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Where to start?


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Hi all,

Thinking of growing my own next year outside, but never grown before. Not able to grow indoors, so outside is my best choice. So where do I start? Thinking of getting a cheap green house to grow in, but not knowing what else I need. Is it better to use seeds or buy some plants?  Able to put the green house behind a shed so hiddenish from neighbours, the place I am thinking gets loads of sun, so that should help with no lights? What plants - auto's? What about feed and nutrients? Size of pots? Do I need to to string them up? When to plant? Really looking for as much info as possible to get ready for the outside season.



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You need to start reading. There is literally everything you could ever need to know about growing weed on here. But, people won't drop it in your lap.


Reading all the stickies in the outdoor growing area would be a good start. Good luck

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Get yourself a outdoor grow bible mate best thing you will do.

Keep reading buddy you will learn loads.

Also this site has tons on info have a lookin outdoor section.

Also if your unsure just ask


Wish you all the best buddy and hope to see you on sites forums :)

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Lots of reading as mentioned also choose a strain that grows well in our climate a couple of autos is a good idea whilst your photo dependants are growing

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I grow on a budget in a greenhouse

10ltr pots

Rain water

Some wire or string if you need to train  tall plants at seasons end.

Just go for it. Consider your first grow a experiment and if you get sod all harvest at least you will have learnt what not to do.

But if it works out all the better.

Growing in garden centre compost?

I am.

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Hi - just finished my first grow in the greenhouse this year. A few things I learned:

- Keep it simple - start with a few plants; don’t go mad. I did an auto and photo, just to learn how they both grow and react to the environment.

- I stuck to Biobizz Fishmix and bloom and rainwater - plants loved it. Don’t fret about the hundreds of different nutrients available. Stick to a couple of feeds.

- Plenty of ventilation in the greenhouse. It will get extremely hot in there in mid summer. Get a fan in there if you can for the hot and humid days

- Greenhouse shading - I used the white paint. It stops neighbours seeing what you’re growing and is essential when the weather gets hot

- Some people prepare a bed in the greenhouse to grow their plants. I kept mine in pots - that way I could move them outside when it got really hot in the greenhouse.  In fact my plants were only in the greenhouse when they germinated in April/May. They spent the whole summer outside. They came back in when the nights got cooler and damper.

- If you have the money, get a good fan (that heats and cools), thermostat and dehumidifier. The thermostat means I can just set it to the temp I want and leave it. It switched on automatically to cool when the greenhouse got too hot, and it switches on to heat when it hits a minimum temp. I had zero mould on my photo and these probably helped.

- Have fun and don’t stress. Don’t overwater and don’t overfeed. Everyone who’s ever grown has probably been guilty of the above - I did. Keep an eye on the plant to tell you what it needs.


There are far more experienced growers on here than me to help you out so don’t be afraid to ask stupid questions. We all had to learn, but the rewards are amazing. You can’t beat the day when it’s time to get the scissors out to chop your frosty buds. It’s even better sampling them on a warm, summer’s night.


Have fun!

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