constant 27.1oC, today they are 3 days old. The others are 7 days old.

Sweet Tai #2 is by far the more developed. The others might be a little shocked after their very gentle pot up to .5l pots as they were drying out too quickly for me to keep on top of. 


The 65w quantum board has been lowered to 8” above the tops of the plants. Lighting is 24hr on. 

Feed, tap water. 


Edited by assault and battery
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  • 2 weeks later...

Nice one, they were looking very nice, I hope they are still up and running :D


All the best and sweet smokes,



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Still here! Dying of flu for the second week now.. but I’m up and about so on the mend. (Sympathy points please?) 


all the girls were potted up to 7litre pots (with thc mycor max) last week and the light was increased to a 250w quantum board. This has popped the ladies into action. 

A slight change of plan. I need to move the whole grow by the middle of January. So these ladies are going into flower today, they won’t be finished in time but the new grow room is under way and I’m expecting to execute a seemless transition into the new space at the right time. (It’ll be chaos and tears more like). 

The next few feeds will include roots excel by H&G to help push the root system. Fingers crossed! 


Temps over the last 2 weeks: 27 - 32 oC

Humidity :39 - 70

Feed. Tap water. 


Jack 47 1&2, the smallest pair of the bunch. Still growing but very slowly compared to the rest. Maybe it’s environmental or maybe it’s just her thing, either way they’re happy enough 




Sweet Tai 1&2 

The biggest pair in the game so far. Fully appreciating their pot up to 7litres. #2 has a couple of issues on lower leaves, I believe this is due to slight underwatering but I believe she’s past that now. She found the pot up soil a little hot too, slight tip burn. 




Psicodelicia 1&2 these are younger than their fellow tent mates but you’d never know it. Number 1 has suffered underwatering issues prior to pot up. I’m confident (ish) that we’re over it. 





All height measurements will will start from today. I’m just curious to see how fast they shoot up :) 

Edited by assault and battery
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Well your plants are looking healthy, even if you're not.


Plenty of sympathy from me, i always stuggle coming upto winter solstice.  Not long now and we'll start picking up again. Be well :hug:

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7 hours ago, assault and battery said:

Still here! Dying of flu for the second week now.. but I’m up and about so on the mend. (Sympathy points please?)


Oh no, sorry to hear that! Plenty of sympathy for you. And I'm also sorry, I've read over the rules again to check :readtherulesbuddy: and there's no points specifically for sympathy I'm afraid lol


Your plants definitely deserve some credit though, looking nice. I will be watching to see how they continue, especially since I am just completing my grow of the autoflowering versions of Jack 47, and Cream Mandarine XL - the second one has a Super Tai clone parent which I think might be the same one used for Sweet Tai. I'm really interested in the differences there might be between the auto and the photoperiod versions of Jack 47, as well as what the Sweet Tai and Psicodelicia give you. Good luck :yep:

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2 hours ago, grotbags said:

coming along nicely, i noticed that u and i have been lucky with the competitions this year...in ur face @vince noir rock n roll star...lol

Haha, yes we have, I’m tempted to start playing the lotto.... 


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2 hours ago, assault and battery said:

Haha, yes we have, I’m tempted to start playing the lotto.... 



5 hours ago, grotbags said:

coming along nicely, i noticed that u and i have been lucky with the competitions this year...in ur face @vince noir rock n roll star...lol

I m nominee  too:rofl:.I've wasted 9 seeds,so far......Plus,the 4 +speed seeds i m waiting 6 days now and looks like i m gonna wait for a long time.If you try to sprout with 8,5ph,this is what happens.:wallbash:

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You aren’t having much luck with your seeds, At least you know what’s gone wrong though. I was surprised by the Psicodelicia seeds. They needed a couple of degree higher temp than the others to get popping. I hope you’ve got on top of it now :) 

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@assault and battery Sorry to read that you have the flu and you deffo have sympathys from me as I had the flu at the beginning of the year, I was ill for 6 weeks in total an for one of the weeks I was convinced I was going to die, it’s a nasty business and I hope you recover soon.


Your plants are looking very nice though, all of them are green and lush, keep up the good work dude.

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