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hi all

thought i should start my diary off,

thanks to @Dinafem-Mark for the supply of seeds i received 2 very cool little snap tins with 5 seeds in each.

ran off to shops for starter pots ect and got everything together labled seeds and put 3 of them each in a shot glass of water overnight then to moist kitchen towel until the tails appear then they go in first pot.

so after the seeds are now in small 5cm pots of soil they are placed in a tray under the main grow light for warmth.

a few days pass and most are through the soil and looking happy for a day or so old so we go for first picture :)

to get to the seeds i move a plant already growing knocking the tray with seeds in over beheading a couple and damaging a few others :(

so back to the shot glass with the remaining seeds and heres where we are today


yep thats right started with 10 and I have killed 5 off already :blushing::no::nope::execute:

purps on bottom right of above pic you can see damage to stem but it will pull through hopefully i will still have the 5 in the next update but the way my luck is over last few weeks i will have been raided or something lol

i was gonna call this "doobie does dinafem badly" but that can allways be changed with the edit button 

all the best people 

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Thanks for getting this up so fast mate :)


Going to love watching our 2 new purple ladies and I'm confident you'll do a stellar job  :yep:


I know @bazzo has had issues with purple Moby dick. His germinated but would not grow!


I know you've killed 5 off but can I ask,

did you experience any issue with PMD? 


Thanks again for getting your purple adventure up and running.


Needless to say I'll be along for the ride and watching with interest  :bong:


Good luck mate and I'll drop back in on the next update :)


All the best 



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hi @Dinafem-Mark thanks for the faith lol


there was one purple moby dick seed that dropped straight to the bottom of the shot glass an stayed there and was a doa but all the others have shown there heads so i will let you know if they continue ok but so far so good will need to give them at least another 48 hrs for a fair idea i ill let you know bud .

i wont be using these tiny pots to start in again as im too heavy handed when moving them and keeping them moist etc so i am gonna go back to decent size pots for the next run. 

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It’s great to see another Purple diary underway, shame about the ones that died. Good luck with the rest of them dude, I will be watching with interest.

Edited by Smokebelch
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@Dinafem-Mark the other two purple mobys have grown a bit so cant say there has been any particular fault with my seeds mate all in all thats 9/10 dinafem seeds including them i killed so happy with that as a ratio :)

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i decided the small pots were just another disaster waiting to happen with me in charge of them so i have put them in 10 cm pots lol 

still got all 5 alive and a nice bit of growth from the youngest purple moby dicks and all seem happy enough and have gotten over there abuse at the start ;)



purps #1 are the back 2

front 1 and 2 middle ones are the purple moby dicks

currently on 18 hrs under 100 watt blurple unit for a good few weeks before they go under the 400 

fed on ata root c at 2ml pl and will slowly introduce veg food over the coming couple of weeks :)

hope you all have a great bank holiday :)

should have some better pics in next few weeks as this is always the slow time in the first month from seed and we are about 2 weeks in 


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  • 2 weeks later...

Looking good so far brother and thanks for the feedback on germination  :yep:


Can't wait to see how these 2 new purple ladies perform  :bong:


Thanks as always for the diary update and added pictures very much appreciated!


Until next time :headbang:


All the best 



Edited by Dinafem-Mark
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another update to come in next few days bud just taken pics but had watered them so they dont look as happy as they will in a day or two so will wait and take more :)

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eeerm have had to stop this diary before it even got started properly was in bathroom this morning when i heard a diesel van pull up peeked out window and a couple of coppers got out and started heading down my path tbh i freaked the feck out grabbed the small ones and launched them into the neighbours garden from the upstairs window thinking i was getting raided. first thing i thought less plants = good. first grow ever officer look i even have the growers bible next to tent.

after the plants hit the deck and splattered over next doors patio i heard a knock at the door im now thinking wtf they havent used there big key so closed door to grow room and tried to look as normal as possible and opened it. the convo went a little like this :

hello your vehicle was involved in a accident last night and the driver ran off leaving the car.

sorry officer i sold that car a couple of weeks ago (i did aswell) i contacted dvla and told them online last week. 

yes we are aware but the details of the new owner are incorrect do you know who you sold it to?

nope some lad with dark hair, car was knacked he said he wanted a door off it and was scrapping it 

well its was used as a pool car and the details that he put on it were false he has hit a recovery van and ran off and you are still insured for it 

ok i will get that cancelled as i forgot 

are you sure you dont know who bought it 

nope never seen him before wasn`t paying any attention to what he looked like as the car was only worth £100 and his story was plausible.

ok well if you find anything out about him or any paperwork can you let us know 

yes no bother officer is there anything else i can help you with its just im running a bit late for my appointment 

nope thats it thankyou for your time 

fuck fuck fuck ive just launched 10 babies out of the window for fuck all best go sweep them up went to neighbours and collected 10 destroyed plants :(

but at least i didnt get raided :):).

morel of the story theres a couple 

1 dont sell a cheap car to a chav 

2 if you think your getting raided either do what i did and take the loss or dont and hope for best personally i would happily launch them again if cops were at the door ;)

3 always get a good quality fan and filter as it saved me from arrest today ;) 


sorry buddy but they wont grow back this time lol

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@doobie01 Sorry brother but better to take precautions and not be arrested. 


Seeds can be replaced  ;)


All the best 



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yep always thought i would have been like oh well there here and be cool and all only a few plants whats the harm

but in reality i nearly shat myself and opened door wide eyed with a nervous twitch going on.

last time i was at police station i was about 12 getting my pushbike postcoded lol 

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1 hour ago, doobie01 said:


last time i was at police station i was about 12 getting my pushbike postcoded lol 



I remember that well mate. Was yours done with letters and a hammer? Maybe late 80,s?


Postcode stamped on at local cop shop lol


Those were the days ;)


All the best 



Edited by Dinafem-Mark
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