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@GreenVision  It is very good.  Decent buds, nice stickyness, yea quite good.  Got it from a chap who claims to have just completed his first grow, he did a decent job !  It hits the spot very well, I like the way it feels when I handle it, it does have a strong aroma to it - the wife earaches me when I open the container of it.  Yea, it was a good purchase.  Got an Oz and half of it so it is getting a thorough testing out the back of my garden in the shed :)


It is inconceivable to be without my favourite harmless vice, I travelled a 450 mile round trip to get the incredible bulk.  Wonder what I will do when it is gone......... :badass:



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Sunday morning, the sun is shining so time for a quick update. 


The ladies were repotted at 4am Saturday and given a heavy watering then left to enjoy the days sun and the moons night.  This morning they are looking fantastic, I think I may just leave them in the garden for 1-2 weeks before putting in the flowering shed.


Here is the first in the line up in no particular order : 




And the 2nd : 




And the third of the Cream47's, all of which I am very happy with, hopefully I can allow them to get quite large before putting them into the flowering shed, we will see : 




Here is a quick shot of the flowering shed with 5 female Old Times x Old Times that have just completed 1 week of 12/12.




Until the next update happy sweet smokes all ! :)

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As I am aware it is a full moon tonight, and with us having such glorious weather near London this past few weeks - I have just put 4 x Cream Caramel seeds into water :smokin:


There is a theory that beginning your seeds during the full moon gives stronger plants due to the start they get with the gravitational pull from said moon.  Lets see ! 


Cream Caramel I have done once before and it was definitely the cream of the crop, it was so hard and crystally, almost like white buds it was so loaded.  I recall it was in the back corner of the tent also so never got the best of love.  This time will be different ;)

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2 of the seeds have opened.  All four are now in small pots of soil (Biobizz Light Mix) with cling film on top and they are underneath the lovely warm extraction vent.


They were in a pot of water and kept in the sun all day.

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A quick n dirty Sunday morning update, all goes well, the Cream47 have spent all week in the garden with most evenings in the shed getting night time light from the 1000w bulb.


A few pictures and that is it until next week, they will spend another week in the garden under the sun yet to allow them to get big :)


Cream47 1 in no particular order : 




Cream 47 2




And the third, all vegging well....



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Sunday update.


All three Cream47 have enjoyed another week in the UK sun, they are a little bigger and are showing signs of hunger - leaves are yellowing and falling off from the bottom working upwards.  All the yellow leaves have just been removed.


All three ladies are now going into the shed and will be put into flower.  12/12 from here until the end !


They have all had a big watering with some Fishmix also, shall feed them every other feed for this coming two weeks.


Here is the first one in no particular order : 




The 2nd :




And the 3rd : 




Here they are front and center of the shed :




Until next update have a great time ! 

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Thanks for sharing bro, I'll be around to see how that plants flower but I'm sure you'll get a very good production.


Bring on the buds!! 


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@Sweet Seeds -Jaypp  Always happy to share, if someone can learn from all of my monumental mistakes, including myself of course then all the better for humanity ! :D


Sunday is here, time for an update on progress.  1 week of 12/12 complete.  Feeding Fishmix every other feed.  The stretch is happening, the tallest few branches have really shot up and are leaving the other lower ones behind, it is always amazing to see how much a plants shape can change if left alone for a week !


I am happy, everything is dark green, growing upwards and outwards, am having fun squeezing them back into the shed after taking the photos, soon I will not be able to move them out the shed for photos, next week may be their last sneak peek of real sunlight.


Cream47 1 in no particular order 




The 2nd 




The 3rd




That is the update for this week on these plants.  Happy smokes !

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Unfortunately, I am an idiot on occasion.  I setup 4 Cream Caramel seeds but I cooked them.  I had a lid on the plastic pot of water the seeds were in, left it in direct sunlight for a whole 3 days....... I have 0 for 4 because I forgot and did not respect my seeds.


I will work hard on my future photos and see if I can win a competition, failing that I will just buy some. 


Cream Caramel was definitely the smoothest smoke with the highest crystal density I personally have ever grown.  The one I did have was just outrageously wonderful, she was sadly also disrespected, in the back corner of the tent in the smallest pot, mostly left alone to do whatever she could in the rubbish grow area I provided for her - She kicked ass, albeit just under 1.5oz on the plant (I disrespected her bad), it was BY FAR the most memorable of plants and smokes.


Cream Caramel - I am coming for you ! ;)

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2 weeks into 12/12, flowering heads coming through, all the ladies are stretching upwards, things go well ! :)


I have moved things around in the shed just now and ensured the Cream47 are directly under the 1000w bulb.  


Straight in with some pictures in no particular order : 


Cream 47 number 1 (in the middle, the others are old times x old times uk420 subbie seeds at 5 weeks in flower)




Cream 47 number 2 




Cream 47 number 3, front centre of the grow area :




That's all until next week, happy smokes ! :)

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Good to see you up and running after all the shit you've been through mate.... hope your skills shine through and get those jars full again.

I miss your old avatar though! Looking forward to seeing more big buds!

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7 hours ago, teehee said:

Good to see you up and running after all the shit you've been through mate.... hope your skills shine through and get those jars full again.

I miss your old avatar though! Looking forward to seeing more big buds!


Still got more ahead to go through but will see how it goes, in the meantime I am not going to let anything get in my way.......and so on I continue !


3 weeks of 12/12 done.  I now have little white thrips in the grow area.  I have sprayed everything down with some organic thrip killer, and also laid some yellow fly paper traps to keep the population down.


With some luck everything will be just fine.


it has been very hot in the UK, had to turn the bulb down for a few days to 660w, but it is now back on 1000w since it is coldish and raining.


Just a couple of shots this week, future weeks should show much larger buds : 


Cream47 1 




Cream 47 2 




Cream47 3




Group shot in the shed 



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Sunday so update time, 4 weeks of 12/12 done.  Its been hot so the bulb has been on 660w all week.  The ladies have been getting a healthy dose of Biobizz Bloom every other watering.  I can really see the buds growing on these girls now.


Here are some shots until next week ! :)



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