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Remo Chemo in DWC


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You were right @badbillybob and @Crentz (this is why I am soooooo glad of your help - having fellow DWC growers on board is priceless)


The PH this morning was 4.4  :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:EC stayed steady.....it was 6PH when I left it last night.


They just cant take the 1.4EC.....I must have upped the DO levels to the point where they just don't need that much food...there still dropping the res lovely but I know whats coming if I dont sort this quick.


Gonna asses wether I can get away with another snap water change today or just drain the system a little and top up....Id prefer the complete change.

(reset the PH to 5.8 for the moment while I decide)


Much love to you and yours 




Edited by zen-ken
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PM A+B 0.6ml/litre

PM PK 9-18 0.3ml\litre


And thats all there getting this time.







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Glad you at least know what was causing the problems now mate:yep:

I usually do a res change on a Sunday but didn't get round to it until yesterday this week:mellow:

This is what they got on day 44 of flower. 

Per 17 litres of RO water in each bucket. 

13ml Micro 

25ml Bloom 

8ml PK13/14

10ml Diamond Nectar 

10ml b52

7ml URB Natural 

3 drops super thrive 


EC 1.3

Ph 5.9


This mix brought me just over 1.3 EC:yes:



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Just now, Crentz said:

Glad you at least know what was causing the problems now mate:yep:

I usually do a res change on a Sunday but didn't get round to it until yesterday this week:mellow:

This is what they got on day 44 of flower. 

Per 17 litres of RO water in each bucket. 

13ml Micro 

25ml Bloom 

8ml PK13/14

10ml Diamond Nectar 

10ml b52

7ml URB Natural 

3 drops super thrive 


EC 1.3

Ph 5.9


This mix brought me just over 1.3 EC:yes:





The super thrive - I was always told not to use this in flower cause it causes the flowers to go funny - is this another piece of false information I have picked up from somewhere on my travels ?

I know its prime function is a root beneficial......I should stop listening to grow shop owners lollol and should have come back to fold sooner.

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@Crentz sorry man but you have started me off now......man craves the knowledge :yep:


The Diamond nectar.....I cant use this as its organic and I use a little H2O2 in the top up res ???????


is that correct ?? these bloody diazepam and tamazpam.......I just cant think straight anymore....harvest time cannot come quick enough so I can fuck these Benzo's off.


Found a fantastic place to get organic, chakra alined CBD oil yesterday....started the misses off on it .


Man treats his hemp like I treat me weed :yep:


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@zen-ken now your teaching me something mate, never knew super thrive slows down the flowering process. 

Apparently ornamental flower growers use it to slow down flowering, this would explain why my last crop wouldn't finish up on time:D

As for the diamond nectar with H2O2 I've no idea if you can mix humic acids with H2O2 man, but I thought H2O2 just killed off beneficial bacteria but maybe I'm wrong on that;)

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its a never ending learning process, I too find new stuff out every grow. that's why I love it so much 

I used to use superthrive, but it caused issues with the bud, and its organic to boot.

I also never noticed any difference not using it. 

I don't do organics in my rdwc at all, and all my nutrients are closely checked to make sure there are none in there, as they invariably cause me problems, so I just avoid them.

Honestly, I don't know why people over complicate feed schedules with all these addiditives, (90% of which make zero difference in my opinion)  all you need are grow, bloom, silicone and pk.

I used to buy all the latest stuff, boosters, beneficials, tonics blah blah  etc etc, but they simply are not worth the money or the fuck ups


I have NEVER had any root issues since ditching the organics, I swear.

Edited by badbillybob
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Well......I went in to kens den.....I could here a faint sound......


ken....ken.....ken.....mmmmm strange thinks I....I listen some more......ken.....ken....you know you want me.....Im a filthy whore and you want me dont you....


sorry boys....I gave in to her......added a little cal mag (not much...honest)......she just wouldn't leave me alone.....she kept reminding me of HGK fuck up and I folded like a piece of paper.



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@zen-ken Gutted I missed this one from the off. Only got back on the site maybe 2-3 weeks back, but will follow along if its cool. Looking smart atm, all the stuff I have seen reading through is the norm with hydro. I've heard folks say hydro is easier than soil once you get right with EC and PH, this isn't true because they are forever fluctuating so have to keep checking and adjusting regular.


Biggest piece of advice I can give with what little hydro experience I do have is when in flower keep your equipment well maintained, more specifically calibrate you PH meter weekly at most. 


But crop is looking good. With a bit TLC and some serious OCD you should get a fair yield in here I think.


@badbillybob  fully agree with the organics. They do not belong anywhere near a hydro system of any kind IMO. It has just never seemed right having organic nutrients suspended in a nice clean sterile water environment. I tried Rhizotonic early on in RDWC and it made little difference. But 24 hours after mixing in it separated from the water, something the bottle hinted at as being impossible as it is supposedly usable with hydro. It made a right mess and took about 4 or 5 refill and empty's to clean out.


A rule I follow now. If its brown it does not go near my RDWC. Clear liquids made strictly for hydro only.




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stealthy water change complete......just banging the stereo out to cover the noise.....the neighbours in his 20's so he doesnt mind.


The E.C and PH dance has begun.....AGAIN...lollollollol


Im gonna need more PK 9-18 now and why I threw out my shooting powder :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:could have used that up on the last week....never mind (was just so pissed about what happened last time I binned everything....the rest was compromised but the shooting powder would have still been good).

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@GreenVision I am very grateful to have you along bro and thank you for joining me.


With my meds robbing my mind you guys are saving my arse on a regular basis :yep: :kiss: :yep:


This grow will get to the end because of all of your help......I love you for that....man really needs this to keep going....I can get BHO at a stupidly good price TBF but I just cant afford it in the quantities I need.

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I prefer my smoke true to nature myself mate, but a small portion of the KillerSkunk from my last RDWC grow went to a professional with extracts to make me a little as he has the equipment to make and smoke it. Was very hardcore, I don't know if it was his skills of the buds being under the CMH HPS de mix but it was next level. Very nice.

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