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My Soil and Nutrients


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I'm using this stuff as growth medium. I wasn't planning to feed at all, as the soil says it has the nutrients built in. Am I safer to do this, or should I add nutrients? If so, what should I add and when?




I have at my disposal: 


Baby Bio



Canna Mono



Canna PK 13/14 Bloom Booster




I am over budget right now and would like to avoid more spend for the time being. My plants are literally just coming through the root riot cubes as I type.


Have a great weekend!


warm regards



Edited by Golden Syrup
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Having looked at the Amazon link you supplied for your soil, it looks like Coco Coir.  It is a good choice as it is less likely that you will get any root rot problems with Coco.  Don't give any extra nutrients when your plants are tiny. The coco mix is also impregnated with nutes so you should be OK for a while with just rainwater. I have found that rainwater is better than tap water so a good idea to save it when you can. Just see how you go for the time being, and see how well your plants are doing, then you can give some nutes later when they are bigger perhaps. With these issues it is very difficult to respond decisively as it is all matter of visual judgement.  All the best mate!

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Thanks so much for the response! I'm just bursting with excitement that Audrey 2 is sprouting. Fingers crossed for Audrey 3 and Loki!


Audrey: Auto Fruit.

Loki: Critical 2+ Auto


Have a great day!



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If your restricted to amazon they do sell Biobizz soil on there for 15 quid. Or i use Plant It! Reduced peat soil off amazon which i really like.


That stuff u linked is expensive.. £6 for 10l? And after reading the description it may be abit too hot for young plants.





Edited by JamJar
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I to am useing peat on mine this time round gold label special mix from the word fo with gold label soil A and B neuts just coming to week 3 veg so im justing soil A for now been re potted in ten litre buckets for a week

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"Small lightweight, easy to carry pack - expands into 10 litres when water is added "

Its basically a coco brick with added peat

Coco bricks are shit .

for 5.99 for 10 ltr's possibly the worse deal i've ever seen for soil/coco.




1 hour ago, Lancaster8 said:

less likely that you will get any root rot problems with Coco.

Really based on what exactly ?

if you want help with root problems  i thought be  better use a decent innoculant Mycor max for example and learn to water them the right amount for the size of the pot  be  it soil, coco or both?



I Use a Soil coco mix myself Tropic mix  £9.95 for 50 ltrs and its good.

Comes in a box and isn't suspicious.  Bio bizz soil is also a better choice then the above i agree. lightmix over all mix as to stong for seedlings and is more consistent strength wise

Like i suggested on another post make it easy on yourself and buy a nutrient package so you know everything works well with the other products and is NPK balanced.

The above nutrients are not balanced IMO .


I'd Recommend Biobizz, Fishmix and Bloom.

it's cheap, easily available.

lot's of people use it or have used it so plenty of people to ask for help with experience of using it.

its NPK compete unlike the above.

i've used it myself and can testify it's good if used properly and your water isn't shit .(if it is consider Growers ark )

Mycor max would be a good idea its like £7.50 for small pack, if you just dust the roots on pot on shouldn't need to use a lot.

along with a decent sized pot is all you should need.

1LTR of BB grow/ bloom is like £10 each

Soil £10 for 50 ltrs

Innoculant £7.50

15 ltr airpot about £5-6 or 11-18ltr square pot will cost you even less remember to get the right size saucer.

Copy paste google

remember this is just my opinion. 

I'd avoid amazon for soil / its random to if they cover the bag up, plus they dont store there soil well ive had gnats from there bags of canna terra in the past, now wouldn't bother ordering soil from them again.


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6 hours ago, BarrySHitPeas said:


Can you give me an idea of feeding schedule? As soon as my plants are growing out of the little pots I'm going to transplant them into  BioBizz 50L All-Mix Potting Soil Bag. I bought the fish mix and the bloom too but would like some pointers as to the schedule for feeding. Hope you can point me in the right direction.


best wishes 



Edited by plasticdollman
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I cant remember exactly what i did to be honest but basically you use Grow/Fishmix for the majority of the time and never go over 2ml with the bloom.

All mix is tad hot for seedlings mate thats why i advised light mix over allmix.


Below is a Q & A

Taken from whole topic on the bb schedule

be aware Npk's for BB have changed recently so may want to cross reference older info in the topic.

You really can't go wrong with Bio Bizz. 


I've used light mix and all mix. Light mix is fine for potting up seedlings. Then All Mix for finals and you'll be fine for 4-6 weeks before requiring nutes,but that changes with strains.


There have been hundreds of  thousands of grows done in Bio Bizz and you'll rarely find a bad word between them. That also means there is a whole mountain of grow information out there should you get stuck,but shout here if you need any advice.


Here's a bit of an explanation as to how Bio Bizz products are used with each other straight from Bio Bizz themselves but on another site.....

I thought I'd share an email I got from BioBizz concerning different questions that seem to be popping up again and again so here we go.

Question: Everyone knows that charts are just an avarage and every plant is different. But let's say the values given are indeed an avarage of nutes to use and let's say we'd have a plant that has an avarage tolerance to nutrients. Would it be a good idea to really use all the products all together at full dose during an entire grow? Isn't using all products all together making the solution a bit too hot for the plants? Or would this actually be very beneficial? Noeone on forums can tell because nobody has yet used them all, not that I know.

Answer: So, a super interesting topic! Good you askJ First of all : the Grow schedule is not the bible. It is a general guideline that gives the maximum dosages and when to start using which product, or when to stop. If you would use all products at the same time you do not need to worry that much, since you are only using maximum to NPK products: Bio-grow or Fish-Mix and Bio-Bloom. All other products are stimulators that compliment the nutrients, improve assimilation, metabolism, chlorophyll production etc etc etc.
We try to give a divers menu to the plants. If you want to live healthy, you do not eat a hamburger with a hamburger and a hamburger for desert. You’d eat a hamburger, with a salad, some orange juice, a yogurt or cheese for desert and maybe a small digestive afterwards. This is the function of the stimulators: Root-juice, Bio-Heaven, Top-max, Alg-a-Mic and Acti-vera.

Try to see it like this: You use as a basis Bio-grow or Fish-Mix and Bio-Bloom. The stimulators are your tools to guide your plants into the direction you want to go, or enrich them. You make the menu for your plants, depending on the type of plants, their age, the moment in the cycle and of course the type of genetics. Here some key caracters of the stimulators:

Root-juice: besides a root stimulator, it protects the roots again the most common root diseases and protects against over feeding
Alg-a-Mic: repairs damage from overfeeding, boost calcium and magnesium assimilation, boost production of chlorophyll
Top-max: improves density of the flowers and stimulates natural sugar production ( taste improvement )
Bio-heaven: accelerates flowering, boosts mineral assimilation,
Acti-Vera: improves metabolism, full of essential enzymes and amazing for seeds that have just hatched. Aloë vera rules!

Some people simply use all products at the same time. But as soon as you know your favorite genetics inside-out, you use the stimulators as supplements at the moment you think the plants need it.

Question: Presuming we would be sticking to the official chart, should we be feeding nutrients every time we water the plants or alternate water with nutes? People actually argue about how long it takes for the nutrients to become active in the soil and how long it takes for the plant to react to nutrient changes. Some say it takes up to 3 days which then implies a bit of 'thinking' ahead. If it takes that long, alternating nutes and plain water would be really counter-productive. The question is about the built up in the soil. There's lots of rumors around this as well.

Answer: We prefer you give water with Biobizz every time you water the plants. If you switch between just clear water one time and water with nutrients the second time, you’ll have every time different Ec/pH levels. Every time the plants need to adjust.

Indeed, the organic material in Biobizz products needs time to decompose inside the soil. About 30% is available immediately, the rest becomes available in 1-3 days maximum. 

What you can do is this: you start with 50% of the recommended dosages and use Biobizz every time you water the plants. You stay at this percentage or slowly increase if the plants demand it. Organic gardening is all about the visual connection with your plants.

Question: Should we consider the chart as the absolute maximum of nutes to use or is it really just an avarage?

Answer: The schedule is the general guideline. With these dosages we think it is almost impossible to not get a good result. But as we stated above: try to see the guideline as an indication for maximum dosages and when to start/ stop using products. No more no less

Question: Most people, including myself do think that this is the right way to mix the nutes:
Leave the bucket with tap water for 24 hours to get the chlorine etc. evaporated.
Add all desired nutes and just feed it to the plants (in case of BioBizz soil of course)

Answer: PERFECT! ;-)

Question: After adding the nutes to the water, what to do?

Quote " BioBizz says if your ph is between 7.0 and 7.3 it's just perfect. Don't change anything! Feed it to the plants and the soil will buffer the rest. "
Ok. I believe that it works just fine like that as I was never measuring ph.
STILL the question is: what would happen if you were using organic ph-down like canna ph down or earthjuice to drop this 7.3 nutrient solution to 6.3 from the start, before feeding? Would this be counter-productive for getting the right ph or actually help the soil getting it right faster? It's hard to tell because these ph meters in soil can't always be really trusted and opinions vastly differ.

Answer: Again, a very good question. First of all: always measure the pH, measuring = knowledge. Now here is how Biobizz works:

Our soil has a pH of 6,1-6,2. This is the perfect pH for using our liquid products. When you water the plants, the Biobizz products start to decompose, with the help of the micro-life in the soil, the organic material breaks down and the pH always stay naturally at 6,1-6,2. So if the water you give has a pH of for instance 7,0-7,3, the micro-life will ensure the pH in the soil will drop to the desired 6,1-6,2. This is why you never had problems, because you let nature do it’s work.

Now, the micro-life can lower the pH to 6,1-6,2, but if you feed water with a pH lower then 6,1-6,2 you can have a problem. The micro-life can lower the pH, but not increase it. So basically: as long as your water, mixed with Biobizz is above 6,2-6,3 ( give it a bit of margin ) you are just fine. Of course, when you have tab water with a pH of 9,0 ( which happens ), you will have an issue anyway. Try to avoid the use of pH correction products. Try to rely on the micro-life to do the work.Non-organic pH products will damage the micro-life we rely on so much. 

Well you now have the most up to date info from Biobizz directly. Hope you can put this info to good use! A pleasure to communicate these topics with you. We hope this message contains enough info to help fine –tune your own personal schedule.

Thanks for helping us start the fucking Blue Monday in a nice way. And no worries, we can talk about Biobizz all day. We have a feeling this will not be the last time we speakJ 

Best regards, Biobizz Mister Bloom. 


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On 01/09/2018 at 1:54 PM, BarrySHitPeas said:

Really based on what exactly ?


Just popular opinion.  I have just switched for the first time from all soil to a coco mix.  I see that you are also using a coco mix yourself, so somewhat confused as to why you have reacted to this comment. Thanks for your posting about the Biobizz products.  That posting is very useful knowledge for me, and I am sure many other people will also find it useful.  :yep:

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I'm not reacting to your comment in a negative way. :yinyang:

Just wanted to know why you thought your less likely to have root issues?

Point being root issues are more likely caused by the gardeners practice's then the choice of medium . you can have root issues in coco, coco mix and straight peat.

Not just what you use but the way that you use it.

Glad you found it useful.:yep:

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I was going to follow this feed schedule, but I was wondering if "week one" is from where it says "start using".


Does this look good? I have all-mix, fish-mix and bio-bloom.


Also, in this chart it looks like I will be giving bio-bloom during the vegetative phase. Is this right?


warm regards


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That's for regular Photo period plants not for autos. in reference to the feed chart.

You want to use Bloom when upward growth stops and buds are forming anywhere between weeks 4 -6 so when it stops getting taller and buds are forming but not before then

All mix will probably take you up week 4 -5 anyway look out for lower yellowing  but strain , environment depending.

Perlite is already in Biobizz.

 Perlite is nasty stuff ,never breath the dust !!! linked to cancer.

One of the reasons i use tropic mix no perlite, plus it takes up root space.

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