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Durban Poison

Arnold Layne

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Evenin' all!

Just a quick question: anyone done any Durban {Dutch Passion, Feminised} indoors in soil?

Having just help some folk set up their outdoor grow with the aforementioned, I had a couple of seeds left so into the GR with them, methinks. Just set the first one off. Now as DP is a Sativa I would value any info on flowering time, height, stretch, and if I should do 12/12 from scratch? Also anything else you think I may need to know.....

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Hi Arnold

I am just coming to the end of a 9 month relationship with Dutch Passion Feminised Durban Poison. I grew mine in a passive hydro system under a 600w planta.

I must admit I wasnt all that impressed with it as a plant but it is a lovely smoke with a nice up high that would induce the giggles in people who hadnt smoked it before. It does appear to have medi applicability as I am aware of a person who has used it for that reason.

When flowered it didnt seem to stretch that much which i was very surprised at. I bought it specifically so that i could flower clones as soon as they had rooted. When i did this they would only grow an extra inch or so. So, I wouldnt put them straight in on 12/12. Depending on how big you want them to be I would let them have a good veg period of about a month.

I have discussed this with mono and he is of belief that Dutch Passion have tried to stabilise DP with a non-dominant indica. I could see that this may be the case because when an old growing buddy of mine saw the plants he said "are those indica's then?"

I know that they were definitely Dp not only because it said it on the packet but also because i grew it some years ago and its aroma and bud formation bought back fond memories.

A little more info than you needed, but i hope it helps.


PS. Flowering time was a very uniform 8 weeks

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Guest bc pete

as far as i am concerned even bottom of the bag durban hit me for six :guitar:

it is most definatly a pain strain, have yet to try white widow but, i have to agree with chip.

i aint no novice but it blew my socks off and gave me hours of relief, one of the tastiest and potent plants i have had the pleasure of sampling :oldtoker:

highly recommended for pain , or forgetting lifes problems, and a pretty good anti depressant considering my ribs ached from the stored up laughter i released for those few days

top notch to the guy that grew that one :satisfied:

bc pete(reborn) :peace:

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just a bit on the indica tenedcies of durban poison from dutch passion- i remember reading ages ago that at one point there had been an accident with the durban poison where the line had got contaminated with an indica, dp didnt realise until it was too late, as they were replacing the mothers with new stock as well or something, they then fixed it as best they could, but it is no longer a pure sativa....something like 95/5 sativa to indica. im not sure exactly how much truth there is in the story, but it would go some way to explaining the tendancies observed. when i grew it outdoors last year i felt that perhaps it wasnt a "100% inbred never hybridised pure sativa" as the structure of the plant wasnt as leggy as might have been expected. indoors i felt they didnt fulfil their potential, when i moved some outdoors they flourished...one ending up at around 5'....but i did end up bringing them in to finish flowering under an hps for the last week or two....side mounted hps, with the plant on a turntable so it revolved getting the light all over  :angry:  it was too tall for any other way.

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with the plant on a turntable so it revolved getting the light all over  

Love it Dr Green.... :angry: ....45rpm?..or 33 sufficient..? +8, turbogrowth?

On more serious note...does anyone ATM use a Durban NOT originating from DPassion stock...it'd be good to compare, and to find this 100% sativa Durban...

Anyone ever tried African Seeds...they got some interesting strains, but I heard that being a bit more "wild" there's an awful lot of variation. They are cheap though, and the search for a PURE African sativa I reckon you'd do better with Afriacan seeds than with Dutch Passion.....

Tanzanian Magic, Malawi Gold....they got a few interesting (on paper) strains.....


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Thanking you peeps.

I have been doing a bit of digging in my library. As to the Indica traits, I have no idea about the Dutch Passion pollution! But I do know that Durban has a name for such traits. Its often described as having Indica leaves & Sativa internodes. I suppose one must look at the geography. SA is much the same as us, just upside down! Unlike, say Nigeria, where daylengths are fairly uniform 12/12, SA has a range of daylenths from 18/6 to 12/12. This maybe accounts for the Indica traits of Durban? Although that raises the question, What exactly defines a Sativa, but that is another tale....!

As to medicinal traits: I believe Durban and Nepalese both have a specific Cannabinoid {Delta 6? I can't recall the exact title} which has pronounced medicinal properties, particularly in lifting the spirits of a patient. Hence the giggles.

Anyhoo, gemination of the indoors plant: 28 hours.

Outdoor plants looking very strong and lusty.

Whoops, sorry - didn't see you there Mono!

Yeah, the turntable cuased a grin here too!

And I've often considered those African seeds.......

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Hi all

Interesting stuff about the possible contamination, but then i feel there is something to be said for Arnolds thoughts on the indican leaves and sativa internodes. Mono's idea of a comparison is would maybe answer or back up these ideas.

Turntable!!!  :angry:  LMAO. You gotta love the innovativeness of Dr Green. I would loved to have seen that. Fantastic idea.


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rIGHT, i'VE JUST HAD A LOOK AT THE aFRICAN sEEDS..(sorry for shouting...) section on seedsdirect website....

Very attractive looking selection, though I'm sure they've doubled their prices in the last year.... :(

Durban looks great, as doeas SwaziSkunk, they all look pure to me, pure lines...

What caught my eye, and I'll send off my order today....(pisser, Highlander :angry:  :rock:  :) was down at seeds direct yesterday... :( )was the Ethiopian Highland....true Ethiopia was the home of Haile Salasi and all thet  Jah..but also as it's a Highland strain it claims to do well in a cool climate or at altitude....bongme...you listening...?

Might be a good outdoor grow, and still not toooo late to try one or two seeds this year, couple indoor, couple saved for next year, couple to anyone who's interested....Arnie, bcp,Drg, chip?

Should have them by weekend...


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hi Mono

Am on it mate you know were i am i will palnt the beans in a place were no man has been, and let the babies do there sun dance untill harvest time  :angry:


:peace:  on ya Mono and all`z

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I still think you'll have problems getting fully mature buds up there bm with a strain like this....you might be better going for one of the specially bred Dutchies, like Early Girl...(flowers early, and fast), or even considering a ruderalis...though I know of NOBODY who has ever grown this.....

Your problem is 12/12 lighting comes VEEEEEERRRRY late up by you so flowering won't start till the temperatures are getting too low for good growth...frost come soon....

Find a very sheltered south facing hollow and you might have more chance of success though....


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hi Mono

No worries there, lots of sheltered places here also caves to grow with over head light etc...

Early Girl sounds good and also seems easy to grow out doors as the roots have a strong hold on the ground for Low wind tematures to grip sounds cool to me.



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Thanks for the offer mono but i am going mono-culture (:guitar:, no pun intended) and just growing the generals daughter for a while. Also, i may have to pack up and leave (i hope if i get this job) so i won't have time to push any seeds through.



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Durban Poisen I have seen in South Africa, do not look like your typical Sativa strains (shorter and wider leaves than normal).

Malawi Gold is an awesome strain, just don't think it is viable for an indoor grow (the flowering time is very long). If someone fancies themselves as a breeder ... would be very interested to see how well this strain would cross.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all

interesting thread re the Durban Poison genotype. I have noticed the Durban plants in the "wild" generally have narrower leave that those from seed banks, but do have fatter leaves than other sativas (even SA sativas ). This could be due to the unique aspect and climate that Durban experiences.

Arnold Layne mentioned that Durban (SA) was "much the same as us" geographically. I assume by "us" you mean the UK?

Durban is actually , climatically, gegraphically very differnt from the UK.

It is on the east coast of SA (indian ocean with warm mozambique current) which means that the during the summer months the maximum amount of sunlight recieved per day is approximately 14 hours and in winter more like 10 hours. The climate is sub tropical and costal with humidity in the high 90s (%) during the summer and in the 80s (%) during winter. The average temp is around 20 degress centigrade with summer upper limits reaching the low 30's (degrees C) the winter lows of about 8 - 10 (degrees C) at night. Winter months are usualy very short (approximately 2-3 months) -- all fist hand experiences as i am from Durban.

Maybe (i could be wrong) the combination of high humidity, costal aspect with warm ocean currrent and long summers could have contributed to the genotype.

Swazi (which originates from Saziland) is a more "typical" sativa genotye in that it has thinner leaves and a much longer flowering period. Swaziland is further north and inland in relation to Durban and has a lower aver relative humidity.

This is all IMO.

I have not grown Durban P indoors but I am planning to give it a go quite soon. I have some seeds from a friend of mine in SA which are actually a cross between DP femmed skunk#1 and Durban P. I also have some hamiltons haze (swazi x transkei) and some pure swazi (rooi bard).

should be fun -- ill post progress on the pic forum.



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Guest bc pete

i would be interested of hearing the progress you have with this strain as i at the moment am fascinated with the quality of durban poison.

i have heard that white widow has fascinating pain killing qualities, but have yet to try it.

so far durban, and mazaar are the most potent.

i grow on a table as i have a bad back, and cannot bend easy. are they large plants

anyhow i would like to hear a progress report now and again, if you would'nt mind?

thank you :rolleyes:

bc pete

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