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Slow cooker decarb and butter


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If I am using primo buds I use 1 gram of bud per 10 grams of butter, if it’s not so good quality buds maybe go 1.5 grams per gram of butter, for trim I would use 2 grams of trim per 10 grams of butter. 


I usually go for 400 grams of butter and 40 grams of bud, this will yield you between 200 and 300 grams of cannabutter.


Get a sauce pan and half fill it with water and put it on lthe hob, break up your sticks of butter and melt them into the water, then add your decarbed weed and stir it in, bring it up to the boil and then lower the heat until it’s just about simmering and simmer this mixtures for 2 hours stirring it occasionally, this process will stink your kitchen up for the next 2 hours.

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Next we need to line a bowl with a piece of muslin cloth. Take the pan off the heat and pour into the bowl, let it cool down a bit and the you lift the cloth and squeeze all the butter out of it into the bowl, just a word of warning the butter will be hot, I wear a pair of marigold gloves for this. 


Throw away the plant matter that is left in the cloth. I then pour the butter and water mix you are left with into a small Tupperware tub and put it in the fridge.


I always leave it over night, when you take it out of the fridge it will have separated from the water, the solid butter is on top and the water is underneath.


put a couple of holes in the butter and then pour away the water. When you remove the solid butter you will see some sludge on the bottom, scrape all this away with a knife and discard it.


Once you have removed this layer of sludge then put the butter in a sauce pan and melt it, once melted pour it back in to a clean Tupperware mould and put it back in the fridge to set. Once set take it out of the mould again, this time there will be a tiny bit of sludge on the bottom which can be scraped off with a knife, once you have cleaned that off your butter is ready. 


It can be stored in the fridge for a little while but it’s best put in the freezer.


I have to go to work now but I will be back to tell you how I make sure I have a constant supply of  fresh biscuits when ever I need them.

Edited by Smokebelch
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I never decarbed in the slow cooker i just put it on low for about 6 hours. I used a load of dust from the bottom off the boxes, was like eating resin and blew your head off, can feel it deep inside your body lol

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It’s a very powerful when put into edibles folks, I reckon it’s well worth putting an oz or two of your harvest into edibles.


Its another bonus of growing your own, where could you get potent clean cannabutter if you didn’t grow, nowhere is the answer to that.

Edited by Smokebelch
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secret to storing butter longer ..take the butter and make a basic biscuit mix ,plenty of recipes online ...this can be frozen  ,use as and when then put rest back in freezer 

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It does smell a bit dude so probably best to do it at night time. By tomorrow afternoon you will munching on some potent edibles. Good luck dude.

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@Smokebelch many thanks for the guide bro, I made som e butter last night, followed your guide and I has a bowl of niceness setting in the fridge.  Has only had a few hours, so I'll leave it until this afternoon before carrying on.


Did you mention you have a good recipe for cookies? :eat:

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@unity Nice one dude, I always make ginger nuts from this recepie on this site. I like them because the stay fresh for quite a while in an airtight container.



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If you follow that recepie you will end up with enough biscuit dough for around 30 x 30gram biscuits.


Split the dough down into 150gram balls which is enough for 5 biscuits, it’s best to weigh each  biscuit dough ball before you put them on the baking tray, after experimenting I have settled on 30 gram for each biscuit, the reason for making them all the same is it makes dosing easier.


After baking your first batch of five you should have 4 or 5 x 150gram dough balls left over, put each one in a freezer bag and then freeze them until you need another batch. That way you always have a supply of fresh biscuits.


I don’t know you if you have had strong edibles before, it’s not instant like vaping and takes from 1.5 to 2 hours to really kick in. If I am at home on my own I take a quarter of a cookie and then have another quarter every 2 hours, keeps me on a nice even high. If mates are iver or I am at a party we take them in halves.


A word of warning they will ruin your tolerance and I find if you eat biscuits the next day after having a biscuit session they are not half as strong as they were the day before so it’s best to get off it for a day and then wait a couple of days before you get on them again.


Have fun dude welcome to the wonderful world of canna biscuits, me and my mates love them.

Edited by Smokebelch
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Am I ok to store the butter in the freezer?  I thinking I wanna do a few test runs first, to get the art of yummy cookies locked down before doing a canna run.

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So... I'm in the market for a slow cooker :wassnnme: I've read that "high" should be around 150c for an average slow cooker. I saw one in a popular German supermarket chain but it seemed to suggest it wouldn't get that high... Are there any recommended purchases - answers in vague, non-advertising, cryptological form fully accepted! :D

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