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First of all I'd like to thank all the folks at Sweet Seeds, especially @Sweet Seeds-tommy for giving me the opportunity to try these fantastic strains. 


I'd originally requested them way back and explained in my Bubblegum thread this month that with the introduction of the Snoopers Charter I got cold feet about visiting herb forums let alone posting.  Here's praying that Vince's Fake News thread is true and it's all going to come crashing down for the powers that be and big pharma companies and their lap dog politcians are made to take their own evil products while we can develop real cures not just band aids and revenue generators curretly available. (guess who woke up a grumpy!)


I've grown the Cream Mandarine FV and the Blackjack FV previously but didn't document because of above.  So thought it about time to honour my side of the bargain about putting up a diary. 


It's not really a diary but a photo journal I suppose - whatever it is I hope you enjoy looking as much as i have

1) enjoyed growing - these strains are perfect for novices as they pretty much grow themselves

2) Smoking - I can't pick a favourite - the cream mandarine is rudest flavour (remember the tango man advert that did the kids so much hearing damage - like that to your tastebuds, like sucking on tangarines/mandarines.  The Blackjack blew away my DP White Widow for strength (my prervious go to for stupifying), tasted of spicy lemons.  The Green Poison is my maiden voyage so can't wait to experience myself what she'll bring to the table.


The Cream Mandarine is a cut who took root on 05 Dec and the Green Poison is a pip which showed above soil a week later.


They were vegged under all manner of "heath robinson" fleabay MR16 LED and various strength CFLs until I could get them under the main light.


Environment - 50cm x 80 cm x 220cm

Fans/Filter/Controller - TD 350 / 200x400 Rhino Pro/4 120mm PC case fans/ SMSCOM Mechanical Controller

Heating - 120W (2Ft) Tube heater wired up to a STC1000 thermostat

Compost - 1/4 from last grow/1/4 fresh worm casing/1/2 Jacks Magic

Pots - 0.5L/1.5L/3.5L/6L

Nutrients/Beneficials/Additives - Maxicrop Original/Maxicrop Take Root (replacing Hesi root stuff as it's half the price)/TNC  Calmag/Bio Silicon/Hesi Soil full line up following their schedule (except root stim)

Nutes = TNT or Bloom started at 1/4 strength working up to half strength,

Beneficials Additives = started at 1/4 working up to full strength as quickly as the ladies can handle

Lights - HLG 260W 3000K DIY Quantum

Lighting Shedule -  18/6 then a week of dropping an hour per day before switching to 12/12

Stretch - Cream Mandarine (this time roughly doubled 40 to 80 cm), Green Poison (same), Blackjack (can't remember the details but this lady got supermodel legs and took me unaware - reminds me of C99 in terms of how much)



I think that about covers everything all that's left is the photos;


Cream Mandarine FV


Cream Madarine above w16.JPG  Cream Madarine above w17.JPGCream Madarine above w18 FD05.JPG  Cream Madarine above w19 FD12.JPG  Cream Madarine above w20 FD19.JPGCream Mandarine w21 FD26.JPG

Cream Madarine side w16.JPG  Cream Madarine side w17.JPGCream Madarine side w18 FD05.JPG  Cream Madarine side w19 FD12.JPGCream Madarine side w20 FD19.JPGCream Mandarine w21 FD26.JPG

Green Poison FV

Green Poison above w15.JPGGreen Poison above w16.JPGGreen Poison above w 17 FD05.JPGGreen Poison above w18 FD12.JPG  Green Poison above w19 FD19.JPG  Green Poison above w20 FD26.JPG

Green Poison side w15.JPG  Green Poison side w16.JPGGreen Poison Side w17 FD05.JPGGreen Poison side w18 FD12.JPGGreen Poison side w19 FD19.JPG  Green Poison side w20 FD26.JPG

Green Poison bud w20 FD26.JPG


Bonus BlackJack FV photos forgot they were in my gallery - not very good mind but ahhhhhhhh the memories :)


Sweet Blackjack FV


Bonus Cream Mandarine FV photos from first run

Sweet CMSweet Cream Mandarine FV


So thank you all for looking and again I can't thank Sweet Seeds enough - hopefully it'll do me some good for any future considerations


All the best


ETA - not enough caffeine in  my system - usual fandangoness - sp/gr/repeating myself








Edited by Teeth
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Wow man, what a nice post!


Thanks for sharing, I'll keep passing by ;)


Sweet smokes


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@Sweet Seeds -Jaypp, @Sweet Seeds-tommy and anyone else who visits,


Flower Day 33 (week 5)


Sorry I've got a couple of other updates to do too so will keep it short and sweet (no pun intended).


Bar - Hesi Bloom (Up to 3/4 strength)/Powerzyme (full strength)/ Supervit (full strength)/ Hesi Phosphorus Plus (1/2 strength)/ TNC Calmag (3/4 strength)/ Hesi Boost (full strength) every water.

Disco - has been a constant 260W @ 50/60 cm from canopy


I'll start with a shot of them both together.


Sweet Fast Vixens (FV) FD33.JPG


Cream Mandarine - this lass is bullet proof


Cream Mandarine above w22 FD33.JPG  Cream Mandarine side w22 FD33.JPG


Cream Mandarine bud w22 FD33.JPG


Green Poison - one of the colas (second tallest) pistils started oranging last week with the rest staying cream, it's worried me no end that there's some bad reason for it.  I've been checking every day for na*as (don't mention the word in this thread until  she's done please) or even dreaded rot of sort as I had stem rot in a previous grow -so far so good, I think it's really because she's jealous of her cousin and my admiring glances and just  trying to get more of my dulcet tones (here's hoping at least)


Green Poison FV side21 FD33.JPG  Green Poison FV above w21 FD33.JPG


Green Poison FV buds w21 FD33.JPG


Thanks for looking






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Good to see you @MrGreens and cheers for popping in - had been wondering if you were still about - hope all's rosy in your neck of the woods.  Disappointed though - SKIN UP MAN you should know better ;)



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Nice one mate, you're doing a very fine job on your plants ;)

Thanks for posting!




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Thanks very much for the complement @Sweet Seeds -Jaypp - I've admired your photos/grows from afar for a good few years now so it does raise a big smile for me.


Having a mare with uploading photos but think the Sweet ones got through before it started playing silly beggars.


There's no change to lighting or feed strength, I'd cleared out some of the big fans to try to allow more light in. 


Pondering dropping the light cycle  by half an hour and the wattage by 20W at the end of this week as they're both advertised as finishing week 6 (GP) and 7 (CM) although I took the CM last round to day 70 -hoping the cut will live up to reading and finish quicker than it's mum as jars are depressingly empty! 


As usual loup/trics will be final say, at present I reckon they've got at least a couple of weeks going on the amount of cream pistils.  When I reckon they're ready I go on to a weeks countdown of plain water.


Flowering Day 40


Cream Mandarine

Cream Mandarine above w23 FD40.JPG  Cream Mandarine w23 FD40.JPG


Cream Mandarine buds w23 FD40.JPG


Green Poison


Green Poison above w22 FD40.JPGGreen Poison side w22 FD40.JPG


Green Poison buds w22 FD40.JPG


Thanks for looking


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morning teeth. there looking bang on. my mate runs a cut of green poison and its just like cheese tasting with a mad sour perfuimy smell in there, has double serrated leafs too, just like your g/p fast version. 

is your g/p smelling cheesy at all mate ? 

i have some cream manderin f/v to try in my stash. il keep looking in on your diary mate. 

all the best for the rest of flower. :yinyang:

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Morning @smokie1 b c f c,


I've not really noticed any smells from the Sweet ladies that I recognise, the C99 is wafting her gorgeous goodness over and above everything else. 


Don't get me wrong they both have "good weed" smells when I've taken them out and removed leaves but you have to get up close, little bit of rubbing on stem is needed - then again my cigarette intake has double since emptying jars and my nose is choked.


Cheers for the good wishes - this is where it's becoming like mission impossible to leave them and not snip a couple of testers for medicinal purposes. 


That reminded me of last round of the mandarine - I'm hoping it was my inexperience but I would describe her as a "headstash" because she was my lowest yeilder - I don't think I filled the roots properly so was tempted to not say anything but its around this time I start making guesses in my head thinking "man you did better before" but it always takes me by surprise how far out my guess and actual figures are. 


The last round my best was Blackjack FV and I'd kind of hoped the cuts was her, but she turned out to be Cream Mandarine.  The Blackjack is very similar in growth pattern to the C99 which I reckon is down to the Jack Herer in both their mixes.


Last time I had 4 6litre pots and 2 3.5litre pots and dont' remember them filling up the space as much as this time with 3 6litres and 2 3.5litres.  At present the cookies gal is looking like she'll be the "headstash" amount but I kind of figured that because she's just so slow (back to memories of bubba kush).


What will be will be eh.  I can't help wondering about cutting plant numbers in half to  say 3 x 10L pots instead of being so greedy with 5 or 6 pots -I seem to build

tolerance too quickly though, that's why I went with a multistrain.


Take care and all the best

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yep i always run a multistrain grow in my dr120 tent, i use a 600w hps. and get some little bushys in there, i have 10 plants in this time. last time i had 16. lol 

ive only just run out of smoke from the 16 plant grow i did for crimbo. 

your bubblegum looks the part by the way, i cant remember if i posted in your bubblegum thread.

im smoking some early harvested blueberry x malawi. it has to be done if jars are empty. take a branch early dude, i hate not having a smoke, life rolls by good when stoned. 



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Again cheers for the feedback, I'd still do a multi strain, except I'm wondering about cutting it down to 3 instead of 5 or six, 3 x10L or maybe just do 6 x 3.5L as it would take less time to fill pots, I suppose I'll see at the end with how many jars I fill and take it from there. 


I'm getting a bit excited about the bubblegum, getting quite excited about all of them really, but the bg got topped to give me more colas and it looks to be paying off.


When I cut the inner leaves off last week I snapped a couple of the lowers buds of the cookies so instead of risking stem rot I hacked them off and dried rapid, she lives up to her parentage - sticky as and although no position to comment about flavour/smell she packs a punch.



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Seriously @botanics, you are one of the posters I try to emulate so I'm chuffed to bits with  your comment on this lovely sunny day too. 


I seem to have kicked this looming black dog fecker out the house and into the garden - so apologies to anyone who's picked up on it over the last series  of updates.  It's amazing how seeing things come to life outside in the garden can have an almost miraculous effect on my psyche.  Not to  mention only a couple of weeks left til chop chop - :band:


While I have your attention what's your take on my floor space and pot sizes - all advice/feedback welcomed - go with 3 x 6L with 8 tops or 6 x 3.5L and 4 tops (0.5 x 0.9 footprint)?


Take care & all the best

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