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cannabis and depression/psychosis shrink

Bustin Jieber

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hi guys, im not very well at the moment, had to knock growing on the head again as it causes anxiety, i got the shrink again soon, i need to go armed with all the info i can that cannabis does not cause psychosis and is good for depression/function, ok i get that indica doesnt help my function so much but some sativas seem to really help(the indica helps but i just cant move when i use too much) i have disordered eating as well and the munchies are the sole reason i am still here tyipng this out to you. i want to ask him to off label sativex for me(its the best i can get at the moment) i already know the answer, thing is i want to make clear cannabis is healthy for the brain whereas the drugs he wants me to take are not and cause brain damage(tardive diskenesia).


anyone help?

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I don't think you will change anybodies mind in such a way that results in a prescription, i'd imagine they are very careful and probably taught not to be swayed by a patients opinion to defer from their own. 


For sure ask and you bringing some information about it working on similar cases might help but it sounds like you're preparing for battle, also what kind of eating disorder? Eating too little or too much? Because personally cannabis made me gain weight initially but lose it overtime, if I ever quit or cutdown on canna (night-time use only) my appetite does go up, so maybe stay open minded 



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too little, i eat too little, it sucks, i think ill be fine, im so disordered right now, i dont know how pot makes me more ordered but it does seem to, i do overuse it though, it makes me feel good, maybe i need to learn how to medicate.

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somehow my mental wont allow me go see my doctor, I get through whatever life throws at me and no matter how heavy life becomes I get through it using only cannabis, I became stronger as I aged so it worked for me.

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11 minutes ago, bazil brush said:

too little, i eat too little, it sucks, i think ill be fine, im so disordered right now, i dont know how pot makes me more ordered but it does seem to, i do overuse it though, it makes me feel good, maybe i need to learn how to medicate.


I have a similar problem and feel it's anxiety caused, one thing I would recommend is some kind of resistance training. Either some freeweight/bodyweight exercises (can be done at home with little/no equipment) or if you're new to the gym scene the resistance machines are good. It really stimulates my appetite and helps me put on healthy weight, I drink tonnes of milk to help with my weight too, 1 litre has 640 calories, protein, healthy fats, cheap, easy to stomach for me. If you ever want some workout/diet advice PM me, i've done some basic personal training qualifications so know a little bit 

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Yes learn to medicate. Accept the fact getting high release the same hormones anything "normal" thing that makes one happy. So it is induced synthetic happiness. I recently had to stop for a month due to legal issue, but after giving myself a concussion from a nightmare, i decided i would risk 1 vape session. The high lasted just that 1 night, but the medical effects lasted about 5 full days. Nightmares have ended, and outlook on life being good returned. Ive stopped a few times in life, but this last time really felt like the closest i ever felt to my first time smoking. Truly, care free. 


I would think the medical effects would help you eat the day you smoke, and for another day or two. If you eat to little, maybe take on a hippy view. I know a vegan body builder who eats no meats, and is very smart about food, health, and personal training. Everything thing body needs, can be gotten from a plant. We eat, what...like 4 to 6 kinds of meats? And there are how many kinds of vegitalbes? hundreds? 


Best of luck medicating to you. I'm not a doctor person either, for this very reason. Group support, and self determination are better. If your insurance pays, well at least you dont have a fiscal burden.

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15 hours ago, bazil brush said:

hi guys, im not very well at the moment, had to knock growing on the head again as it causes anxiety, i got the shrink again soon, i need to go armed with all the info i can that cannabis does not cause psychosis and is good for depression/function, ok i get that indica doesnt help my function so much but some sativas seem to really help(the indica helps but i just cant move when i use too much) i have disordered eating as well and the munchies are the sole reason i am still here tyipng this out to you. i want to ask him to off label sativex for me(its the best i can get at the moment) i already know the answer, thing is i want to make clear cannabis is healthy for the brain whereas the drugs he wants me to take are not and cause brain damage(tardive diskenesia).


anyone help?




I'm in a similar situation, i struggle with anxiety and depression. I'm currently taking an organic tincture St John's wort at 2ml twice a day for depression. I had been taking fluoxetine then sertraline and after developing Restless legs syndrome (RLS) which i believe was caused by sertraline i also descovered i could get cancer from the so called medicine. I stopped poisoning myself with unnatural man made synthetic chemicals also know as prescription drugs and researched the subject as i suggest you do. In my first hand experiance Doctors are bloody morons, they share very little to no knowledge of natural medicines (real medicine) and are the same about food nutrition. They have been brainwashed into becoming legal drug dealers pushing unnatual synthetic chemicals while earning a big fat pay check for themselfs and huge profits for big pharma.


Long story short, it woke me up and i now try to do my best at growing my own food, medicines and cosmetics. The truth is most food, drink, cosmetics and even medicine is unatural and toxic. It is by design, for profit and for control. Why do they normally include ingredients that affect your pineal gland?


God Bless



prescription drugs are poison.JPG


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My first 2 weeks on sertraline was a living nightmare. Never been so fucked up and depressed in my life for those 2 weeks. Doctor did warn me things would get worse quick taking them but said once they start working all will calm down again. Fair enough it did. Im  still on them but can never see me getting off them. Weed is not always the answer, nor is pills. What may work for one person can be the next persons nightmare.

Can't see the doc giving you sativex as they can't prescribe for mental health issues.

Councling may well help. either way I wish you the best of luck and recovery.

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7 hours ago, bazil brush said:

jesus, what foods affect the pineal gland?


There are many causes of brain calcification. Most of us who know about the pineal gland have heard that the fluoride in our drinking water is dangerous. But there are also many other culprits of brain calcification. These include:

  • Pesticides and herbicides. All sorts of chemicals can be found in the vegetables and meat that you buy from the supermarket.
  • Calcium. Excessive calcium (such as from drinking milk) can cause the substance to build up in your system.
  • Mercury. This type of metal can be found in primarily in seafood such as fish, prawns, tuna and shrimp.
  • Halides. This is a class of minerals that encompasses chlorine, bromide and of course, fluoride. Halides can often be found in toothpaste, dental products and tap water.
  • Other toxins such as sugar, artificial sweeteners, air refreshers, deodorants, etc. and anything that isn’t found in nature.


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I find it cures my anxiety and depression as long as I’m stoned. But If i smoke to much I feel worse in the day. It’s all about trying to find your level. To much of any medicine will do you harm. 

Edited by VikingDee
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Hi @bazil brush, sorry to hear of your current problems, I also suffer a lot with anxiety and panic.  It's not a nice place to be when your favourite thing in life seems to be making your head worse.  

When going through an episode I usually microdose just so I can eat as my stomach cramps up a lot preventing me from eating and going to the toilet,microdosing also stops me dreaming which is good as my dreams aren't very nice when going through the bad.


I do find whatever mood I'm in prior to getting stoned is what mood I will be after but much greater.  For me I'm a lot worse at night and now stop partaking round 7pm which somehow gives me a better nights sleep.

Do you drink much alcohol or smoke tobacco? Do you fill your days? How do you sleep?  


A fellow member suggested an app  called headspace which is good if your in the right place, it helped me once I had my head under control and still does.


Im currently on no meds and feel as good mentally as I have for a long time, it's all about how much sleep and the quality for me.


I do hope you feel better soon and find some calm in yourself.



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@golf.007 yeh man, smoke and drink, im trying to quit the drink first. i go to bed when i feel rough so that can mess my routine ,i got some tunes going to lift me up and im going to try to tidy.

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@bazil brush i have bi-polar and weed definitely helps me to switch my mind off (plus all the meds) it's the only time I can have some sort of mental stability  .


Whenever I see my psychologist or psychiatrist they question me about my cannabis use  (shows up on the blood tests if you get sectioned)


No matter how many times I explain that it helps not hinders my mental health they just don't want to know and are try to convince me to have a break .


No chance of that happening , I don't drink or smoke tobacco so imo your wasting your breath trying to explain to them , 

They seem precondition as has been said to bat away any pro argument you may have. 


Getting and asking for help in the first place is the most important step :yinyang:

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theres a couple more in the same thread :stoned: 


have you got granny storm crows list.?


if not i highly recommend it..

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