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Seedsman Indoor Contest 2018 - Narkush, Sugar Haze & African Buzz


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Seedsman Indoor Contest 2018


Narkush, Sugar Haze & African Buzz


:toot: Welcome to my efforts for this contest folks, it's bout time I got this ball rolling and looking forward to the run :D 


So, we've got the strains above for the go and are regulars.  The thing is, I've been doing some thinking about how to mix this grow up a bit and do something completely different from the last compo grow and well, see much has changed since then.  I've been running in this coco for the last few goes and I'm finding it better than compost. However, they are going mental in it and my box's height is causing me difficulties :headpain: (plants are bigger for same final pot size over compost). 


Coupled with the unusually dry and warm summer we are experiencing, it has equated in me knocking the lamp down to 250 W and only then my system is coping but I'm not noticing any serious drops in yield and was throwing some Watts down the drain at 400 anyhow, given the dimensions of area.  Thus, I'm only running at 250 with this setup in future and I want to do something a bit different than the plain old plant four, veg a bit and bloom standard stuff, I've been doing for a while.  


Today the plan has gone into action and I've decided to run these on 12/12 from the get go.  They'll spend the entire time under HID (not going into my younglings cab with LED/CFL mix ;) )....but there's more...


Being regulars of course, we might we have some boys in here and so I've put 15 beans into some pre-soaked coco starters earlier.  Five of each strain and I'm intending on a straight up main bud with minimal side branching run, kind of sea of green but the African Buzz is a 100% Sat however and I'm not sure how she's going to pan out :fear:  lol all part of the fun :naughty: 


Yeah I really don't know how this is all going to go but it'll be an adventure no doubt! lol   


So many plants though for such a small space means smaller pots and these will go into either 2 or 3.5 litre finals with the AB's held for a while and then potted up once more during bloom.  Might do a bit of pollen chucking and all sorts too in here but for now the plan is a simple one that will ebb and flow like all my best laid plans lol 


Pics then to kick it all off and the obligatory seed pack pic first, to show the genuine article for Seedsman and this the perfect opportunity also to shout out @J Trich and the Seedsman crew for putting up this competition and sending us all beans out to run it :smokin: ...many thanks to you all and hope this diary tops the last one folks  :yinyang: 




And after opening them up they went into their new homes for the next week or so :yep: 



So that's it for now and we''ll wait and see what happens :D


Until next time...thanks for watching :v: 


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I like your thinking, might do something similar for the comp too + I have the sugar haze reg's…

good luck dude, I'll be watching:thumsup:

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yeah, hoping to see that you have prepared this year, good genetics, so I remember them: Narkush 1 plant of short columnar stature, A.Buzz tall columnar plants, and Sugar Haze tal columnar or tall open branched can be also 100% fem ratio ... Happy run & good luck!!

Edited by J Trich
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Thanks bud, yeah we gotta try and bag the top forum ticket here for sure :yep: 


@J Trich


'prepared' lol 


:wacko: well...as prepped as I think I am J, but you know the reality mate and I'm sure there'll be some moments in here...Some good info there for starters and a boon...good man, hope the show is a blast :v: 

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On 4/8/2018 at 5:27 PM, botanics said:



Thanks bud, yeah we gotta try and bag the top forum ticket here for sure 


@J Trich


'prepared' lol 


well...as prepped as I think I am J, but you know the reality mate and I'm sure there'll be some moments in here...Some good info there for starters and a boon...good man, hope the show is a blast 



I think there was a little confusion (i choosed "prepared" beacuse Translator saying "ready" sure was better definition, it was like saying "to see what you have planned" but yeah, happy to see you are "prepared" lol

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@Arthur Mix


All are welcome mate and get comfy :cheers: ...some Smile F2 in the jar and it's nice too  :stoned: 



Mini Update


Just a quick check in folks to report in and so far we've had a few arisen but not that many and they've been in since last Wednesday :unsure:   I'll take a pic later when it's time for lamp on to show the sprouts we have so far though...Temps are getting a bit higher than 24 C though and I 'feel' this may be relative ;) 


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Is it narkush not showing ? Mine have issues but it is warm ...

Edited by Arthur Mix
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Right then folks, well, things are not the best with this seed planting here :nope:  


I dunno, I gave it a couple more days just to see of we have some slow ones and also the temps have dropped so, better etc.  However, the situation is the same as the other day and no more have arisen :( 


Pic below




So I took the pic above, last night and as can be seen, only one Narkush and one African Buzz have popped.  Better results with the Sugar Haze though, with three. 


I'm a bit thrown by the failure rate tbh as I really wanted twelve out of the fifteen and at worst case scenario, nine.  Well, we aint anywhere near this and I need to get this run going, so it'll be another planting tomorrow with some of the rest of the packs and we'll see what we get to go with these ;)


It'll mean a little bit of time difference between the two groups and more of a headache but is what it is and these haven't grown much yet anyway. 


I'll update when done, but for now, thanks for watching :v: 


@Arthur Mix



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@botanics I find it odd we both had issues with  Narkush just hope the single that germ for me is a female lol... The rest from seedsman on the fems had no issues with the recent hot spell..am also bit dissapointed by this failure rate..:oldtoker: 

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@Arthur Mix


Yeah it's a bit of a downer mate I agree...Had these in the fridge since the last compo but I'll put some in tomorrow and see from there, got plenty left over for it so no bother, shame about your Narkush, I've still got the seed packet here and I'll look for the batch code and see if it correlates with yours bud, if you still have it of course :yep: 

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Ouch, sorry to heaR, at this time i not have any packet to try but will talk with office to get germination rate from some packets... 

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Afternoon all...well we aint getting much in here lol  The one Narkush keeled over and died and the same for the African Buzz' too...One of those stopped after opening the Cotlydons and subsequently, didn't continue and the other went the way of the Dodo in just just the same fashion as the Narkush.


I've put the rest of the Narkush and African Buzz beans in and may put some Girl Scout Crack in too (thinking about it at the moment), in order to ensure I get me some smoke as this has already put me behind and the last harvest won't last forever, certainly not, considering the way I'm ploughing into it! lol 


I took a photo, the two Sugar Hazes are slowly getting on with it and although one's a bit mutant and not quite right, I reckon it'll go for the run alongside the other and will move them into the next pot soon.  I also took a photo of the failures that I managed to dig out and most started but failed to move on...I'm not sure of what's gone on here because there was plenty of saturation within the medium and all prepped tickety boo without it being too wet. ;)   




The only thing I can't rule out is the environment as it is hitting thirty under the halide, so we'll see from here and will report in when these seeds stir :yep: 


Thanks for watching :v: 


@J Trich



Edited by botanics
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