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Ice Cool Auto Flowering Times


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Has anyone else experienced longer than average flowering times with this strain? Im on week 9 and im usually getting ready to crop by week 10/ 70days but these look like they need another 4 weeks if not more.


I know they're 50/50 indica/sativa slightly edging more towards sativa which i know generally takes a fair bit longer to flower. Could this be a contributing factor?


Just wondering as my current stash in getting really low so i might have to go cold turkey. :mellow:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Linch!


They usually don't take so long. Although nature is sometimes unpredictable and these things may happen as an exception. But it is not usual at all.


Are you sure it is autoflowering? I ask because we also have Ice Cool® in photoperiod-dependent version and it could be a mistake in the shop that sold you the seeds (it happened before).


Do you keep the package? Can you share a photo of the package?


And, if possible, a photo from the plant, please. Let us know and we'll take it from there.


Kind regards,



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Hi Tommy.


Thanks for the reply, this is starting to make sense now. Ive dug out my seed packet and they're photoperiod plants lol. I checked my order history directly from you guys and i ordered autos.


ill get some pictures up in a bit once i figure out how to haha.


Any advice on what to do with them now? I'm surprised I've got this far lol the plants are the biggest I've ever grown and weren't showing signs of slowing down or flowering. They've been on 24/24 since the start lol. I've just switched them to 12/12 but i fear I'm going to run out of head height.

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  • 2 weeks later...

9 days into 12/12 they're looking really good but I've run out of head height so i think there will be some burning going on at some point. slow going. 


Its given me the courage to have another look at doing photos again. But ill do fast versions because this is too slow lol hopefully it will be worth it.

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