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cannabis and depression/psychosis shrink

Bustin Jieber

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In my experience, nothing has ever been postive after disscussing cannabis with my doctors and once they knew it, all issues where being related back to it.


There was once a pyschiatrist who was actually quite postitive to my choosen meds and even went above and beyond to provide some helpful advice regarding cannabis.


I did attended some mindfullness course a few years back and learned some very basic stuff like grounding yourself. 


I honestly can't believe they dont teach that shit while at school.


Hope things are looking up for you.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm just getting over a nervous breakdown brought on (i think) by stress and over working for the past few years. I've had dozens of antidepressants and pain killers prescribed to me by my doctor to 'keep me working'. At the time I needed instant relief from anxiety and panic attacks that were resulting in manic episodes. I started using cannabis to counter act those moments but sometimes it exasperated things. I now microdose about 0.3g throughout the day and sometimes increase the dose with an indica in the evening. One thing I have found is that its a balancing act between hitting that pain relief and relaxation , whilst staying functional and without triggering anxiety or paranoia. I've regretted being honest with doctors in the past.

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I believe that the balancing act you are seeking is the balance of cannabiods.....THC/CBD's and its interaction with other prescription medication is not a well studied.

Whilst THC can effect mood no doubt and can cause the the racy paranoia feeling I cant help feeling its legality has some part to play in this as well.

CBD can balance the head and effects .....taking away the anxiety and paranoia....Try smoking a real high THC strain then a high CBD one..it kills the high in an instant.


My point I suppose is that being a constant 'criminal' growing personal medicine when your not great with stress and uncomfortable with the thought of being a criminal/prison/arrest is going to make the most balanced person feel manic in no time at all.


A more balanced weed is needed rather than super high in anything......prescription medication creates customers not cures people generally.


I dont ask my doctor anything anymore....I tell him what I need and he offers his opinion which I respect.


I am really struggling with depression and anxiety since my chemotherapy.....I have taken every anti depressant under the sun....they do nothing but mask the problem and make me an aggressive arsehole.

Cannabis helps me to see the truth of things and I deal with my concerns.


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  • 5 weeks later...

yeh, cannabis has for sure made me a whole lot more thoughful, also i realise there are a load of arsholes out there who should be on cannabis for the good of the rest of us.

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31 minutes ago, bazil brush said:

yeh, cannabis has for sure made me a whole lot more thoughful, also i realise there are a load of arsholes out there who should be on cannabis for the good of the rest of us.


This beautiful plant has provided us with a medicine so good we smoke it for the side effects.


Get away from the racy sativa s for a bit and grow a milder one.


We all have our mental health issues bro.....Im a mess since the Chemo.....its a cage you just cant seem to find the way out of sometimes.


Stay strong bro, stay focused and never forget there are good people here to help and have the similar experiences.


Fuck the haters.....dont let them drain your energy bro....hating just takes energy they dont deserve.



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