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Bubba Kush Vert/Coco/hps/cmh


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I have meaning to get this thread up for a while. 

I chose Bubba Kush and Moby Dick originally but due to issues with germing the mobys and just a bit of bad luck the Bubba Kush is a few months ahead now so I am dedicating this thread to Bubba Kush all by her lonesome. 

Back in September last year 2017 I received the seeds , many thanks to Mark and The Dinafem crew for the chance to grow out what is always first class genetics. 




I like to soak them in water for 24 hours till I see the shells split. 




The nearest big seedling or the middle one, is Bubba. 



Here she is the 1 seedling that I need . 



A few weeks later , them fat Bubba leaves are showing through.



Not yet potted up from her 1 l seed pot. 



I was quite shocked to see in a week that she stretched massively. Not what Bubba was supposed to do I thought. 



So a topping was required to promote me a bit of bushing. Now that is a major topping lol. 



Looks harsh I know. 



Not much left but I knew this topping would force the plant to put out new shoots. My space is only a meter tall so I need ball bushiness , not vertical growth . 



A week later the recovery starts. 



To help it put out multi tips, I then crush out the stems. 



Here she is looking much better and back with those lovely fat leathery looking indica leaves. 



And now we have a few more heads on the plant. 

A little bit more bushy. 



Again all growing tips pinched out. 



Here she is just tucked on the inside of the door. 



Then as if by magic a new grow room had been built in the background in my loft . 

Around double the size of the garage room with the same sort of headroom. 

No more scrogging , I hope to grow more tree type plants , just a bit of training with a handful of yo yos for each plants. 

On the right is the Bubba Kush , along with the Mohan Ram on the left.

These are the only 2 seed plants that have come from the garage. The rest is clones and new seedlings. 




Being a bit bigger and going through a very cold spell , I'm vegging with a 400w hps now .

You se the cage , bulb holder I made that will accommodate a 315cmh to join the party when I get to flowering. 

I'm gonna grow 9 plants and train them into every inch of the slanted roof, using yo yos. 



At the moment she is being handwatered daily , But soon I will automate the feedings and pump into that white pipe and through a 2mm hole over the 9 plant positions. 

First I will test it with 2 holes drilled for the 2 big plants. 



I have a good 2 months before I'm gonna flower this room , so plenty of time for training this girl. 



I knew that some more topping was gonna be in order so that I could try and get some kind of evenness to the canopy once my clones start kicking off. 

I want her to be up their with her back right on the wall and up the ceiling . All growing towards the bulb come flowering time . 



Massive difference in size from the new clones and the Seed Bubba Kush. 



So out came the scissors and a bloody good haircut was in order. 



Slightly smaller after topping, I'm after the ball / bush look.



She has that power growing feel to her. 

The indica leaves are key to its strong growth. 



Much nicer temps indoors now under the 400w sunmaster. You can see her start to enjoy the light, considering she has had 250w mh all her life. 



Now I have her position , I must train her to fit the desired space. 

I want her to spread out on the back wall/corner and creep upwards but mainly bush outwards towards the light . I'm gonna do far less work than scrogging on a screen I hope. 



Obviously in a vert , the back of the plant doesn't get much light and growth aint needed there , so its chopped off. You see the plant is turned sideways. 



And the other way , but you get the picture . 



And back to the front again. 



The recovery starts with new shoots. Bring em on , each one will be a new cola. I want it like a medusas head of colas. 



A perfect plant for my room I feel as she has very little stretch and grows strong. 

She reacts very well to topping and training and recovers quickly, look at the new shoots coming through. 



Starting to develop a bit of a bush look . I can see her filling up that corner nicely. 



Now you can see the results of multiple topping and supercropping. 

Now I have got the yo yos out and have them on the pot, pulling shit down and trying to open up the plant a bit. 



Ive got bits of it pulled down like a step , just to expose more of the inner plant to the light .

Also to train the plant where I want it to be in a few months. 



A bit closer and you see the whole plant is responding to being pulled apart. 



From this angle you can see what I'm trying to do, sort of train it sideways a bit , to spread it out in its space. 



I will expect to see lots of new growth spring from the centre of the plant now. 

She was potted up from 3.5l to 6.5l about a week ago and is still rooting out her pot.

Now I have a bit more space I am going to up the pot size to an 11l finishing pot in coco.

I figure I can train these over a few months and root out the larger pots and end up with more yield.  



She really is a beautiful specimen . I love these squat indica types, and the rate they grow. Very Bubba Kush looking I think. Picture of health from the start. Good strong growth from day 1. 

That's it thread rockin and rollin. 

She has a couple of months of veg and training ahead of her before I flower her and believe me by then I think she is gonna be Big. 

Nice way to Christen a new room with a classic Bubba Kush. 

Over and out for a week now. 



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Cracking start ZZ,


I always wondered how you and other vertical growers manage to get the plants to perform how you want. You make it look easy.  Plants are looking lush.


Will be lurking from afar 


mmmmmmmm Bubba Kush :skin_up:



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Lovely start @zztopbudz :yep:


You certainly deserve a break from all that vertical growing, that looks like pure effort from start to finish,

Take it easy.Jj:yinyang:

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As you know I love seeing how our strains fair in the vertical environment and so far our bubba kush looks perfect for this style of growing  :)


Very vigorous growth and the training has produced one nicely structured plant ready for the vertical challenges ahead :)


What a great start to a diary with a very detailed start filled with info and pictures :)


As you know I love a vertical adventure so I'll most definitely be along for the ride and watching with interest mate  :)


Off to a flying start  :yep:


All the best 



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  • 2 weeks later...
On ‎19‎/‎03‎/‎2018 at 3:00 PM, Dinafem-Mark said:

As you know I love seeing how our strains fair in the vertical environment and so far our bubba kush looks perfect for this style of growing  :)


Very vigorous growth and the training has produced one nicely structured plant ready for the vertical challenges ahead :)


What a great start to a diary with a very detailed start filled with info and pictures :)


As you know I love a vertical adventure so I'll most definitely be along for the ride and watching with interest mate  :)


Off to a flying start  :yep:


All the best 




Cheers Mark I think this plant is gonna be a textbook beauty. 

What a rate of growth she has. 


On ‎19‎/‎03‎/‎2018 at 1:52 PM, Jibba jabba said:

Lovely start @zztopbudz :yep:


You certainly deserve a break from all that vertical growing, that looks like pure effort from start to finish,

Take it easy.Jj:yinyang:


Thanks mate. Its still vertical , did you mean the scrogging around the screen? If so yes I agree , hopefully this is far less work with the odd branch adjustment here and there to gently guide them to grow how I want them. 


On ‎19‎/‎03‎/‎2018 at 1:39 PM, sroporilshoot said:

I like how you've spread the plant out mate...it's gonna be a monster.  :yep:


Cheers my friend, yep an excellent plant to test out the limits of my space. She will yield really well I think , lush grower. Also I want her to fill her exact space completely . 


On ‎19‎/‎03‎/‎2018 at 1:51 PM, Teeth said:

Cracking start ZZ,


I always wondered how you and other vertical growers manage to get the plants to perform how you want. You make it look easy.  Plants are looking lush.


Will be lurking from afar 


mmmmmmmm Bubba Kush :skin_up:




Cheers and welcome. It aint hard once you drop in a vertical light the plants just wanna grow sideways more than they want to grow up . Its easy to train the branches back on to the wall and then they will bush out towards it again and so on. 


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Yes mate, that's the one:yep:


Absolutely love your vertical growing, I must have confused myself, not a difficult task:rofl:


I would love to do one but I don't think it would work as well with a panel instead of a bulb, but who knows, take care. Jj:yinyang:

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So here she is after another week of sitting next to the 400 at this height to really promote sideways bushing. The plant is so naturally bushy anyway that I havnt had to do any supercropping yet as she is becoming a bush all by herself. 




The Bubba on the right I think has fully rooted out her new pot now in about 10 days. Growth is pretty rapid now and still I'm only hand watering . She's getting big fast lol.  



Close up you can see all the new growth that opening the plant up has created. 



Ive started to pull her back towards that back wall where I want her mainly. The space in the corner and right next to her will be for another plant when they catch up. 



She is growing from the top and also sideways. I may well pot her up in a week or so to my new massive looking 11l finals in coco. I think she will explode when I switch on the multiple feeds on auto. 



These were from the weekend and in a few days I will show you how she has done with another 7 days under her belt. 

A pleasure to grow, really strong healthy genetics provide rapid strong growth. 

She is a beauty.

more to come from Bubba 


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3 minutes ago, Jibba jabba said:

Yes mate, that's the one:yep:


Absolutely love your vertical growing, I must have confused myself, not a difficult task:rofl:


I would love to do one but I don't think it would work as well with a panel instead of a bulb, but who knows, take care. Jj:yinyang:


Cheers bro, yeh I would love to have a fiddle with some led but I too cant figure out how to grow around a panel like you can with a bulb. 

Anyway I'm lovin the space and so is the Bubba Kush 


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Feckin trees i tells ya-


check the size of the bastard pots tee he are they in the 11litre pots in the last of the attic shots before the last 5 plant pics? (what size are they?)


I have  Bubba envy


Keep up the good work ZZ

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13 hours ago, Teeth said:

Feckin trees i tells ya-


check the size of the bastard pots tee he are they in the 11litre pots in the last of the attic shots before the last 5 plant pics? (what size are they?)


I have  Bubba envy


Keep up the good work ZZ

Cheers Teeth

Yes the 2 big ones Bubba and Mohan Ram are in 6.5 l in them pics but they I have just potted them up into 11 l yesterday as they had rooted out the 6.5s. Ive never used and 11 l pot with coco and boy do they look huge lol. 

Yes trees is the plan lol

I think the bubba is gonna make up a considerable amount of my harvest as I have to flower in around a month and I have nothing that is anywhere near the two big ones. 

She really is a beautiful looking plant. 


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Morning all

As promised another 7 days and the centre I exposed has filled out lovely. 




Growth has been really good all over generally. 



I suspected that she had rooted out her pot as the growth rate had jumped up. 



She looks very much like a bush and I cant wait to see how she flowers. 



After this pic I whipped off the put and could see that it had rooted it out nicely so I got the potting up out of the way and put them both in the new 11 litres as I said. 




Now she hasn't got to be moved anymore after the pot up its all about training her onto that back wall so she fits herself into the space perfectly. 

till next week 


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Super explosive growth being shown mate  :)


Very vigorous and growing at a rapid pace :)


It's going to be very interesting to see how the new purple ladies do in the vertical environment  :)


I'm just about to re-request them my friend  :)


Things really are looking in tip top shape mate and as always thank you for taking the time to update your diary and for the added pictures very much appreciated!


All the best 



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Cheers Mark

I look forward to them purple ones dropping as once again the original Moby is growing like fuck and a big gap is developing. Ill probably flower both Moby's I have and clone the best of them to run with the purples in the other room.

Anyway enough of that and more of this, Bubba Kush .

Here is a room shot and you can see the Bubba on the right is still smashing it. 




She has rooted out her new pot I think and is growing rapidly . Ive been giving her 1 minute a day auto feed as I'm not quite finished with the system. Soon I will be watering twice a day on a timer and then she will really go mad. 



All that lovely new sideways growth , plus plenty at the top. 



Plenty of new shoots all around the centre of the bush. 



The right side of her is filling the corner nicely . 



The tape is there because I slightly broke a branch down there trying to pull it too hard and I taped up the wound. Ive seen no damage for around a week so I presume it healed. 



The positions here are set and in the middle at the moment is my fastest of the two Moby Dicks. 

She is a rapid grower and is potting up real quick. I think she will do well to fill that middle slot. 



I cant wait to see this Bubba Flower , Heavy with bud I reckon. 



That's it for a week , simply a pleasure to grow she is so easy. 

Pure power Grower. 


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She's certainly one vigorous growing plant mate :)


Really impressed at the growth from this strain and it will be very cool to see how purple Moby dick fairs compared to the original :)


Seeds should be with you this coming week brother then we can get them into a vertical adventure  :bong:


Thanks for the vertical update mate things look great  :yep:


All the best 



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