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1 minute ago, Dodgee said:

Thanks for sharing @cf


I didn't find it gloomy myself, a lot of truth in there!


And a couple of new names for me to look up and new knowledge to be absorbed.


That in itself is something to add to this morning's gratitude list :yinyang:


Cool . Gabor Mate is a hero, hes taken untold flak for being the prescribing physician at North Americas only #shooting gallery# safe injection site . His understanding of addiction through facilitating this lifesaving place is huge ....heres a youtube video of him getting a grilling on his views ..its very instructive because to me his defense of every criticism by the interviewer reveal the depth and sincerity of his understanding and compassion.


Yoda was reputedly modeled on Jiddu Krisnamurti


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Oh and by the way ..my search for something that gave my life meaning was right under my nose the whole time a couple of miles from my front door I didnt have to work hard to achieve anything or adhere to diets or regimes ...I was accepted for exactly who I was into a community that gave me so much love and faith in humankind I cant really put it into words ...



"To me, the only way to cope with the pressure is to actively resist it. To us every lick of paint, every word spoken, every dance put on, builds the positive. It's the only way forward. The defence against the negative attacks is to build the positive and it works, we've proved it" says Glenn Jenkins spokesperson for the Exodus Collective.



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13 hours ago, cf said:

I went to see Jiddu Krishnamurti speak in Madras. He said 'Dont meditate , youre only sitting crosslegged with your mantra nothing else, your ego might feel better but how is anything improved by this navel gazing'


This is a wise man :yep: 

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I think meditation has its place.  Maybe more so at certain times in one's life.


But the man is correct.  Other than getting our ego in check and calming the mind and spirit I don't think it serves as much purpose as actual actions. 


It's easy to sit and contemplate.  Much harder to get out there and do stuff.


Hence people gravitate to the easy option..

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Embrace your ego my friend...love it and you'll learn to manage it because when rejecting it, you are rejecting an element of yourself.  How can you be at 100% peak efficiency when doing so ?


It doesn't not logically fit and this is the key :yinyang: 

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I do try.   


Alas there are still parts of me I struggle to like/appreciate on times.


One day though :yinyang:

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10 minutes ago, Dodgee said:

I do try.   


Alas there are still parts of me I struggle to like/appreciate on times.


One day though :yinyang:



Do me a favour bud....analyse these words and tell me what you see (and lets see if you see what I see ;) )

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3 minutes ago, botanics said:



Do me a favour bud....analyse these words and tell me what you see (and lets see if you see what I see ;) )

I should stop trying.


Those things will always be a part of me, like them or not.


Today/everyday should be the one day.


(Thinking fast coz the nipper needs my attention, I'll pop back n see if I was close when she's entertained again lol)


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Ah "should" :g: 


This is a word that diminishes your power to 'do' because it remains in the mind and in reality doesn't exist. Words such as this (must, need etc) are connected to what a man called Albert Ellis termed 'Mustabatory thoughts'  (read about him because he didn't give a shit what people thought, in fact he loved to expose people to their reality and extremely clever ;)  which certainly pissed some folks off too - of course, 'envy' in reality)


You wrote "I do try" first and these two words contradict each other when you analyse them.  If you look at it logically, then when you are 'trying' you are actually 'doing', so in the objective reality, there is no 'try',  there is 'do' or 'do not'.  


'Try' is a word that has been put into your mind by those who do not think logically and suffer anxiety.  It is a subjective interpretation that is meaningless drivel and quite possibly mate, you had lots of bollockings when you were a kid and all because you 'had your head in the clouds' or such other.


The pressures of life meant that elders projected their fears upon you because they are ruled by them. (behaviourally trained teachers, parents etc) and could see that the dreamer had an expansive mind and were afraid that Terra Firma (capitalism and the consumerist ideology that prevailed) was the place to be.


It isn't and that's a very small world in comparison to the rest of it.  You know this internally as do all, but it gets beaten out of us as we grow up and we lose that sense of the moment.  The 'now' as Eckhart Tolle would term it.


The reality is, 'now' only exists but it is a brief moment of time that passes.  You cannot be in 'tomorrow' so it's serves no purpose to use your brain on it.  Same goes for 'yesterday'.


Essentially mate, our lives are but brief moments that come and go, liking the twinkling of lights in a cosmic pattern of illumination.  A conscious wave that all ride on (well this is it) as this wave moves through, the lights twinkle and dance to a tune of vibrations and song that is 'life'.


Realise that we are composer, conductor and musician alike.  The song we play is whatever we want to play and so flow, with the music and write the words a you go by.  


Write your own lyrics to the music that's already there and dance mate, every day, look around and dance as it only comes around once.  You will never be as you are ever again so make the impact and don't wait for the "one day though" because it'll be too late and it'll have gone by :yinyang: 

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Learnt a fair bit today and have a couple of new people's work to study :yep:



thanks for your contributions guys/gals, all are very much appreciated :yinyang:



I know this thread won't be to everyone's taste but it serves me well, helps keep me mindful and allows me to bounce out ideas i like and take in you folks thoughts too.


So thanks too everyone taking part and equal thanks to those who have the respect and decency to keep quiet despite there probable reservations in many of these regards (or put more simply, thanks for not taking the piss :P)


Hope everyone is having as great a Saturday as I am or better!


Atb dodge  :yinyang:

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The above posts with which I can identify with myself  kind of illustrate the solo struggle which we must perhaps ll tackle in at least some way or other  .

Being part of a community .Exodus .that set out to.create something positive ...a free dance with  consciousness raising lyrics music and stance gave many folk (for the first time in their lives some of them) a positive struggle against the ignorance and short sightedness of the society they were from . It provided them.with I sight and a way to positively critique the I'm alright Jack mentality of our 'no such thing as society' ....more than that it made the people unite and by their common love of the dance find out what else they had in common . A group however poverty stricken marginalised and excluded that can come together and agree on common things that benefit them ..AND would most definitely benefit the host society has a thing that no single person can imagine. 

It's not easy to describe being part of a proper supportive community..I've been involved with and on the fringes of several alternative 'scenes' but I had never felt anything like it . I felt complete for the first time . ....dont assume I'm talking about some loved up hippy nirvana ..the people involved with the collective were no better or worse than people anywhere we had a microcosm of what happens everywhere 

..its just for the first time I felt we had a method of addressing ithese ssues 

Shit I could go on all night but I wont ...if you haven't lost interest by now I strongly suggest you read the links within the squall page I linked too .

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I've got it open in another page (the squall link you posted)


probably only read less than 20% of it but I'm backing n forthing to it.


it's an insight for me as I'm well aware of the exodus legend having read several versions here on this board but was never involved myself, years ago I knew a few guys who claimed association but never knew if they were for real or not like.


thanks for posting the link @cf,


That sense of community you describe sounds similar in ways to how I feel about this place, though different in many ways too obviously..


Must of been hell of a thing to have been involved in, great memories to have, I envy you! Genuinely :yinyang:

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I feel humble and immensely privileged to have experience what I did . It's not.like I hadn't had been looking for something like that I loved India and its vibrant communities I loved the free festivals had mates on the convoy and if my missus had been up.for it would have been a soap shy dread in a bus but even though I came across.facinating alternative lives I knew these ran parallel to society and had economies (possibly black )very similar to the accepted system . Beginning to surrend your 'self' because you.felt more secure in the collective security than as an individual is.liberating . Not having to think about buying a house a washing machine a stereo or.paying for child care or to the plumber in because the community had these facilities held in communal trust for all is real freedom .

Now looking down the road and seeing everyone cutting their lawns with their own individually bought and paid for mowers that get used an hour a week each instead of sharing one mower and using the time spent earning the money for the mower and the wasted resources duplicating many underused mowers (just for example) makes me think that normal society is completely barking fuxking mad.... I'm sure there were plenty of.folk who didn't perhaps understand exodus but for those who realised how and in what way it differed fundamentally from the babylon system ....?

It was a revolution 


One love 


(The power of we )


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